ATO Records Internship

Started by RastaRunner5, Mar 19, 2008, 01:38 PM

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i am a junior in college and applied for a summer internship at ATO records on March 1st. I haven't heard back from them yet. Any advice? Anybody heard anything about their internship program??

the prospect of getting this job gets me so excited


Quotei am a junior in college and applied for a summer internship at ATO records on March 1st. I haven't heard back from them yet. Any advice? Anybody heard anything about their internship program??

the prospect of getting this job gets me so excited
i don't know anything about ATOs program, but i do know that persistence is key.  i would send a follow-up email or call and just check up.   sometimes it's good to do those things with a snippet of information - a reason for writing.  try to cram in as much as you know about the company (and music/labels in general) into your email/phonecall to let them know that you really dig music and the industry and you have a basic understanding of how it works.

the best thing you can do is stay fresh in their minds without annoying them - does that make sense?  b/c there are probably a number of people who applied, but the person/people they pick will be the ones they recognize, and who have made an impression.

it's always good to follow up on something if you don't hear back in 2 weeks.  unless they ask you not to follow up. :)

good luck!  i'd get practising at staples/business depot and get some mad photocopying skillz ;)