NCAA Hoops 2007-2008

Started by primushead, Oct 26, 2007, 11:20 AM

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bowl of soup

I predict that Tulane beats Memphis tonight and Memphis takes out Tenn this weekend.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteI'm with you on that one...Sampson is a creep and I don't think much better of DJ White or Gordon.

That's fine for DJ white, but why Gordon?  In every interview I've seen, he really seems genuine in his love for the game, doesn't act thuggish, is polite, and on top of that is AWESOME at playing point guard.  I have nothing but respect for this kid.


He's definitely a player but I get irritated at how much he seems to get away with...against Illinois he got away with a couple travels and non-foul calls and then seemed amazed when they called him for a foul.  He's not very demonstrative but I just get a sense of arrogance from him.  Not that it's not warranted, the kid can play...I also don't care for the last minute switch from Illinois and wonder if there might have been something un-ethical going on to help make that happen.

DJ White has been acting like he was God's gift to bball for years and only this year has he been consistently good, and I'm not even sure about that.  Stupid Brent Musberger or Lavin said during the game the other night something about him being POY...yea right.

I really thought Purdue would beat them, they're playing really well right now.  It didn't surprise me that MSU didn't beat them, we're playing like poo-poo right now.
Louisville Rock and Roll


DJ White has been acting like he was God's gift to bball for years and only this year has he been consistently good, and I'm not even sure about that.  Stupid Brent Musberger or Lavin said during the game the other night something about him being POY...yea right.


Oh my God.  I was cursing the TV so much last night.  It WAS Lavin who kept saying that DJ White should be POTY every time the kid touched the ball.  What a bunch of shit.  Anyone in the know KNOWS that it's between Beasley and Hansbrough at this point.  Lavin is a douche.


douche might be an understatement...and Musberger says the dumbest things, to me he's worse than Billy Packer, but then I'm not an SEC fan.

We'll see tonight if my beloved coach Izzo can turn this team around and get us back to early season form against fearsome Penn State.  At least he'll be coaching his own damn team.
Louisville Rock and Roll


QuoteI'm with you on that one...Sampson is a creep and I don't think much better of DJ White or Gordon.

That's fine for DJ white, but why Gordon?  In every interview I've seen, he really seems genuine in his love for the game, doesn't act thuggish, is polite, and on top of that is AWESOME at playing point guard.  I have nothing but respect for this kid.

I am really impressed with the super freshmen this year: Eric Gordon, Derrick Rose, Kevin Love, Michael Beasley (and more). They all seem to carry themselves with a lot of intergrity, sort of like how Durant and Oden did last year. Remember, these are just kids, who have a lot of people waving a lot of cash in their faces. I work with a guy who played 4 years at a mid major university and he said all the pllayers get cash and benefits under the table. I asked him who he trusted most, of all the adults he came in contact with during his 4 years and he said the only person he felt had his best interest at heart was the chaplain. Sort of sad...

The days of these guys simply being basketball players are over. Now they are commodities with huge sums of cash potential and everyone and their mother trying to cash in. End of rant...

bowl of soup

QuoteI predict that Tulane beats Memphis tonight and Memphis takes out Tenn this weekend.

Told you so.  That was MD's first bad loss since I switched to the Len Bias avatar.  One more and I'll break out Exree Hipp.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


I AM very glad that Dook has now lost 2 in a row...I can smell that #1 east seeding now. 8-)


looks like Ole Miss will be one of the few 20 win major conference temas (maybe the only) in the NIT. We have a young team (10 fresh/sophs) and we'll be back, but we're just not consistently good.

Unless we get an impressive upset in the SEC tourney...   ::)


If Texas wins tonight I think you can lock them up for a #1 seed in the tourney.  Impressive wins against Tennessee, Kansas, UCLA and only two losses in conference.  Augustin is a flat out stud.  Rick Barnes is underestimated as a coach.  Think they may be my darkhouse when it comes time to fill out my bracket ;)
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


QuoteIf Texas wins tonight I think you can lock them up for a #1 seed in the tourney.  Impressive wins against Tennessee, Kansas, UCLA and only two losses in conference.  Augustin is a flat out stud.  Rick Barnes is underestimated as a coach.  Think they may be my darkhouse when it comes time to fill out my bracket ;)

I don't think a number 1 seed can be considered a dark horse.  just saying...  

March is right around the corner and so far most of the teams I'm rooting for are in pretty good position.  UofL's in, Purdue's in, OSU is on the bubble, and Duke is fighting for a number 1 seed.  This should be fun.  Are we going to do brackets again this year so you all can avenge your loss last year to yours truly!?!

bowl of soup

See you in the NIT Tracy - maybe we'll play in the finals.  We're # 66!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Vanderbilt beats Tennessee tonight.

[size=18]'nuf said[/size]


Wouldn't mind if they accomplished that, Tracy.  Barring an upset against BC this weekend, Carolina would slip NICELY into the #1 least in the coaches poll.  

It should be an exciting game though.  And, hey, 2 weeks until selection sunday...MADDNESS!! (Yeah, I've started adding the 2nd 'd' too)

bowl of soup

We're in!  Unless we lose to Clemson on Sunday.  Then, "We're on the bubble!"

I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


(Don't jinx yourself, BoS!)

But, yeah, if Maryland doesn't get in, it would be kind of wierd.

As a side note, we haven't really had a Player of the Year discussion yet.  Who is everyones pick?  

Obviously, I'm going to go with Tyler Hansbrough - but not just because he plays for the Tar Heels.  

The numbers he puts up are less than Beasley's, BUT, he's putting those up while having an EXCELLENT supporting crew that scores plenty by themselves.  Beasley plays for a mediocre team, and thus, puts up numbers like he does quite easily since noone else on the team is in the same ballpark as he is.  

Any other votes?


Steve Lavin thinks it should be DJ White...he's a douche.
Louisville Rock and Roll


even though I am not at all a heels fan, hansbrough is the guy this year


Finally!  Sweet revenge and about time we played to (or above) our potential. Now the question is can we keep it up!  It's amazing what happens when Eric Gordon and DJ White don't get the BS calls they've gotten most of the year!
Louisville Rock and Roll


What a game that was!  Indiana beatdown.  If MSU could play like that all year, you guys would be unstoppable.