this makes me sad

Started by that_girl, Nov 05, 2008, 01:18 PM

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Bans on same sex marriage.

     Yes, 1,039,606 - 56 percent
     No, 801,279 - 44 percent
     Yes, 5,163,908 - 52 percent
     No, 4,760,336 - 48 percent
     Yes, 4,662,558 - 62 percent
     No, 2,851,598 - 38 percent

Arkansas: Bans gay and lesbian couples from adopting or being foster parents.
     Yes, 573,774 - 57 percent
     No, 434,344 - 43 percent

*I'm sorry, but I just don't see what's wrong about wanting to marry or start a family with the person you love.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


well, I think the asnwer lies mainly with those who believe homosexuality is a sin.

I think the answer lies in civil unions rather than entering into the "holy" sanctity that is marriage.


One step at a time and I faith there are good people in this world.  For the first time, I have faith.


Quotewell, I think the asnwer lies mainly with those who believe homosexuality is a sin.
I think the answer lies in civil unions rather than entering into the "holy" sanctity that is marriage.

Exactly, feel and treat people how a book tells you; it's that easy!

Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


I am an attorney here in Miami, and the fact that the residents of my state voted to amend our state constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman is truly puzzling to me.

I am heterosexual.  I do not understand the problems people have with homosexual individuals and couples  having the same rights as everyone else.  It does not diminish the special bond that one heterosexual spouse shares with their significant other.  If anything, a strong homosexual "marriage" does more to support the idea of marriage than a weak hetero one.  But, i digress.

My main beef with this is the fact that we in Florida have no AMENDED OUR CONSTITUTION.  This thought is troubling.  It is one thing to pass a law.  It is one thing to pass an ordinance.  But to amend a CONSTITUTION is another animal all together.  Each state's constitution is the highest body of law, which governs the rest of that state's laws.  The constitution is the magnifying glass under which all other proposed and in place laws are judged.  Voting YES to define marriage as between a man and a woman in Florida's constitution is now a huge hurdle placed in front of same sex couple's attempts for equal rights in the future.

I can't help but think that our children and grandchildren will look back at us as a citizenship of a state and think, "wow, how backwards were they," the same way that i look at my grandparents and great grandparent's generation's views on african americans.  
In the shadow of a black man being named president elect, a huge step forward for this country, we have taken a few steps back in our diminishment of equal rights under the law for homosexuals.  And in doing so we have branded ourselves "ignorant" for our children and grandchildren to call us years down the road.

I hope that one day our country will be able to fulfill the promises made by our forefathers so many years ago.  That all men are created equal under the eyes of the law and that a pursuit of happiness (even if that happiness is your love of someone of the same sex) should not be hindered by any man.

Until that day though, I will remain shameful of the choices my fellow Floridians have made and look forward to a time when all of this will just be another ugly chapter in our nations developmental history.

peace, love, freedom



LOL at the "sanctity" of marriage. i love how politicians toss this term around when most of them have their own issues with infidelity. hey, last time i checked--sleeping with someone besides the person to whom you're married is not upholding those "sacred" vows. but whatever, right?

i think what gets me most is banning same sex couples from adopting or being foster parents.

why? what LOGICAL reason is there for this? i can't think of one.

just fear and ignorance. as if being gay were "contagious," as if all homosexual people were deranged perverts who should not be allowed to be around kids, much less have them.

makes me SICK.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard

Penny Lane

i agree completely. let the state do what it wants to do but AMENDING the constitution?!  it seems like an episode of southpark or something. as for the 'it's not adam and steve' people, ii'm not wasting my breath
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


It is just is 2008.  Let people do what they want to do.  
Last Fair Deal Gone Down...


Why should het couples be the only ones to enjoy this pain...I mean joy?

Yeah, marriage ceased to be a sacred institution when divorce rates started going through the roof.

Who gives a flying flip who you sleep with. Love the one you love.


two words: Larry Craig


QuoteI don't agree with it, does that make me a homophobe ?   It's unfair to put a child thru the ridicule that they receive in  school, children can be brutal.   I have seen this first hand thru a buddy of mine who has  lesbian parents. His parents were divorced when he was 11 and his mother found out she was a lesbian and her partner moved in. He has some deep emotional issues with his moms choice.  And has alot of resentment from his childhood.  
     I know every situation is differant.  And I'm sure there are good examples of gay parents.   But the ones I have seen with my own eyes have had a negative effect on the children.  
Just my observation.  

How about the kid who is himself/herself gay?

What about the ridicule that kid feels from society telling him that he is not normal, he is sinful, his love is deficient, he is - by law - a second class citizen.

How's this working out for that kid.


     Yes, 5,163,908 - 52 percent
     No, 4,760,336 - 48 percent

I know, this is sad. The ad campaign in favor of Prop. 8 here in California was disgusting. The ads did not discuss the validity or morality of same-sex marriage itself, but PUSHED HARD on the fact that gay marriage WILL be taught in schools as a part of general health cirriculum (which is bullshit) unless our state constitution is ammended. So it was "save your children from moral corruption", not "gay marriage is wrong, because". And it worked...all these religious groups pumped in a record amount of cash for a social proposition to scare people into thinking they were protecting their children.

Taken from an article someone sent me...(State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin)

"The Yes on 8 ads are alarming and irresponsible," O'Connell said. "Our public schools are not required to teach about marriage. And, in fact, curriculum involving health issues is chosen by local school governing boards. No matter how you feel about marriage, we can all agree discrimination is wrong. That's why I'm voting no on 8."

"That ad is wrong. Not one person with any credibility has said otherwise," Eastin said. "Prop. 8 is about one thing, pure and simple, and that's taking away civil rights. Prop. 8 isn't about reading school books or teaching, it's about treating people differently - that is the one and only thing on the ballot."

"Prop 8 has nothing to do with education, and the proponents know it," Eastin continued. "Not one word in Prop 8 mentions education and no child can be forced, against the will of their parents, to attend any health-related class. California law prohibits it."


"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


It's a tough issue, and one that I really can't say I can take either side of. So  :-X (I've just been looking for a chance to use that smiley)
In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteI don't know, why don't you ask the peeps that tell him he is not normal.     I only stated my buddies situation and how his mothers decision negatively effected my friends life.  After his mothers revelation he struggled with his own sexuallity. Are these normal thoughts for an 11 year old ?  or did his mothers  decision  cause him to re-assess  his own sexuallity.  

What is normal by the way ?  

I agree completely - what is normal? who am I to say? why do I get to vote on the validity of people's marriages?

But I live in California and apparently we've decided that being gay is not normal because their marriages are now illegal and not recognized by mainstream "normal" society.

I suppose it comes down to if you think it's a choice or you think it's the way you're born. I don't think your friend's mom "decided" to be gay, because I don't think it's a choice. But I only have anecdotal evidence of this just like you. This is just my opinion. Sorry if I came off as shrill - I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to say that this campaign in California has been really ugly, and it's not just the kids of gay couples who are affected, but gay kids themselves.

I had my first crush in kindergarten. His name was Sean and I wanted to marry him and we were bride and groom for halloween. Most of my gay friends knew they were gay from a very young age. That's all I'm saying...


members only jacket

QuoteIt's  Adam & Eve,  NOT Adam & Steve.   IMO

a) that's totally ignorant

b) what gives you the right to legislate it?
When you put it on, something happens.


Quote I don't agree with it, does that make me a homophobe ?   It's unfair to put a child thru the ridicule that they receive in  school, children can be brutal.   I have seen this first hand thru a buddy of mine who has  lesbian parents. His parents were divorced when he was 11 and his mother found out she was a lesbian and her partner moved in. He has some deep emotional issues with his moms choice.  And has alot of resentment from his childhood.  
      I know every situation is differant.  And I'm sure there are good examples of gay parents.   But the ones I have seen with my own eyes have had a negative effect on the children.  
Just my observation.  

And you don't know any straight parents who leave their children with deep emotional issues?  I know a LOT of bad straight parents and of the few same sex families I know a very large percentage seems to be doing fine with one and only one adult  penis and one and only one adult vagina in the household.  It's just silly, but very sad at the same time.

My attitude towards this and many things is, if it doesn't hurt you then get the fuck out of my business.  (Not that I'm gay, but you get the point).

I hope there will be a day in this country when there is not an oppressed group of people but unfortunately we haven't evolved that far yet.  Maybe that's why the  people who hate homosexuals often are the very same people who fight the idea of evolution.  :-?  Nah, I've giving them too much credit.

The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteI didn't  detect any shrillness,  It's a hot button issue.  With no clear answer.  Just because I don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm passing judgement.  Our society is made up of a majority of people that are older and don't understand.  They don't even give it a second thought because they were taught that it is sinful and you will burn in hell.

Gluttony one of the seven deadly sins.  Should we make a constitutional ban against all-you-can eat buffets?
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quote I don't agree with it, does that make me a homophobe ?   It's unfair to put a child thru the ridicule that they receive in  school, children can be brutal.   I have seen this first hand thru a buddy of mine who has  lesbian parents. His parents were divorced when he was 11 and his mother found out she was a lesbian and her partner moved in. He has some deep emotional issues with his moms choice.  And has alot of resentment from his childhood.  
      I know every situation is differant.  And I'm sure there are good examples of gay parents.   But the ones I have seen with my own eyes have had a negative effect on the children.  
Just my observation.  

And you don't know any straight parents who leave their children with deep emotional issues?  I know a LOT of bad straight parents and of the few same sex families I know a very large percentage seems to be doing fine with one and only one adult  penis and one and only one adult vagina in the household.  It's just silly, but very sad at the same time.

My attitude towards this and many things is, if it doesn't hurt you then get the fuck out of my business.  (Not that I'm gay, but you get the point).

I hope there will be a day in this country when there is not an oppressed group of people but unfortunately we haven't evolved that far yet.  Maybe that's why the  people who hate homosexuals often are the very same people who fight the idea of evolution.  :-?  Nah, I've giving them too much credit.

Sure,  I'm a bad parent myself. I know first hand.  ;)

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe
