first black president or first woman V.P.

Started by true, Aug 30, 2008, 03:41 AM

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Obama would not pass the background check to be in the Secret Service based on his associations with William Ayers and Lousi Farrakan, so why would we want him as president?

Reasons to rise up out of the brainwashed (or for many Obamaniacs--only a light rinse was needed) state of "Yes we can. Change.  Yes we can.  Change.":
1) William Ayers
2) Black Liberation Theology & reverend Wright
3) Acorn
4) Tony Rezko
5) Higher taxes
7) Unproven junior senator w/ little to no accomplishment in D.C.
8) Louis Farakan
9) Father Fleagle
10) George Obama
11) Teddy Kennedy's endorsement
12) Socialist ideals
13) Endorsement from Hamas
14) Endorsement from Gitmo detainee lawyers
15) Endorsement from Hugo Chavez
16) Endorsement from Al Gore
17) Endorsement from Castro
I could go on but why would I need to???
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

The Drake

Isn't Palin's husband a secessionist?  I'm pretty sure Obama isn't bumping uglies with anyone on that list.


QuoteTracy is oftentimes over the top and somewhat carzed 

Often times? How about sometimes, that just sounds better.

bowl of soup

QuoteTracy is oftentimes over the top and somewhat carzed 

Often times? How about sometimes, that just sounds better.

I called you carzed.  What is carzed?  Do you look like Rick Okasik?  I thought is was over the top that time back in 'Nam when we were with the donkey and that guy said, "Dee Dee Mow!!!!"  And then you...  Never get off the boat!
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteTracy is oftentimes over the top and somewhat carzed 

Often times? How about sometimes, that just sounds better.

I called you carzed.  What is carzed?  Do you look like Rick Okasik?  I thought is was over the top that time back in 'Nam when we were with the donkey and that guy said, "Dee Dee Mow!!!!"  And then you...  Never get off the boat!

go, terps

bowl of soup

QuoteTracy is oftentimes over the top and somewhat carzed 

Often times? How about sometimes, that just sounds better.

I called you carzed.  What is carzed?  Do you look like Rick Okasik?  I thought is was over the top that time back in 'Nam when we were with the donkey and that guy said, "Dee Dee Mow!!!!"  And then you...  Never get off the boat!

go, terps

Had to go there, didn't you?
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

what would be bad about a government ran health care system for people who don't have it already?  amtrak is run by the government nobody bitches that trains are going to run the world.  why should the health care system be based around insurance companies making a shitload of profits off of  people who aren't sick?  

poverty in america shouldn't exist.  but it does.  30-35k per year is basically the poverty line last time I checked.    could be a little off.  either way until we can educate our children and keep everyone healthy what's the point of doing anything else?  we're all just going to die anyways.   what about all the people who came back from Iraq thinking they were going to have jobs waiting and all that but are now just crazy mother fuckers with nothing but memories of war?  Obama is not a socialist, and even if he was there are plenty of working governments with socialist ideals but call themselves a "democracy".  I haven't read this whole thread so whatever.  anyone who votes for McCain is fucking stupid or a millionaire.  Neither will change the world, but one of them is definitely not Pro-violence. and that is Obama.  Obama is smart, young, and has his shit together.  McCain is old, has almost died before and his VP choice is extremely questionable along with a lot of the bullshit that man spits.  fuck McCain/Palin, fuck them in their butts.


Quotewhat would be bad about a government ran health care system for people who don't have it already?

Did the government run the school where you learned to spell?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


Quotepublic school baby awww yeah

I think you just answered your own question

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quotepublic school baby awww yeah

I think you just answered your own question



poverty in america shouldn't exist.  but it does.  

Actually, poverty must exist in America unless we actually become a socialist country.  The free market depends on a certain amount of the population to be homeless, a number of them to be poor, a number of them to be rich, and a shitton of people in the middle.  I agree with you, though, the ours numbers are not moving in the wrong direction.  The shrinking middle class, the growing lower class, and the concentration of wealth in the upper class are definite concerns.  

EDIT: That was supposed to be wrong.  oops
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

poverty in america shouldn't exist.  but it does.  

Actually, poverty must exist in America unless we actually become a socialist country.  The free market depends on a certain amount of the population to be homeless, a number of them to be poor, a number of them to be rich, and a shitton of people in the middle.  I agree with you, though, the ours numbers are not moving in the right direction.  The shrinking middle class, the growing lower class, and the concentration of wealth in the upper class are definite concerns.  

well then we should become fucking socialist or "nicelolist" or something where people don't have to suffer.  I wouldn't want to have to suffer, I don't think other people deserve to suffer.  inmates have it better then some people working trying to get by on minimum wage jobs.


well then we should become fucking socialist or "nicelolist" or something where people don't have to suffer.  I wouldn't want to have to suffer, I don't think other people deserve to suffer.  inmates have it better then some people working trying to get by on minimum wage jobs.

suffering is relative. I'd rather be homeless than in prison.

bowl of soup

well then we should become fucking socialist or "nicelolist" or something where people don't have to suffer.  I wouldn't want to have to suffer, I don't think other people deserve to suffer.  inmates have it better then some people working trying to get by on minimum wage jobs.

suffering is relative. I'd rather be homeless than in prison.

I just spent the last 3 hours or so finessing a fella out of jail.  He called me as he rode away with the bail bondsman.  I did not specifically ask him, but I infer from the tears of joy that he was crying that he concurs.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

there are far too many people going to prison.  that's another thing.  50+ percent of people in prison are in there for non-violent crimes.  it costs a lot of money to house inmates.  criminals don't pay taxes.  we are housing them, we are paying almost a 100 dollars a year each out of our own pockets to house these people.  I'm not afraid of some dude who used a fake credit card or wrote a bad check.  I think prison should be for rapists and murders, the hardcore shit.  we would have a lot of money for other programs and such.

Angry Ewok

QuoteI'd rather be homeless than in prison.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

bowl of soup

"I'm a real left winger because I've been down south and held peasants in my arms..."
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

bowl of soup

Quotehomeless in the winter is fuuuun

So is uninvited ass love
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.