
Started by Bigsky, Jun 18, 2008, 09:55 AM

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Similar to the "Age?" thread where fans stated how old they are, this thread is to see what MMJ fans do for a living. This thread is not to pass judgment, but to see how the power of Jim and the boys can reach so many different people...

To start, I work in an architectural firm in Boston while finishing up graduate school

Love Dogg

Funeral Director-Louisville, Kentucky
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


QuoteSimilar to the "Age?" thread where fans stated how old they are, this thread is to see what MMJ fans do for a living. This thread is not to pass judgment, but to see how the power of Jim and the boys can reach so many different people...

To start, I work in an architectural firm in Boston while finishing up graduate school

This has been done before. Like, in the OFF TOPIC forum.


I'll be entering my senior year of college in the fall. I'm majoring in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice.

For the summer I'm working in the office of a company that sells construction equipment.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


I just graduated from the University of Delaware and am currently working part time doing data entry and other boring sh*t.

Then it's on too looking for a full-time job. YAY!


I am a corporate banker in Dallas, Texas. I was thinking about this the other day- i work in a very conservative job, but when i listen to the jacket or go to a show, i change. I went through a nice crunchy phase in college, and i guess the jacket brings it out.


Penny Lane

Paralegal/Legal Research for HMO and 3rd year law student
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Studying for the Florida Bar Exam right now...Just finished law school...begin working as a criminal defense attorney in Miami at the beginning of August


Wow. There's a whole ltta white collar in here--more than I was expecting for some reason. Not to knock that at all, just sometimes youforget that people of all different situations dig the music you resonate with. That's really cool. A job doesn't define who you are either, other thing I forget to remind myself of.

Nice to meet all you guys!

I'm just going into my last year as an English major, and I'll graduate, take the GACE test to prove I can teach, and then get a job hopefully teachin high school English! Hell yeah.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

bowl of soup

QuoteStudying for the Florida Bar Exam right now...Just finished law school...begin working as a criminal defense attorney in Miami at the beginning of August

Stop now.  It is not too late.  (If you choose to continue, there's a guy who comes to Stetson every year and predicts what is going to be on the bar every year - he nailed it my year and is the sole reason that I passed.  I've been trying to find his name and I am coming up blank).

Lawyer - Florida.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Supply Chain/Business Analyst for a very large petfood company located in a central town that also has a very identifiable beer company and a silver half hoop looking think sticking up out of the ground like a handle on the riverfront.  :P


Teacher (History, English, Politics)
A student randomly said "aluminum" the other day.
And I said "Aluminum Park" and he said "what?" and I repeated it and he said oh...
I give wisdom. ;)


Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.
Also, [url="http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com"]http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com[/url]


partner in the family printing company my pops started years ago. it's boring as fuck.




smarty pants



smarty pants

shhhh  I am just a love dawg in my other life here...


26 years of teaching 6th grade.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


QuoteSupply Chain/Business Analyst for a very large petfood company located in a central town that also has a very identifiable beer company and a silver half hoop looking think sticking up out of the ground like a handle on the riverfront.  :P

That is my favourite monument you know.......
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary