question about forum email

Started by EC, May 20, 2008, 12:16 PM

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hi - i was going to ask the modorobotosito this privately, but then i thought that it might be handy for everybody to know the answer to my question.

i noticed that the new pm system gives you different labels for your messages - urgent, confidential, etc.  

my question is: are the pm's here totally private, or can other people have access to them?

i just need to know so that i can decide if i need to move my current exchanges about my favourite pornos to regular email. ;)

i do think it's something that would be worth knowing for sure, though.

thanks!  ec xo


they are always totally private.

those labels are as useless as those little plastic parachute men whose parachutes always come untied after one use.

Jon T.

Quotethey are always totally private.

those labels are as useless as those little plastic parachute men whose parachutes always come untied after one use.

So, you mean as useless as those little parachute men AFTER their first jump then?   :-?


i always liked those.

do you guys remember the little boats you used to get in shreddies boxes - they had a little propeller that you'd wind up (it was attached to the boat body with an elastic) and then you could have boat races in your bathtub?  now those were really fun toys.

thank you for the information, administrator baxter.  i will resume discussions about porn, drugs and human trafficking again. x