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Started by primushead, Sep 02, 2008, 10:01 PM

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I know there's a thread sort of like this that's already been started...but is anyone watching the RNC right now?

I'm watching George W. speak and...well...he's no Obama.

He's used those cliche buzzwords (Freedom, American People, Faith in American People, soldiers are heroes (which of course they are)) like 800 times.  

I don't know...I really can't take this convention too seriously, especially after watching the DNC last week.

What are everyone else's thoughts?

Jon T.

I usually stay away from these kinds of topics but this is an interesting election for me.  I'm watching both of the NC's with a blank slate.  I'm going to listen to what they all have to say and form my opinion.  This will be the first election that I haven't known well in advance who I was voting for.


I won't watch 1 second of the RNC; I watched it 4 years ago...

Penny Lane

the repubs don't get as much into the convention as democrats --this year people are only watching to check out the new rifle firing pro life baby- baby momma havin' governor palin.

watching speeches is painful for me---at least biden and palin debates might be interesting
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I don't watch these because I try not to get caught up (in good or bad ways) in speeches. I much prefer to sit in front of my computer for an hour or two to research the truth and facts behind what I'm sure they are saying in their speeches.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.

Angry Ewok

Thompson was very awesome. Lieberman was kinda boring.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Rereading the first post in this thread made me chuckle a bit. You take points away from Bush for using buzzwords, but then seem to say you were impressed with the DNC last week. From what I remember, the demorats use just as many buzzwords, just different ones.

Change, more of the same, hope, progress, yes we can!, etc.

The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


QuoteRereading the first post in this thread made me chuckle a bit. You take points away from Bush for using buzzwords, but then seem to say you were impressed with the DNC last week. From what I remember, the demorats use just as many buzzwords, just different ones.

Change, more of the same, hope, progress, yes we can!, etc.

That is true, but considering that the Dems were using their own set of buzzwords that have only been in use for 6 or 7 months while the Repubs were using ones that have been in use for 8 years, I'd say it's a sizeable difference.

Penny Lane

i like all 4 of these people and i don't think this has ever happened for me...i just wish palin wasn't pro life--she'd be perfect
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteRereading the first post in this thread made me chuckle a bit. You take points away from Bush for using buzzwords, but then seem to say you were impressed with the DNC last week. From what I remember, the demorats use just as many buzzwords, just different ones.

Change, more of the same, hope, progress, yes we can!, etc.

That is true, but considering that the Dems were using their own set of buzzwords that have only been in use for 6 or 7 months while the Repubs were using ones that have been in use for 8 years, I'd say it's a sizeable difference.

The difference is negligible, and its been longer than 6 or 7 months. The first democratic debates for this presidential election were back in '07, and these terms were all thrown around back when the Dems took over Congress 2 years ago. Wasn't Obama's big coming out party the 2004 Dem convention?

Either way, even if they are new, they're still just "buzzwords", lacking any substance. I don't want to hear about change, and a new beginning. You won't get any great soundbites, but tell my about your plan to reduce the trade deficit, the national debt, your plan for the US dollar, specific plans for Iraq and Afghanistan, plans for the education system, a balanced budget, campaign finance reform, transportation infrastructure, etc.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


Quotei just wish palin wasn't pro life--she'd be perfect

so you're pro death? so abortion is killing a living human being (ie death)?
please explain.


Quotei just wish palin wasn't pro life--she'd be perfect

so you're pro death? so abortion is killing a living human being (ie death)?
please explain.

pennylane's post struck me as surprising because most pro-choice people refer to the opposite position as "anti-abortion".

Although personally I am pro-life, and it is an important issue for me, we have to ask ourselves, is the legality of abortion really the most important issue facing our nation in 2008? I'll admit one of my main cases for why I don't like Obama is because he doesn't support a ban on partial-birth abortions, which usually is supported by both left and right wingers.

No matter who wins, Roe v. Wade won't likely be overturned. We have to remember (disregarding what the commercials tell us) that a president cannot single-handedly reverse a Supreme Court decision. I am afraid of the Justices that could be appointed with a Democratic president that would be confirmed by a Democratic Congress though...
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


I'm surprised by the fear people have of the hypothetical justices that will be 'ushered' into the supreme court when the next one steps down, which would be Stevens who might go in the next presidential term, but nobody's leaving anytime soon after him. Is it the threat of the repeal of the 2nd Amendment? That's never going to happen - way less likely than Roe v. Wade being overturned. Is it the idea of getting one of those "Activist Judges" that think they can run roughshod over the wishes of the general populace? I believe that balance is important in the Supreme Court, with opinions coming from both sides of the spectrum, and if we were to get another fascist like Scalia or Thomas, it's going be leaning pretty right. However, I think either McCain or Obama would be able to make a good decision in this regard, with an appointment that doesn't lean far in either direction.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Does Palin really support teaching Creationism in schools?   I read that in an e-mail but I don't really believe "e-mail" anymore so I would like confirmation.

Teaching creationism in school is just plain rediculous in my opinion.

Again, maybe not the most important issue but it's still a big strike against the Repubs in my world.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


i was watching joe liberman's speech on cnn's coverage of the rnc. they must have had a mic in a bad location, because every time liberman would pause his speech for applause, this one guy in the audience went NUTS. you could hear him screaming "yes! yes!' and "wooooo!" above everyone else.

it was hilarious. i kept waiting for him to scream "freebird," but no dice.  :(
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard

Penny Lane

Quotei just wish palin wasn't pro life--she'd be perfect

so you're pro death? so abortion is killing a living human being (ie death)?
please explain.

pennylane's post struck me as surprising because most pro-choice people refer to the opposite position as "anti-abortion".

Although personally I am pro-life, and it is an important issue for me, we have to ask ourselves, is the legality of abortion really the most important issue facing our nation in 2008? I'll admit one of my main cases for why I don't like Obama is because he doesn't support a ban on partial-birth abortions, which usually is supported by both left and right wingers.

No matter who wins, Roe v. Wade won't likely be overturned. We have to remember (disregarding what the commercials tell us) that a president cannot single-handedly reverse a Supreme Court decision. I am afraid of the Justices that could be appointed with a Democratic president that would be confirmed by a Democratic Congress though...

it's a huge issue for me--i'm not going to get into yet another pro-life pro-choice debate (incidentally, i don't call it anything else) and yes, suprisingly it is more important to me than a lot of issues so if it means voting for a liberal, even though i disagree w/most of the fiscal policies... it's as important to me as health care, global warming or the economy. roe v. wade has been chipped away at w/cases like Casey, and i think it was okay to ban certain partial birth abortions--and while i don't see anything happening in the next 2-4 years, i feel like it will happen in the not so distant future...
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteDoes Palin really support teaching Creationism in schools?   I read that in an e-mail but I don't really believe "e-mail" anymore so I would like confirmation.

Teaching creationism in school is just plain rediculous in my opinion.

Again, maybe not the most important issue but it's still a big strike against the Repubs in my world.
I believe she does and yes it is ridiculous. I thought we had seperation of Church & State.

Penny Lane

i think mccain's stance is to allow it for rape, incest and health of the mother---palin's stance is to carry to term no matter what--(i could be wrong on this but from what i've read)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quotei just wish palin wasn't pro life--she'd be perfect

so you're pro death? so abortion is killing a living human being (ie death)?
please explain.

pennylane's post struck me as surprising because most pro-choice people refer to the opposite position as "anti-abortion".

Although personally I am pro-life, and it is an important issue for me, we have to ask ourselves, is the legality of abortion really the most important issue facing our nation in 2008? I'll admit one of my main cases for why I don't like Obama is because he doesn't support a ban on partial-birth abortions, which usually is supported by both left and right wingers.

No matter who wins, Roe v. Wade won't likely be overturned. We have to remember (disregarding what the commercials tell us) that a president cannot single-handedly reverse a Supreme Court decision. I am afraid of the Justices that could be appointed with a Democratic president that would be confirmed by a Democratic Congress though...

it's a huge issue for me--i'm not going to get into yet another pro-life pro-choice debate (incidentally, i don't call it anything else) and yes, suprisingly it is more important to me than a lot of issues so if it means voting for a liberal, even though i disagree w/most of the fiscal policies... it's as important to me as health care, global warming or the economy. roe v. wade has been chipped away at w/cases like Casey, and i think it was okay to ban certain partial birth abortions--and while i don't see anything happening in the next 2-4 years, i feel like it will happen in the not so distant future...

I don't want to debate either; it's just that most pro-choice people I have talked to do not consider abortion as killing. However, if you're saying you're "anti pro-life", well.... sort of sounds like you are pro-death (ie, killing). For clarity sakes, what's the opposite of pro life? Pro choice doesn't work, b/c what if the choice is life? Then you can be both pro-choice/pro-life. So if Palin is pro-life, then she had to have made a choice (which you support). I am confused.

And I am not looking to debate, just trying to figure out how you can oppose pro-life (in light of abortion not being the killing of another human being).


I have no problem with teaching alternative theories in school, but in addition to Intelligent Design in biology classes, you must also include Intelligent Falling theory in physics, the Five Elements theory in chemistry, and Flat Earth theory in geography!
Teach The Controversy!
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"