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Sorry guys

Started by eiseyrokker, Apr 30, 2008, 07:08 PM

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I just wanted to say, to all you guys here, that I'm sorry for stirring up as much shit as I have in the past week or so. Maybe not stirring up, well hell, I guess so in some cases, but more than anything, I'm sorry for prolonging the arguing. I talked to one of our forum wise men, and he had a good point that we really won't accomplish anything by arguing about this here. If someone doesn't have to will to respect and honor what the band asks, there's no good reason for them to be bothered by what some anonymous jerk online has to say.

So I'm done being that jerk. Unless my super-ass powers are truly needed, I'll put that side of me away for now.

Really sorry to anyone I turned off to the posting here--shit gets heated, especially when it's over a band you love. I think my biggest problem doesn't lie with the leak--it's with all the talk of entitlement, and that's what gotten me most riled up, because I think it's the wrong attitude to take for something you ought to be very grateful for. A member related the music exchange process to a business that works on supply and demand, saying the customer is entitled to a business' product. This model works, but only if the customer pays for this product first. Then he (or she) is entitled to everything that such a product covers.

Luckily for us, the Jacket's products always involve peace, love, and rockin'--a wonderful combination. I'm glad that people have been turned on to the album because of the leak--I'm sure most of them didn't get the message beforehand, and if not, groovy. The rest is grey matter and I'm going to refrain from passing any sort of judgment because it's really not my spot, and we don't need another argument thread.

That said, I do sincerely mean this. I'll have a hard time keeping out of the "I'm entitled to it" arguments, because I generally have a big problem with that attitude from anyone (after working for a lot of different types of customers in low-pay college student jobs, you learn which kind of people you want to have anything to do with based on this attitude). But still, I'm out. Not so much throwing in the towel, but hanging it up for a rainy day. I'm done with arguing. Let's get our old board back. With these few new valuable additions.

I love this board, and all you guys are wonderful in your own ways, and I hope to see that in those that I haven't gotten that side of yet, and I'm cool with stickin it out with you to get there. I'll do my best not to be an ass, but it takes two, baby, if you want to make friends.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I downloaded this thread yesterday...


If someone doesn't have the will to respect and honor what the band asks,


There's Still Time.........

easy jim

I second tom's motion.  I wanna shout it from the rooftops, "I love you!!!"

"boop, boop, boop.  Come 'ere."

So soon after payday, know it seemed a shame!

Angry Ewok

Once the album is out, things will cool off. I'm afraid to say I'm done bickering, because I'll probably keep going at it off and on with these people, but I really hope I find the wisdom to let it go.

The Bible says the fool's words will swallow him whole... so, I'm probably best off letting them continue their own self inflicted social suicides in this community, and stay out of the blast radius.

I'm headed over to the hug it out, bitch, thread.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


sorry guys, instead of deleting one post i accidentally deleted an entire thread.
sometimes i just can't control my superpowers.

i hope nobody loses any sleep over it

still love you guys


Thank goodness. No sweat, good Modaroboto!
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


No apology necessary. I just saw it as you asserting yourself more than usual. Nothing wrong with that.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary

Angry Ewok

Quotesometimes i just can't control my superpowers.

History has proven... sometimes you just gotta nuke the shit outta something to get a point across. That said, I hope your powers were so uncontrollable that you nuked a few people's IP's, as well.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

peanut butter puddin surprise

No apologies necessary, it's all good.  I too have been quite bitchy.  It happens.

That said, maybe this will make you smile:



Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I'd rather you post a picture of testicles than one of MJ.


Quotethese people


what do you mean, THESE PEOPLE?!?!?!

too heavy for the hippies


Yeah, and fix me a banana conjac biatch!


QuoteNo apologies necessary, it's all good.  I too have been quite bitchy.  It happens.

That said, maybe this will make you smile:

whats the fuck's up with his nose? and those eyes!
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteI'd rather you post a picture of testicles than one of MJ.
whats the difference?