What Would You Do?

Started by rccola71, Sep 04, 2008, 01:12 PM

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If you were at a MMJ concert and after 3 songs had to leave. The reason why you left is because your best friend was the cause. Beer and concerts don't go well together sometimes. This was the case for me in Orlando. I think I've been in denial ever since. To say I was totally devastated would be an understatement. Just wondered if this ever happened to you.
               Yours Truly,
                    One Sad RCCOLA :-[
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Call an ambulance on my cell phone.  Check on him at hospital periodically with my cell phone.  Go to hospital after concert.
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane


I've gone both ways my friend and both with the same person.

I left with them to make sure they were ok.


I let their drunken ass get booted and I stayed and rocked the fuck out. I bailed on a good show once for them already cuz they can't hold their schtuff. I wasn't missing a second one. That was the last time I went to a show with that friend.

This also happened to a friend at work and a Flaming Lips show. It was his roomie and I think he ended up kicking him out.

I'm sorry you missed the show. When they eventually come back here (Where are we on the plan to get them to do a residency here BH?!?!) you are more then welcome to crash at casa Koehler.


That totally blows.  I would have stayed at the show barring evidence that the friend was going to die.  He/she HAD to know that this was your band, man!  If I were that friend and had to go, I wouln't begrudge a super-fan for staying.  You should make that person buy you a roundtrip airline ticket to the very next show. ;)
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


wow, bummer. I can say that hasn't happened to me since my buddy begged us to take care of him when he was trippin' balls (so to speak) at the Bad Company show in like 1982. None of us left their seat and we found him wondering around in the parking lot after the show.


...one of the reasons I hate being around drunk people, there is always some sort of stupid problem that arises, would it have killed him not to bring like 10 beers and ruin your time...he must really have been at it if it was only three songs in...I would have definitely fucked with him when he finally passed out though and made him not forget it for a while... ::)...wow, and tripping at a Bad Company show in 1982, shit Tracy you got some crazy ass friend... :o...and that story reminds me of one too, one time me and my friends were going to see Yo La Tengo and we were about to go into the show and my friend was tripping and just left randomly, so we went into the show and decided we would find him later to find him underneath a car (pretty much because he said he was freaking out) outside in the parking lot...sometimes when everybody else isn't taking stuff, that means you shouldn't either....
listen to vinyl


Quote...one of the reasons I hate being around drunk people, there is always some sort of stupid problem that arises, would it have killed him not to bring like 10 beers and ruin your time...he must really have been at it if it was only three songs in...I would have definitely fucked with him when he finally passed out though and made him not forget it for a while... ::)...wow, and tripping at a Bad Company show in 1982, shit Tracy you got some crazy ass friend... :o...and that story reminds me of one too, one time me and my friends were going to see Yo La Tengo and we were about to go into the show and my friend was tripping and just left randomly, so we went into the show and decided we would find him later to find him underneath a car (pretty much because he said he was freaking out) outside in the parking lot...sometimes when everybody else isn't taking stuff, that means you shouldn't either....

yeah, of all shows to trip to....
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!

bowl of soup

I've been in a depressed state about nor being able to go, but man this is so much worse.  We should road trip somewhere else...but I always make plans that I don't keep.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Ellis D.

I would have put them to bed in the backseat of my car hoping they would not puke. If they did, they would clean it up the next day. I am sure you were really bummed, as I knew how excited you were to go.


That sucks, RC.  One time my buddy (i won't name names) passed out at a Wax Fang show, in front of Jim James.  Jim actually helped him to his feet.  There was a moment when I thought "do I pretend like I don't know him?" but i made sure he was alright and his girl took him home.  I don't know what I would've done if she wasn't there.  probably the same thing you did.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Thanks for the feedback guys. Almost a bit like therapy,though never really had any. I know I did the right thing. No car to go to. Took shuttle from the hotel. MMJ will be there for me.Soup,we need to roadtrip to MJK's house for a show in Saint Leweeeze :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


what what what would you do... i thought this thread was going to be about that nickelodeon show marc sumers had back in the day.

in all seriousness, i feel you rc. when i went to the rites of spring show in nashville in 06, the girl who went with me thought it would be a good idea to take a handful of xanax and then drink, like, a case of beer.

after about ten songs, she informed me that she was tired and needed to go home. i was beyond pissed.

you better believe i made her pay for my ticket. i said some pretty mean stuff to her, but she doesn't remember any of it.  ;D
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


"They gave her activated Charcoal and flooded her with Saline..."


This happened to me at the Louisville show in 2005 (at the armory).  The girl I took drank too much at the hotel beforehand, and couldn't stand.  I was left w/ her in the back of the arena, sitting in the chairs basically by ourselves :(

Here we are, 3 years later, and I haven't seen that girl in 2.5 years.  Yet the band is still with me.  

Shoulda given her $10 for a cab back to The Brown!   ;D

Jon T.

That sucks so bad RC.  I still get bummed out knowing the Waterfront show is over.  I can't imagine actually getting to the Promised Land and having to leave early.  

You're a good man!   [smiley=beer.gif]

(and thorough)