Challenging God to step up

Started by ycartrob, Oct 14, 2008, 08:21 AM

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"I pray that you would step forward and honor your own name"

God Bless America...



That was too scary to even comment......Shiver
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry

The Drake

Doesn't this guy know that God became a pussy in the New Testament?


Yeah there are fringe people in Christianity but far fewer and with milder approaches.  When exactly was the last time you heard about a Christian suicide bomber.  Please don't say McVeigh because we all know he was politically motivated and didn't yell "God is great!" before triggering his bomb (plus he didn't stay in the truck).
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteYeah there are fringe people in Christianity but far fewer and with milder approaches.  When exactly was the last time you heard about a Christian suicide bomber.  Please don't say McVeigh because we all know he was politically motivated and didn't yell "God is great!" before triggering his bomb (plus he didn't stay in the truck).

You don't have to kill someone to harm them; it's just not that black and white.


QuoteI like McCain's crazy pastor more than Obama's crazy pastor.

Obama's pastors are not speaking at campaign events, unlike McCain's.

Plus, why the fuck do you care who Obama's pastor is? You hate him based on his middle name alone, no need to bring his pastor into this.

Plus, Muslim extremists don't have pastors, the last time I checked. Obama's christian beliefs are a front to get himself elected so he can appoint Bill Ayers to head the NEA, and then blow himself up so Al Qaeda can say they killed our president.


Quote"I pray that you would step forward and honor your own name"

God Bless America...


motherfucker. since when did God cast a vote on our nation's president?

from everything I learned in theology class, He's either already picked the guy, or is allowing us to elect him based on our own judgment. Seeing as we've had enough freewill to, you know, sink our own economy, kill 6 million Jews or however many times that many in the gulags of Russia, intern our own Asian-American citizens in camps for months and months, maintain the slave trade well past what it should've been, and on and on and on, I can't help but think we're standing on the free will side of things here...

Let me remind you guys of a thread where I had my ass handed to me about four or five years ago when I got up in arms about the idea of Mahageetah when we were discussing the song "Mahgeetah" -- anyone remember that? Meg got thoroughly pissed at me for what I said there, and hell, she had every right to. Who was I as a high school kid taking courses in apologetics and christian theology to come in here and think I understood everything? Certainly have changed in the past few years. I'm not going to posit any of those beliefs or ideas now, just because I don't think there's any one right answer for me to judge anyone else by.

As for this pastor, is he basically commanding God to have the balls to stand up and elect McCain just to prove that He can deliver our nation from great evils? Is that the shit they're going to sucker in our nation's Christians with? I don't want any part of that. I dig Christ because of what he did, the balls it took to proclaim what he did and to slap all of Judaic law in the face by handing out two basic and simple truths about the faith, opening it up for anyone in the world who wanted to follow and find that truth. Is is THE truth? In some ways, yeah, but not in the way any evangelical Christian pastor would try and have you believe nowadays.

What am I trying to say? I don't honestly know. You can flame on me if you like, but I'm pretty sure that this kind of politic is exactly NOT what any sort of faith in any God is about. Well, should be about at least. Shame on you, asshole.

I think I'm going to hell...
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteYou shall not test the Lord, your god

Quoted from scripture.

God has his own ways. Beings with infinite knowledge and wisdom generally do. And frankly, I don't think God is enough of a politician to really care about his "reputation". I've taken enough theology classes to know that this guy has no idea what he is talking about.
In another time, in another place, in another face



God is what you make of it, of him, of her, of us, of them.  Its a belief in the unknown.  You can believe its a man, or a woman.  You can call it whatever you want to.  its all the same thing.  Its all transcendent
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

Penny Lane

QuoteGod is what you make of it, of him, of her, of us, of them.  Its a belief in the unknown.  You can believe its a man, or a woman.  You can call it whatever you want to.  its all the same thing.  Its all transcendent

i agree--i feel like God is something people lean on, use, mold into whatever they need to feel good or get by---a spirit, a man w/a beard, santa claus, allah, buddha, whatever you call it-it's all whatever your imaginination or historical studies have made it into, or whatever your parents say it is--i think the 'higher power' is in people the whole time--like the wizard of oz

i don't believe in anything other than what i can see or can potentially understand- goodness of people, personal responsibility, music, death, sickness, etc..i will never understand debating religion--
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill



God does not exist.

Case closed. mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


QuoteGod is what you make of it, of him, of her, of us, of them.  Its a belief in the unknown.  You can believe its a man, or a woman.  You can call it whatever you want to.  its all the same thing.  Its all transcendent

i agree--i feel like God is something people lean on, use, mold into whatever they need to feel good or get by---a spirit, a man w/a beard, santa claus, allah, buddha, whatever you call it-it's all whatever your imaginination or historical studies have made it into, or whatever your parents say it is--i think the 'higher power' is in people the whole time--like the wizard of oz

i don't believe in anything other than what i can see or can potentially understand- goodness of people, personal responsibility, music, death, sickness, etc..i will never understand debating religion--

I can never bring myself to talk about religion, because most times I never know what to say or if I do say something it usually offends someone. What you said was very well put. Awesome.
Cow temperature.



God does not exist.

Case closed.

Nobody's got all the answers, man.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.