Palin Story

Started by bold99, Nov 06, 2008, 12:04 PM

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Fox news has reported that Mrs Palin did not understand that Africa was a continent, not a country, and did not know what countries were in the North American Free Trade Agreement.

In separate claims made in the latest issue of Newsweek magazine, the Republican vice presidential nominee was reported to have been told to buy three suits for the Republican convention, and to hire a stylist. Instead, she went on a spending spree in upmarket stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

Quoting unnamed sources within the McCain camp, the magazine alleges that most of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who "was shocked when he got the bill."

Related Links
GOP spends $150k on Palin's clothes
Loveable, but an appalling candidate
An angry aide described the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast", and predicted that the truth would eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.

The magazine also claimed that Mrs Palin used low ranking staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards, and that up to $40,000 was spent on clothes for her husband Todd.

A number of articles of clothing have been lost, the magazine states.

The disclosures are made in "How He Did It, 2008", in Newsweek's Special Election Project, a behind-the-scenes account of the presidential election produced the day after the polls closed.

The magazine also claims that at the GOP convention in St. Paul, when aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter went to her hotel room to brief her, Ms Palin walked into the room wearing only a towel, with another on her wet hair. She told them to chat to Todd, adding: "I'll be just a minute."

Other election revelations include that on the night Hillary Clinton officially lost the Democratic nomination, she enjoyed a long and friendly phone conversation with McCain.

"Clinton was actually on better terms with McCain than she was with Obama," reports the magazine. "Clinton and McCain had downed shots together on Senate junkets; they regarded each other as grizzled veterans of the political wars and shared a certain disdain for Obama as flashy and callow.
Last Fair Deal Gone Down...


I find the first sentence very suspect (and I despise Palin):

Fox news has reported that Mrs Palin did not understand that Africa was a continent, not a country, and did not know what countries were in the North American Free Trade Agreement.


QuoteFox news has reported that Mrs Palin did not understand that Africa was a continent, not a country, and did not know what countries were in the North American Free Trade Agreement.

In separate claims made in the latest issue of Newsweek magazine, the Republican vice presidential nominee was reported to have been told to buy three suits for the Republican convention, and to hire a stylist. Instead, she went on a spending spree in upmarket stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

Quoting unnamed sources within the McCain camp, the magazine alleges that most of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who "was shocked when he got the bill."

Related Links
GOP spends $150k on Palin's clothes
Loveable, but an appalling candidate
An angry aide described the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast", and predicted that the truth would eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.

The magazine also claimed that Mrs Palin used low ranking staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards, and that up to $40,000 was spent on clothes for her husband Todd.

A number of articles of clothing have been lost, the magazine states.

The disclosures are made in "How He Did It, 2008", in Newsweek's Special Election Project, a behind-the-scenes account of the presidential election produced the day after the polls closed.

The magazine also claims that at the GOP convention in St. Paul, when aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter went to her hotel room to brief her, Ms Palin walked into the room wearing only a towel, with another on her wet hair. She told them to chat to Todd, adding: "I'll be just a minute."

Other election revelations include that on the night Hillary Clinton officially lost the Democratic nomination, she enjoyed a long and friendly phone conversation with McCain.

"Clinton was actually on better terms with McCain than she was with Obama," reports the magazine. "Clinton and McCain had downed shots together on Senate junkets; they regarded each other as grizzled veterans of the political wars and shared a certain disdain for Obama as flashy and callow.

Seriously?  Shut up...
Obama won, she's in Alaska.  Is it even worth your time?


Anyone else have a story about how dumb some people thing George Bush is....that would be exciting!  Lame.

bowl of soup

Don't you get the feeling that the Republicans have created a monster.  She's very popular with the base and these petty stories seem designed to knock her down a peg or two.

Here's a neat-o scenario.  Ted Stevens is removed from the Senate.  Who gets to appoint his interim replacement?  Sarah Palin.  Who might she appoint?  Sarah Palin.

That would be super neat-o.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Angry Ewok

These hacks are writing stories about Palin in a bathrobe?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

bowl of soup

And without google.  How many of you can name all of the countries of North America?  We've had this discussion in here before and the results were far from perfect.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteAnd without google.  How many of you can name all of the countries of North America?  We've had this discussion in here before and the results were far from perfect.

Isn't there just one? Canada. :)


QuoteThese hacks are writing stories about Palin in a bathrobe?

You can't honestly think she's a viable politician, can you? These stories exist because she knows NOTHING about politics or world affairs! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!

Penny Lane

okay i'm far from a palin fan-great speaker, able governor--but scary stance on social issues (to me)

but this is BS about her clothes - it's SEXIST, too---if they told her to go buy clothes for the convention, she SHOULD spend a sh*tload at neiman marcus!! it's the repub convention, not a hayride! and for a family of 5, i could see the number creeping up---men have it easy w/suits. that argument is annoying and it's one of the reasons i can't stand the liberal media. the woman admitted she shopped at consignment shops previously---you should get all those same perks men get---for women it's probably clothes, for men, it's golf memberships, cigars, i can't think but you know what i mean. hopefully in 4 years, the GOP will have their act together again and NOT run her.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

bowl of soup

QuoteAnd without google.  How many of you can name all of the countries of North America?  We've had this discussion in here before and the results were far from perfect.

Isn't there just one? Canada. :)

Isn't Canada a territory of the United Kingdom?  No takers so far.  I'll give you a hint.  Canada, U.S....................

Maybe Fox could start a new show - Are you Smarter than Sarah Palin?  She could dress in a towel and contestants would be peppered with questions like: Who was maverick in Top Gun? The Dallas baskeball team is called what?
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


men have it easy w/suits.

choosing the right tie is never easy. :( :P
I'm not trying to be mysterious about it, it's just that what I do is tough to explain.


Quoteokay i'm far from a palin fan-great speaker, able governor--but scary stance on social issues (to me)

but this is BS about her clothes - it's SEXIST, too---if they told her to go buy clothes for the convention, she SHOULD spend a sh*tload at neiman marcus!! it's the repub convention, not a hayride! and for a family of 5, i could see the number creeping up---men have it easy w/suits. that argument is annoying and it's one of the reasons i can't stand the liberal media. the woman admitted she shopped at consignment shops previously---you should get all those same perks men get---for women it's probably clothes, for men, it's golf memberships, cigars, i can't think but you know what i mean. hopefully in 4 years, the GOP will have their act together again and NOT run her.

Fitting into the right suit for a guy is never an easy thing
Last Fair Deal Gone Down...


Quoteokay i'm far from a palin fan-great speaker, able governor--but scary stance on social issues (to me)

but this is BS about her clothes - it's SEXIST, too---if they told her to go buy clothes for the convention, she SHOULD spend a sh*tload at neiman marcus!! it's the repub convention, not a hayride! and for a family of 5, i could see the number creeping up---men have it easy w/suits. that argument is annoying and it's one of the reasons i can't stand the liberal media. the woman admitted she shopped at consignment shops previously---you should get all those same perks men get---for women it's probably clothes, for men, it's golf memberships, cigars, i can't think but you know what i mean. hopefully in 4 years, the GOP will have their act together again and NOT run her.

Fitting into the right suit for a guy is never an easy thing

They really ought to make the top of one pant leg a little looser than the other, eh?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

Angry Ewok

I haven't put on any of my suits since I lost all that weight... I hope the top button doesn't choke me out, anymore. Ugh.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

wharf rat

Quoteokay i'm far from a palin fan-great speaker, able governor--but scary stance on social issues (to me)

but this is BS about her clothes - it's SEXIST, too---if they told her to go buy clothes for the convention, she SHOULD spend a sh*tload at neiman marcus!! it's the repub convention, not a hayride! and for a family of 5, i could see the number creeping up---men have it easy w/suits. that argument is annoying and it's one of the reasons i can't stand the liberal media. the woman admitted she shopped at consignment shops previously---you should get all those same perks men get---for women it's probably clothes, for men, it's golf memberships, cigars, i can't think but you know what i mean. hopefully in 4 years, the GOP will have their act together again and NOT run her.

Fitting into the right suit for a guy is never an easy thing

They really ought to make the top of one pant leg a little looser than the other, eh?

Tom, that is freakin' classic, and yes, I agree...... ;D