John Edwards

Started by ycartrob, Aug 08, 2008, 10:14 PM

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Something about this guy always creeped me out, sort of like
a slick, used car salesman. Screwing another woman while
your wife is battling cancer? Doesn't he lose his privilege of
saying anything about anything in the public spot light,
forever? Ridicuolus; and incredibly sad for his wife and children.

The things people do...


Yeah, and his oldest daughter is showing some LEG for that family portrait.

I never liked the guy either, but I have a feeling he's coming clean before he's announced as the VP candidate.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


QuoteYeah, and his oldest daughter is showing some LEG for that family portrait.

I never liked the guy either, but I have a feeling he's coming clean before he's announced as the VP candidate.

pretty sure the news today ended his hopes for VP


QuoteYeah, and his oldest daughter is showing some LEG for that family portrait.

I never liked the guy either, but I have a feeling he's coming clean before he's announced as the VP candidate.

pretty sure the news today ended his hopes for VP

Hmmm...I wish I could say I was kidding. Didn't really think that one through too well. I blame the alcohol (for me, not him) ::) ;D
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Angry Ewok

"In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help."

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Quote"In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help."


That's quite the confession.  :o
In another time, in another place, in another face


BLAH!!! WHO Cares? People cheat. It's a real life thing. Are we not used to it yet?  We're not all virgins.  Cast thy stones.

PS: F-You, Fox News!
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


Quote"In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help."

but, you know, i'll still run for president and ask for the trust of the nation all the while denying i ever had an affair when my wife had cancer.  oh wait...  her cancer was in remission.  and i didn't love the woman i was screwing...  so it's all good, man.  no harm, no foul.


QuoteBLAH!!! WHO Cares? People cheat. It's a real life thing. Are we not used to it yet?  We're not all virgins.  Cast thy stones.

PS: F-You, Fox News!

I'm a virgin.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary

Angry Ewok

QuoteBLAH!!! WHO Cares? People cheat. It's a real life thing. Are we not used to it yet?  We're not all virgins.  Cast thy stones.

PS: F-You, Fox News!

I would imagine not too many people cheat on their wife while she's battling two cancers and campaigning for you to step into the White House.

I mean, he's a scumbag just for cheating, in my opinion, but to do so at the same time that she was risking her health by touring the US telling us what an awesome dude he is and could be if running our country... wow.

You can hate Fox News all day long, but it was the Enquirer that busted the guy with his love child and it was ABC that got the exclusive interview, that the A/P streamed all over the place yesterday.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Penny Lane

democrats are philanderers and republicans are closeted homosexuals or KKK members....NEXT
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteBLAH!!! WHO Cares? People cheat. It's a real life thing. Are we not used to it yet?  We're not all virgins.  Cast thy stones.

PS: F-You, Fox News!

Fox News? I'm no fan of Fox News, but if you want to stay off Fox News, well, come on.... your wife is dying of cancer, and you're fucking some woman who is on your payroll, all the time lying to her, your kids, and the 1,000's of people trying to get you elected, running on a platform of honesty and how you relate to the average Joe, putting yourself into a possible position for the Democratic nomination for President and knowing the whole time if you get caught you're screwed, your family is screwed, the 1,000's who support you are devastated, and the Party is put at risk for getting Bush out of office, I believe you have a little more responsibility than the average Joe he compares himself to.

Go tell his kids and wife (and all those campaign workers) to get over it; that we're all used to this immoral and unetheical bullshit from politicians.

You cannot be honest with your wife and kids, but you're going to shoot me straight and tell me what this country needs and how you're going to spend MY tax money and what ethics you're going to shove down my throat; is that how that works? That's it, who cares about my wife and kids, I can lie to them, but I have to be honest with that 44 year old social worker in Nashville. Please.

Come on Vespa, don't buy into it. Aren't you sick of being lied to? And why do women take these assholes back? Baffling. I mean, if the vows you made to your wife before God aren't enough to deter  cheating, then you'd think at least all the TV cameras, reporters, and press would be.

Didn't he ever watch Fatal Attraction? Boiling the bunny? Sound familiar?


Quotedemocrats are philanderers and republicans are closeted homosexuals or KKK members....NEXT
Don't forget the warmonger thing on the repubs!
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


i would say this is why he said he wasnt interested in the VP spot months ago. he knew it was going to come out. what a fuck stick. i used to like him, but damn. i know people cheat on their spouses, but that doesn't mean i have to accept it. as much as i loath hillary, i thought it was shitty that bill cheated on her (not that it deserved the impeachment). its sad that there isn't any honesty and love anymore. if someone wants to have sex with someone else, have the decency to leave the spouse first.  and this isn't fox news' fault, or any news outlet for that matter. it is john edwards' fault for fucking his wife over in the first place.


QuoteBut Elizabeth knew back in 2006 and still campaigned for him meaning they both knew about this potentially career/Presidency killing (and now actual career  killing) affair and still went for it.  I think they're both lame for lying to us all.  But then again, they're pols.  Of course they suck!  Goodness, what am I thinking.
the status quo in washington is to stand by your man, no matter how dumb (G.W.), gay (Larry Craig), corrupt (G.W.), or unfaithful (apparently all politicians) they are.


Now don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning cheating at all.  I just feel like it's none of my business what people do after hours.  People do fucked up things. Mistakes, errors in judgment, whatever you want to call it.  Certainly I have been a victim of such things, but I am no angel either.  I do know that if I ever made marriage vows I would certainly hold them to the highest level of sacriment.  Good times, bad times, etc.  I would like to believe that such a level of commitment deserves a higher standard.

I shouldn't have even posted what I did, I mean, I try to not involve myself if these sorts of convos because there's never any sort of resolution.  But I did. So to explain: I don't care who anybody fucks and when media outlets choose to focus on these sorts of things only reminds me to what great depths our country has sunk. I mean, why do I even know who Paris Hilton is?  It's completely ridiculous to me that I have whatever modicum of information about her, about John Edwards sex life, about Brangelina's twins.... Do you see what I mean? I know, his platform was family life, I get it.  But still. If every public servant/persona (call it what you will), if everyone's life where put to a petrie dish, we'd be here all day pointing fingers.   And I said f-u to Fox News it was because the newscaster I happened to be watching at the time (because I was looking for some Olympic coverage and ended up scratching my head in wonderment) essentially he had the keys to the klink swinging in his hand because he evidently knew the paternity of this love child.  He must've been there at the conception as far as I can tell. I don't know because he didn't offer any evidence.  I just don't like certainty with which Fox News presents conclusions without offering any sort of back up.  That's all.  Now I'm gonna go back to watching Michael Phelps.  Go America!! (Especially Dara Torres!!) 8-)
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked

Angry Ewok

We're not jumping on ya, Vespa - I think we're all just sick of these career politicians in Washington.

I think Jefferson and Franklin were able to get away with their scandals without much scrutiny because they actually performed their jobs with such excellency and never campaigned or spoke of themselves as anything but statesmen - maybe if our politicians were worth a damn on our time, we'd be a little less interested in what they do in theirs?

I dunno.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

capt. scotty


So to explain: I don't care who anybody fucks and when media outlets choose to focus on these sorts of things only reminds me to what great depths our country has sunk. I mean, why do I even know who Paris Hilton is?  It's completely ridiculous to me that I have whatever modicum of information about her, about John Edwards sex life, about Brangelina's twins.... Do you see what I mean? I know, his platform was family life, I get it.  But still.  (Especially Dara Torres!!) 8-)

I hear that

Do people really hate Bill Clinton today?! I dont think so

As far as Im concerned, & probably most of America Id like to think, John Edwards can fuck the queen of Egypt and I wouldnt care as long as #1) Our national economic troubles get resolved #2) Our nation finds a way to somehow tax the insanely rich and while thereby supporting the insanely poor and try to re-establish a steady middle class #3) Take care of the dive our international relations has taken in the last decade and create more international allies

Basically, Edwards can stick his dick in a glacier and stop global warming for all I care, lets just move this country forward by helping its citizens and the international relations of the country
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Angry Ewok

Quote#2) Our nation finds a way to somehow tax the insanely rich and while thereby supporting the insanely poor and try to re-establish a steady middle class

Some of the words you chose in this statement just sound strange to me. Why do we need to "find a way" - invent more ways, you mean - to tax - to further tax, you mean - the rich? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the top 5% already paying over half of all federal income taxes?

I may be in the minority, but I just don't view the wealthy in this country as the "bad guys" - and I worry what our country could be reduced to if the upper class wasn't around the employ the middle class...
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

capt. scotty

Quote#2) Our nation finds a way to somehow tax the insanely rich and while thereby supporting the insanely poor and try to re-establish a steady middle class

Some of the words you chose in this statement just sound strange to me. Why do we need to "find a way" - invent more ways, you mean - to tax - to further tax, you mean - the rich? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the top 5% already paying over half of all federal income taxes?

I may be in the minority, but I just don't view the wealthy in this country as the "bad guys" - and I worry what our country could be reduced to if the upper class wasn't around the employ the middle class...

Well, I wouldnt say Im the most informed person about these types of things, but I really doubt the Top 5% are paying over 50% of this country's taxes. Just look at companies like Halliburton and Enron. If these huge corps. arent providing what they should to even maintain business, is the rest of the richy rich compensating their share? Thats hard for me to believe.

Im still in grad school so Ive got no salary or income, but isnt the tax break 40% if youre making over 75K or so? And the break doesnt change until you get into the Top 5%, which means youre probably making well over 800K or so, at the least? That looks like a big discrepancy to me.

I dont view the upper class as the 'bad guys', and Id also say that  maybe 20% of what the upper class employs Id consider middle class, tops, but that I know even less about
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons