first black president or first woman V.P.

Started by true, Aug 30, 2008, 03:41 AM

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Penny Lane

QuoteMcCain needs to get his "inexperience ads" off the TV pronto.

Somewhere this morning I read about this.  He's slamming Obama for only being 47, which apparently equates to a lack of experience.  Then he chooses a 44 year old running mate.  Doh!
That was the first thing I said. How dare he slam Obama on his suppossed inexperience when he chooses someone with far less experience. Those ads need to disappear and quick. THIS FRIGHTENS THE SHIT OUT OF ME.

People, please consider that McCain is no spring chicken and is not in the greatest of health. You have to consider this. Do you potentially want her as Prez? Hell NO and it has nothing to do with her being a woman. I could care less about race or gender. She has no "national" experience. She has no working knowledge of how things really work in Washington. I'm sorry but being the major of a little town in Alaska and being Gov of the state with the least amount of people does not give you national exposure. Do you honestly expect her to get negotiate with the likes of Putin? I'm very very freightened by this prospect. I am going to be campaigning for Obama even harder now.

just as many presidents have been governors as have come from the senate --maybe it's close? she has more experience than obama---leading a state govt (no matter how small) is closer than representing your home state and sitting on various committees---voters trust governors more than they trust senators--
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Penny Lane


Did you know that many people from foreign nations would actually prefer Barack Obama?  I can find the link to the article I read about this if you'd like me to.  People around the world WANT change, positivity, movement.  

depending on which nations you're speaking of, that could be used for or against him---but i agree
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill



Did you know that many people from foreign nations would actually prefer Barack Obama?  I can find the link to the article I read about this if you'd like me to.  People around the world WANT change, positivity, movement.  

depending on which nations you're speaking of, that could be used for or against him---but i agree

true, but i think this whole campaign against "inexperience" is just a ploy to draw voters away from the real issues.  which is also why he chose palin as well, in my opinion.

i couldn't really stand mccain, but i especially cannot stand palin.  i'm a woman as well.



From April 6, 2008

Alaska residents are about to lose their right to vote on Alaska issues in which Gov. Sarah Palin has a special interest.

She's stopping the democratic initiative process by supporting House Bill 256 (already passed) and next her companion Senate Bill 176.

If passed, this will take away Alaskans' right to vote on the aerial wolf kill initiative and remove sound science from predator control allowing same-day airborne killing of wolves and bears. If passed, this will give her friends at the Alaska Outdoor Council and Board of Game free reign to kill Alaska's predators regardless of their actual impact on prey populations.

Palin has repeatedly stated she wants an administration responsive to Alaskans, but more than 56,000 Alaskans signed petitions to have the aerial predator measure put on the ballot (for a third time); Palin does not want you to vote on it.

If her bill passes it will be the beginning of the end of Alaskans' right to the initiative process. Your only recourse would be a Board of Game populated almost entirely by outdoor council members. They can and do often pass regulations in defiance of what the majority of Alaskans want and what scientists have said, as shown both times Alaskan voters banned aerial hunting.



QuoteMcCain needs to get his "inexperience ads" off the TV pronto.

Somewhere this morning I read about this.  He's slamming Obama for only being 47, which apparently equates to a lack of experience.  Then he chooses a 44 year old running mate.  Doh!
That was the first thing I said. How dare he slam Obama on his suppossed inexperience when he chooses someone with far less experience. Those ads need to disappear and quick. THIS FRIGHTENS THE SHIT OUT OF ME.

People, please consider that McCain is no spring chicken and is not in the greatest of health. You have to consider this. Do you potentially want her as Prez? Hell NO and it has nothing to do with her being a woman. I could care less about race or gender. She has no "national" experience. She has no working knowledge of how things really work in Washington. I'm sorry but being the major of a little town in Alaska and being Gov of the state with the least amount of people does not give you national exposure. Do you honestly expect her to get negotiate with the likes of Putin? I'm very very freightened by this prospect. I am going to be campaigning for Obama even harder now.

just as many presidents have been governors as have come from the senate --maybe it's close? she has more experience than obama---leading a state govt (no matter how small) is closer than representing your home state and sitting on various committees---voters trust governors more than they trust senators--

and she's been governer for a little under two years?

i mean, do we want to split hairs here?  i don't really care about the experience everyone is freaking out about, i want to look at the issues.  i just don't agree with her, i can't vote for her just because she's a woman.  

ALSO another thing that people need to keep in mind if they want to keep talking about EXPERIENCE - George W. himself CAMPAIGNED on the fact that he "didn't have experience and wasn't a Washington insider" when he ran in 2000.  The American people ate it up.....and now this is a problem?

No matter what, I think that America has, for a long time, been moving further and further away from our amazing potential.  but then again i'm probably just naive in thinking that things COULD be BETTER than the way they are right now.  Nothing can be perfect but look at all the corruption going on right now.  It has to stop.  I don't care what party the President is from, it has to stop.

Will it ever though?  Anywhere?  


George Washington was in a cult, and the cult was into aliens, man.  Did you ever look at a dollar bill, man? There's some spooky shit goin' on there. And it's green too.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


QuoteGeorge Washington was in a cult, and the cult was into aliens, man.  Did you ever look at a dollar bill, man? There's some spooky shit goin' on there. And it's green too.


what's odd, and pretty much sums up how moronic the whole election process has become, is that the Republicans are pushing a CHANGE agenda and there has been a Republican president in office for the past 8 years. But they want change.... Afte 8 years of having a Republican for president, the Republicans are pushing for change.

Is anyone paying attention?


Tracy, I know exactly what you're talking about.  I just don't understand why they've taken that approach.  

Sarah Palin reminds me of the freshman girl who proposes to Dawson.  
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


its all about the debates. that is when we will get to see the true bushisms of mccain and palin. i'm looking forward to seeing obama hand mccain's old crusty ass to him.


obama is a condescending douche who never votes yes or no on anything, just 'cause he is so afraid of how it will affect his opinion polls.  he is also writing a lot of checks his ass can't cash. if he really gave two shits about this country, he would have put his pride aside and chosen hillary- fully established as a trusted candidate with a proven track record- as his running mate. that would have locked down the presidency for the dems. nothing against joe biden, who I know is an accomplished man in his own right...just sayin'.
he just seems to want to be a celebrity. writing all of these self-serving biographies? they're no 'profiles in courage', or 'why england slept', barry.
sarah palin gets shit done. of course it was a strategy to choose a woman. is that not modern-day politics in a nutshell? why is it that democats 'strategize' and the gop 'manipulate'?
the world is not a black or white, male or female place these days. just because george bush is a retard doesn't mean that a man who started his career in civil service in a fucking pow camp and never stopped and a woman who has run not only a town but a state while raising a bunch of kids are less competent than some dude who NEVER VOTES!
we all need to work towards the abolition of BIPARTISAN GOVERNMENT NOW! or at least by the next election!

too heavy for the hippies


Quoteobama is a condescending douche who never votes yes or no on anything, just 'cause he is so afraid of how it will affect his opinion polls.  he is also writing a lot of checks his ass can't cash. if he really gave two shits about this country, he would have put his pride aside and chosen hillary- fully established as a trusted candidate with a proven track record- as his running mate. that would have locked down the presidency for the dems. nothing against joe biden, who I know is an accomplished man in his own right...just sayin'.
he just seems to want to be a celebrity. writing all of these self-serving biographies? they're no 'profiles in courage', or 'why england slept', barry.
sarah palin gets shit done. of course it was a strategy to choose a woman. is that not modern-day politics in a nutshell? why is it that democats 'strategize' and the gop 'manipulate'?
the world is not a black or white, male or female place these days. just because george bush is a retard doesn't mean that a man who started his career in civil service in a fucking pow camp and never stopped and a woman who has run not only a town but a state while raising a bunch of kids are less competent than some dude who NEVER VOTES!
we all need to work towards the abolition of BIPARTISAN GOVERNMENT NOW! or at least by the next election!

WOW, are you sure you needed to put that last sentence in there ?   :)
I'm assuming your an independent ? and that you've  read Obamas & Bidens books.

p.s.  Turn off Rush Limbaugh.

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quoteobama is a condescending douche who never votes yes or no on anything, just 'cause he is so afraid of how it will affect his opinion polls.

So, who spoon fed you this information? I challenge you to do a little research; it took me about 10 seconds, probably 1/10th the time it took you to post your manifesto, to find Obama's record on key votes.

You said Obama NEVER votes yes/no. You are wrong. And you really aren't helping the political process by simply making shit up, or repeating something you heard someone else make up, simply b/c they don't want Obama elected.

Think for yourself and quit lying.



Quoteobama is a condescending douche who never votes yes or no on anything, just 'cause he is so afraid of how it will affect his opinion polls.  he is also writing a lot of checks his ass can't cash. if he really gave two shits about this country, he would have put his pride aside and chosen hillary- fully established as a trusted candidate with a proven track record- as his running mate. that would have locked down the presidency for the dems. nothing against joe biden, who I know is an accomplished man in his own right...just sayin'.
he just seems to want to be a celebrity. writing all of these self-serving biographies? they're no 'profiles in courage', or 'why england slept', barry.
sarah palin gets shit done. of course it was a strategy to choose a woman. is that not modern-day politics in a nutshell? why is it that democats 'strategize' and the gop 'manipulate'?
the world is not a black or white, male or female place these days. just because george bush is a retard doesn't mean that a man who started his career in civil service in a fucking pow camp and never stopped and a woman who has run not only a town but a state while raising a bunch of kids are less competent than some dude who NEVER VOTES!
we all need to work towards the abolition of BIPARTISAN GOVERNMENT NOW! or at least by the next election!

so what exactly does Palin 'get done'?
Lets see...

Ohh, what about that time she was mayor and then left that town with a $20 million dollar debt....

What about that time she made rape victims pay for their own rape kits:

What about that time she lied to her own state's people about the wolf hunting situation :

Just because she is a women doesn't mean she is what our country needs.  It sounds like you are just mad at Obama because he didn't choose Mrs Clinton as a running mate.


Penny Lane

Quoteobama is a condescending douche who never votes yes or no on anything, just 'cause he is so afraid of how it will affect his opinion polls.

you've just described every politician everywhere/anywhere other than during war time--a politician's job is to get re-elected. it starts the day they take office.... don't try to make anyone out to be great or awful--figure out which issues are important to you and then vote based on that. not sure why people are making any of these candidates out to be evil (present admin excluded) or rock stars.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Angry Ewok

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Quoteobama is a condescending douche who never votes yes or no on anything, just 'cause he is so afraid of how it will affect his opinion polls.

christ on a cupcake, you're an MMJ fan?

why, yes! yes I am! for many years, in fact! although, according to this forum, mmj should disown me as a fan. I don't seem to fit into the 'demographic'.
as usual, god forbid anyone has a different opinion. tracy sez I am a liar. ooooh. that hurts about as much as any of the other snide bullshit I have ever received as a response. as in: not at all. yes, tracy, I have read both of obama's books. and found them to be self-serving drivel, and poorly written to boot. soooo- sue me! I must be 'rich' since I am so clearly a 'right-wing' 'asshole'! right?! well played!
boy, I sure do hope that someday I can come up with a post chock fulla unenlightened, elitist, 'SPOON-FED' snob bullshit everypone can agree with!
and, indeed, Mister Anthrope, christ is the frosting. cheers!

too heavy for the hippies


Quoteobama is a condescending douche who never votes yes or no on anything, just 'cause he is so afraid of how it will affect his opinion polls.  he is also writing a lot of checks his ass can't cash. if he really gave two shits about this country, he would have put his pride aside and chosen hillary- fully established as a trusted candidate with a proven track record- as his running mate. that would have locked down the presidency for the dems. nothing against joe biden, who I know is an accomplished man in his own right...just sayin'.
he just seems to want to be a celebrity. writing all of these self-serving biographies? they're no 'profiles in courage', or 'why england slept', barry.
sarah palin gets shit done. of course it was a strategy to choose a woman. is that not modern-day politics in a nutshell? why is it that democats 'strategize' and the gop 'manipulate'?
the world is not a black or white, male or female place these days. just because george bush is a retard doesn't mean that a man who started his career in civil service in a fucking pow camp and never stopped and a woman who has run not only a town but a state while raising a bunch of kids are less competent than some dude who NEVER VOTES!
we all need to work towards the abolition of BIPARTISAN GOVERNMENT NOW! or at least by the next election!

so what exactly does Palin 'get done'?
Lets see...

Ohh, what about that time she was mayor and then left that town with a $20 million dollar debt....

What about that time she made rape victims pay for their own rape kits:

What about that time she lied to her own state's people about the wolf hunting situation :

Just because she is a women doesn't mean she is what our country needs.  It sounds like you are just mad at Obama because he didn't choose Mrs Clinton as a running mate.

p.s. not a feminist either. in fact, I have fucking hated my state senator hilary clinton for years!  great assumption though!  heeee hawww

too heavy for the hippies