TX, OK, MO, OH, TN and LA...

Started by red, May 26, 2008, 01:51 AM

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As some of you may know, I'm heading south for a handful of Tom Waits shows, and I need a little help from those even somewhat familiar with some of these places...

I haven't got my full itinerary worked out quite yet, but I will for certain be in Houston June 21 and 22, Dallas June 23, Tulsa June 25, St. Louis June 26, Columbus June 28, and Knoxville on June 29.  

I won't have much time to explore these fine cities---likely a morning/afternoon at the most---but I'm looking for places that I shouldn't miss.  Museums, landmarks, brewery's, restaurants (preferably vegetarian), etc...Fill me in!  

I'll be sleeping in hostels and traveling by plane/bus/cab/footmobile, so I won't be able to do much 'out of the way' shenanigans.

I'm also very interested in going to New Orleans, it's the US city I've most wanted to visit for years, and since I'm going to be relatively close I'm kicking around the idea of taking the Greyhound from Knoxville to there.  I'd probably spend a few days there.  

Thanks in advance for any/every thing, and I'll be sure to keep this thread as current as possible with my slumber locations and travel plans.



For the record, I love pie (especially key lime) and coffee.


for the record this is totally awesome and i'm a bit jealous.
when we were in dallas, we ate at some bar/restaurant and i think it would've been on main street, somewhere near commerce (this is not helpful).  anyhow, it was good and there were lots of veggie options.  i found that dallas seemed kind of dead past 10pm...  it felt rather ghostly, actually, but maybe everybody was in austin for ACL.

what's the LA part of your trip?

i haven't been to any of the other cities you're going to, save for driving through.  

this is great, you're going to have such a time.


Quotefor the record this is totally awesome and i'm a bit jealous.
when we were in dallas, we ate at some bar/restaurant and i think it would've been on main street, somewhere near commerce (this is not helpful).  anyhow, it was good and there were lots of veggie options.  i found that dallas seemed kind of dead past 10pm...  it felt rather ghostly, actually, but maybe everybody was in austin for ACL.

what's the LA part of your trip?

i haven't been to any of the other cities you're going to, save for driving through.  

this is great, you're going to have such a time.
I think I've even convinced my mother that she should be jealous with all my talk.   8-)  I appreciate the words about Dallas.  It'll be the city I'll have the least amount of 'free' time - the show there is general admission so I'd like to be in line quite early, so I'll likely stick close to wherever the show is.  I want to be so close that my tears of joy fall at Tom's feet.  

LA is the abbreviation for Louisiana.  At least I hope it is, I don't want to be misleading.  


PM me your travel particulars for St Louis (times, airline, etc.). Things can be easily arranged. I'm off most of that week and to help a brother save some cash (and a possible mugging from the lovely St Louis Cabbies), I can picks you up from the airport if you are not renting a car.

Food wise, man there are sooooo may opportunities here. All are bad for you and you will wish you hadn't eaten them, but your soul will smile down on you for it.


QuoteFor the record, I love pie (especially key lime) and coffee.
How about Frozen Custards and Donuts?


If you get to New Orleans, I recommend you eat at Jacques-Imo's.  Good creole food, and crazily some tables are outside in the beds of pickup trucks.  I've never actually eaten there, but many of my friends rave and rave about it.  Last time I was there (2004) I couldn't get a reso because I didn't plan ahead and there were 8 of us....Have a great time!!

My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


For NO, try http://www.napoleonhouse.com/menu2.html

Last time I was there, the food was really good, it was in the middle of the Quarter, and it was affordable Also, Cafe Du Monde is a MUST. Same with Central Grocery and the muffuletta. God, I wanna go back there.

All are good, in the Quarter and affordable.

I'm coming up with a list of some St Louis stuff.


Thanks a lot both of you!  I'm really trying to make it to New Orleans, I know if I don't get there I'll be kicking my own ass for who knows how long.  

MJ, I'll be getting a PM to you soon, I'm currently working on my Tulsa portion, St. Louis is next!  


Even as bad as things are there (still), tis a magical place.


When in St.Louis I highly recommend Blueberry Hill's "The Veggie"
Cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions, avocado (on request), provel cheese, lettuce and Durkee's. Served on pumpernickel.
I've been known to plan a trip around this sandwich along with a side of zuccini sticks. mmmmm


Travel plans are going well (ie. unbelievably hectic, but I'm managing), aside from one little snag that I could use some help on.  

I'm trying to find an applicable and affordable way to travel between Columbus and Knoxville.  I can't seem to find a flight cheaper than about $250, and the bus ride between the two is quite long and I would be cutting it pretty close time-wise.  I haven't ruled that out yet, but maybe it would be easier for my to fly to a different airport in TN then catch the Greyhound.  Or maybe renting a car would be the easiest.

Any suggestions would be wonderful!   :)


1st you need to listen to the greatest Roger Waters album ever.

Seriously though, I would think maybe a low end rental car would be the cheapest and most convenient but I'm not sure.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.



I've got my trip finalized!  It's a pretty much a mad rush from city to city with only a handful of hours to spare.  The exceptions are: almost a day in Houston, a day in Dallas, a day in St. Louis and half a day in Knoxville.  I'm making it to New Orleans!  I'm spending three full days there, so the more suggestions, the better.  

Thanks gang.  

Also, I'm looking for great local beers to try.  I always like to try pints of something new while traveling.


This is my final shot at any last-minute suggestions.  I fly to Houston in a mere five days!
