first black president or first woman V.P.

Started by true, Aug 30, 2008, 03:41 AM

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I'm absolutely captivated and excited by Dr. Ron Ernest Paul.


There was a report on the news last night that someone defaced a huge Obama sign in Cookeville with the term "Sand Ni**er" (which is a direct result of people linking Obama's middle name to terrorism)and "KKK".

And people continue to throw it out there thinking it's all fun and games. Hey, he's black and he's Muslim! Disgraceful.


Tracy- that's just fucking ridiculous. What the hell is wrong with people.

Penny Lane

i think mccain came across very snippy in the debate--put BO on the defensive--

my favorite exchange:

mccain: "i've got a button from ___and i've promised this soldier's mother that i wouldnt' let us lose the war or her son to die in vain"

BO: "i've got a button of my own---from ___and i promised his mom i wouldn't let another soldier's mom go through what she's going through"

god i'm so sick of both sides/don't think either side won--anxiously awaiting the VP debates. they will be a lot more interesting
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Penny Lane

in other news--the bill did not pass today and of course the dow plummets--i'm predicting something happens tomorrow or else not until next week. bad---waiting for asian markets to callapse even further in the next couple days.  executive compensation will be the least of our worries--
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

bowl of soup

I know Dudley Dooright, I've met Dudley Dooright, and you ma'm are no Dudley Dooright.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


That's motherfuckin' John Oates!

Angry Ewok

After three days of calling, I finally got through to my senator. He's already against this bailout, but it's important for all of us to call our so-called representatives and let them know how we feel.

Some of those folks in Washington need to be run out on a rail... It makes me sick seeing George Bush and Nancy Pelosi both screaming that it's absolutely imperative that we make this bailout happen OR ELSE THE WORLD ENDS TOMORROW. Excuse me? If the economy's livelyhood depends on a blank check written out of my pocket in the middle of the night without me having a word, I say let the damn thing crash - they can't guarantee this insane bailout is going to work, anyway. They don't want you to know what's in the package, they just want it signed off as law. Sounds familiar.

It tells you something when the Democrats, who could pass this by themselves, aren't able to pass it. There must be some fucked up shit in there. Enough to make people stop and think, "Wow, when they find out my name is on this, they'll never re-elect me."

Why is the media afraid to name names when it comes to taking responsibility? Probably because there's a lot of Liberals involved.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Penny Lane

that works both ways...some of them wanted to vote for it but didn't because they they're up for re-election---pelosi was awful, congress is worthless--

wait, there is one who didn't vote---weller? who is that? which state? i need to find this out.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteAfter three days of calling, I finally got through to my senator. He's already against this bailout, but it's important for all of us to call our so-called representatives and let them know how we feel.

Some of those folks in Washington need to be run out on a rail... It makes me sick seeing George Bush and Nancy Pelosi both screaming that it's absolutely imperative that we make this bailout happen OR ELSE THE WORLD ENDS TOMORROW. Excuse me? If the economy's livelyhood depends on a blank check written out of my pocket in the middle of the night without me having a word, I say let the damn thing crash - they can't guarantee this insane bailout is going to work, anyway. They don't want you to know what's in the package, they just want it signed off as law. Sounds familiar.

It tells you something when the Democrats, who could pass this by themselves, aren't able to pass it. There must be some fucked up shit in there. Enough to make people stop and think, "Wow, when they find out my name is on this, they'll never re-elect me."

Why is the media afraid to name names when it comes to taking responsibility? Probably because there's a lot of Liberals involved.

The Capitalist in us all wants to say "screw these guys" and let them fend for themselves. What makes the bill worth the trouble is that these banks that have failed are international. This is not only our economy in trouble, but also, ones across the globe. Believe me, I don't want to help out these MFers who have put themselves in this position, but allowing them to crumble will affect the nation even worse than helping them out. They are also supposed to be working out some type of revision that pays back all money profitted over 700 billion to the taxpayers (I'm not holding my breath). Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them fall and let us have a good ole fashioned revolution! :D
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.

Angry Ewok

QuoteThe Capitalist in us all wants to say "screw these guys" and let them fend for themselves. What makes the bill worth the trouble is that these banks that have failed are international. This is not only our economy in trouble, but also, ones across the globe. Believe me, I don't want to help out these MFers who have put themselves in this position, but allowing them to crumble will affect the nation even worse than helping them out. They are also supposed to be working out some type of revision that pays back all money profitted over 700 billion to the taxpayers (I'm not holding my breath). Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them fall and let us have a good ole fashioned revolution! :D

Well, I understand that the original design of this bailout was to prevent an absolute, total collapse... but the original design, much like our Constitution, has been hijacked by the same ol' career politicians who always take an idea and turn it into a "package" with all sorts of extra language that doesn't pertain.

The left wanted 20% of the bailout profit tossed over to ACORN and other social programs in the original draft. They say this bailout is a rescue plan, to save our future, but then they pack it full of this kind of socialist bullshit? No wonder even Democrats won't pass it.

Nancy Pelosi should resign. She is the worst Speaker of all time.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

bowl of soup

QuoteIf the economy's livelyhood depends on a blank check written out of my pocket in the middle of the night without me having a word,  

Not your pocket - your grandkids pocket.  And please brother, easy with the "must be liberals involved" nonsense.  Since the time of our cherished founding fathers until 8 years ago we had accumulated a fair amount of debt.  When some version of this bailout is finally passed (and something will pass), captain conservative will have more than doubled this debt.  His friends have done o.k.

The conservative philosophy - small government, tight spending, is a farse at this point.  Have we found the WMD's yet?  Let's declare victory and move on.  The surge has worked!  Let's see; thousands of dead American teenagers, a region completly destabilized, our real enemies emboldened, and our economy in shambles.  Victory indeed!!!
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Angry Ewok

When this bailout passes (and I agree that some version of it will pass), it will be passed by the moron Liberals and signed off by the moron president. So I guess it all evens out, right?

Small Government is nota farce, neither is free market. But neither of them are in practice, anymore, either. Washington, post 9/11, has been sort of like the Galactic Senate of the Star Wars prequels, where the politicians basically grant themselves whatever executive powers they need to do whatever they want.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

bowl of soup

There's gonna come a time when she's gonna have to go with whoever's gonna get her the highest....we gotta stay positive.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteWashington, post 9/11, has been sort of like the Galactic Senate of the Star Wars prequels, Star Wars for realz?!!  :o
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

Penny Lane

QuoteThe Capitalist in us all wants to say "screw these guys" and let them fend for themselves. What makes the bill worth the trouble is that these banks that have failed are international. This is not only our economy in trouble, but also, ones across the globe. Believe me, I don't want to help out these MFers who have put themselves in this position, but allowing them to crumble will affect the nation even worse than helping them out. They are also supposed to be working out some type of revision that pays back all money profitted over 700 billion to the taxpayers (I'm not holding my breath). Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them fall and let us have a good ole fashioned revolution! :D

Well, I understand that the original design of this bailout was to prevent an absolute, total collapse... but the original design, much like our Constitution, has been hijacked by the same ol' career politicians who always take an idea and turn it into a "package" with all sorts of extra language that doesn't pertain.

The left wanted 20% of the bailout profit tossed over to ACORN and other social programs in the original draft. They say this bailout is a rescue plan, to save our future, but then they pack it full of this kind of socialist bullshit? No wonder even Democrats won't pass it.

Nancy Pelosi should resign. She is the worst Speaker of all time.

This is your issue?? you're joking right? every wall street job lost is connected to 6 other regional jobs, which are then connected to 10 other jobs--which trickles down into your town--this is not about wall street or partisan politics;

In the end, how much of the bailout's potential profits are earmarked for ACORN? "None. Absolutely none. All funds would go to state and local governments," said Steven Adamske, spokesman for Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), the chairman of the Financial Services Committee and a lead negotiator.

The opposition has grown so intense that critics refer to the measure in arcane legislative lingo. Erick Erickson titled a Friday morning blog post at RedState: "Section 105(d) of the Bailout Must Go."

Here's the relevant language:


DEPOSITS. Not less than 20 percent of any profit realized on the sale of each troubled asset purchased under this Act shall be deposited as provided in paragraph (2).

USE OF DEPOSITS. Of the amount referred to in paragraph (1) 65 percent shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund established under section 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4568); and 35 percent shall be deposited into the Capital Magnet Fund established under section 1339 of that Act (12 U.S.C. 4569).

REMAINDER DEPOSITED IN THE TREASURY. All amounts remaining after payments under paragraph (1) shall be paid into the General Fund of the Treasury for reduction of the public debt.

And here's Frank's one-page summary of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and to find the relevant bill go here and search for H.R. 2895.

State and local governments can then dole out the funds and could send money to ACORN if they so choose and if the organization's efforts meet the standards set out in the law. For their stand against the provision, Adamske tweaked House Republicans, who have long called for more state control of federal funds.

"Are they worried that the Governor of Alaska and the Mayor of Wasilla will give money to Acorn?" he asked.

Regardless, House Republicans are saying that unless the possibility of ACORN seeing any money from this bailout is eliminated, there's no deal. "Doling out favors to ACORN and other liberal special interest groups are a non-starter for House Republicans," said Behner spokesman Kevin Smith. "If Rep. Frank wants to keep ACORN in the bill he can secure the necessary Democratic votes for passage because he'll need every one of them."

What does this mean for us?

It means millions more Americans, and hundreds of thousands more Britons, will lose their jobs; it means the recession will be deeper and more protracted than previously feared; it means borrowing costs will increase on both sides of the Atlantic. Companies will cut back on investment. Pension funds will be depleted.

The Western world, in short, will become significantly less wealthy.

There is still time for US policymakers to rescue the deal, but not much. Financial markets are no longer just chaotic, but are close to complete collapse. A number of banks, already on the edge, will be pushed that bit closer to the precipice as a result.

As the past few weeks have shown, companies can go bust very, very quickly. When they collapse they are very difficult, if not impossible, to put back together again.
The free market can be very creative but it can also be immensely destructive. This is one of those points where the scale of destruction is potentially so great that it could set the economy back years.

This is why so many people – and not just the politicians putting the deal together – are warning that if the deal fails entirely we could be facing a second Great Depression.

The big mistake policymakers made in the 1930s was to allow too many banks to fail. This caused such a financial earthquake that it led to a decade of hardship.

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

bowl of soup

I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteThis lady uses Obama's full name too.


I don't mean to be an ass, but isn't it illegal to operate an ATV without a helmet?


Nice Tracy.

That just makes me sad and mad. That lady is an amalgamation of the 3 women that sit next to me at work.