Anyone here ever seen a UFO?

Started by ycartrob, May 24, 2006, 12:41 AM

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And I'm not talking about when you were trippin' balls out in some field at 3 AM!  >:(


There's Still Time.........


 I'm not talking about when you were trippin' balls out in some field at 3 AM!    >:( >:(


ive never actually seen any sort of craft, but last year i did see a crazy flash of light that im positive was not  a shooting star or a blown transformer or anything 'normal'.  i have also seen crop circles, southern ohio gets at least one every year, and they always are very near some of the ancient native mounds.  im not sure what it all means, but i know its connected somehow.  

here's the most fantastic one i got to see:


QuoteI'm not talking about when you were trippin' balls out in some field at 3 AM!    >:( >:(

Yeah, but I saw some on tv to.
There's Still Time.........


Never saw UFO but Michael Schenker's playing my city in Nov. You think I should go?
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteAnd I'm not talking about when you were trippin' balls out in some field at 3 AM!  >:(

Have I ever seen a UFO? What a great question; I remember it as if it were yesterday...

It was back when I was in the Coast Guard. I was on an 82 foot patrol boat in Maine and we got underway at midnight so as to get to Boston when we needed to. We were navigating the islands, steaming for the Gulf of Maine in a terrible ground fog. You couldn't see 5 feet ahead of you but you looked up and saw stars. We noticed a craft hovering a couple of hundred feet above us (seemed to appear out of no where). It was round (you could barely, barely, barely make out the outline) and had about 6 dim amber lights around it. We came to all stops and every one of us went out on deck (just 10 of us) to have a look. So, we're all looking up and saying, "Do you see that?" and it's just hovering and it's making no sound. The quartermaster has the idea of spotting it with a deck spotlight but it's too high to get any light on it. We turned the spot off and then it flashed a white light at us and moved off slowly and faded into the night.


I did when I was about 8 years old.  And, I too remember it very clearly.

I was sitting in our house playing "StarFox" for the super nintendo.  There is a big window in the video game room, which was open at the time and I heard a strange noise coming from outside.  I looked and I saw what seemed like a very low flying triangle shape lit up with lights all the way around.  Definitely wasn't an airplane of any sort (that I know of).  But as quickly as I saw it, it was gone.  Very strange.

And don't even get me started on the ones that I've seen while tripping at 3 a.m.


No, I've never seen a UFO.  But I'd like to.

The day before yesterday I saw a coyote.  ANd the day before that, I saw a hawk.  I couldn't identify what kind of hawk it was, so it was unidentified, and flying.

But the real reason I'm posting is:  I'm thinking that since dragonboy caved to pressure and changed his avitar, maybe I could get you to find a new pic, Tracy?  Really, the scary clown didn't bother me, but Richard Simmons kind of freaks me out.


An Undeniably Filled Orifice? yeah I've seen that
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Well crop circles are man made. That has been proven a looong time ago.

I am one of those whoam quite sure there hasn't been any "alians" on earth, and that everything is explainable. I'm pretty sure that there are other civilizations somewhere in the universe, but it is so huge that we'll probably never now. And most importantly; they will never now about us. Sad.

Scientist recent`ly discovered the first planet which is quite similar to earth, and therefore could contain intelligent life. And guess what? It's pretty darn close. If we ever learn how to fly witht the speed of light, we could be there in 41 years! Now, thats close, ain't it?


QuoteWell crop circles are man made. That has been proven a looong time ago.

ummm, i think you should research some other crop circles, particularly the one i posted the pic of.  tell me how humans could have produced all those anomalous results like large levels of microwave energy.  soybean plants break easier than celery, so why were most of the plants in that formation bent, but not broken?  

humans take credit for crop cirlces as a way to get attention.  i agree some are man-made, and those are obvious because there are footprints leading to them, the crop is severely broken instead of bent, and some jackass usually makes it well known he or she did it.  

oh yeah, that serpent mound crop circle above, well it lines up perfectly with the tail of the serpent mound which is over 2000 feet away from the formation.  thats some pretty impressive work for having happened overnight, dontcha think?


RS, have you seen the special on Crop Circles on the History Channel?  It pretty much goes into what you said in greater detail.  Really cool stuff.


Must've been third or fourth grade, but I was dog-sitting for my friend from school. I'm walking the dog after dark down through our townhouse complex and look up and catch a series of lights (maybe three or five, can't remember now. Seems like it was three, though) snaking their way across the stars. Just for a couple seconds and they were gone. Looked like the tail of a kite.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteAnd I'm not talking about when you were trippin' balls out in some field at 3 AM!  >:(

What a fuckin' great term...trippin' balls. I'm glad it's not just a regional/West Coast thing. Everyone trips balls.  :D
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Ah...this brings back memories.