May Be a Shot in the Dark

Started by memphis2kentucky, Jun 07, 2008, 09:57 PM

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I know this seems weird on MMJ's forum but I believe they and their fans have magical powers over the universe and I just might find someone who's going through the same thing

For the past 2 years I have experienced constant dizziness, disorientation, lethargy, light sensitivity, jaw tightness (bottom left), tinnitus (right ear), and occasional numbness in both hands.  No headaches or migraines though.

I have been to general practitioner's, neurologists, and ENT's and all testing have come back fine.  (sinus xrays, bloodwork, etc.)  

The dizziness and disorientation are truely debilitating and have caused much hardship for me.  I was curious as to if anyone on here have noticed these symptoms in TMJ.  This is basically my last resort as to locating what is causing my horrible condition.

I am 26 years otherwise good health and mental health history.

Thank you in advance for any help!

You Are Everything


Have you been tested for diabetes? Also, have you been to a dietician? How about being tested for STDs like gonorrhea?


....have tried all 3 and all came back fine

F'n crazyness

I appreciate the help
You Are Everything


How about iron deficiencies?

Have you been to other specialists? How about trying a naturopath? GP's generally won't recommend them being the close-minded stubborn bunch they often are.


Yeah all the bloodwork (full blood panel) came back a-ok....I've tried a Chiropractor which felt really good but no improvement

You Are Everything


Don't let those fake doctors crack your neck, unless they did and that's why you are in this mess in the first place.


They didn't cause it....I just got to the point where I would attempt anything to find some kind of relief
You Are Everything


My mom has suffered severe dizziness and disorientation along with nerve pain for about four years now. She got the runaround from her doctors and was told her problem was everything from beginning stages of multiple sclerosis to vertigo to just her imagination. She just recently was diagnosed with meniere's disease as a cause of the dizziness, and has yet to be diagnosed with anything for the nerve pain. I would suggest you do your own research and be demanding when it comes to your medical care. Depending on what type of medical coverage you have you might have to be very vocal about the kind of testing you want done. Your symptoms might not be from one cause either. I know how difficult it can be to struggle to find answers. Good luck to you.


have you tried any holistic stuff?

thats always worth trying. :/
4 Fav. bands: My morning Jacket
The Shins
Modest Mouse
The Mars Volta


QuoteMy mom has suffered severe dizziness and disorientation along with nerve pain for about four years now. She got the runaround from her doctors and was told her problem was everything from beginning stages of multiple sclerosis to vertigo to just her imagination. She just recently was diagnosed with meniere's disease as a cause of the dizziness, and has yet to be diagnosed with anything for the nerve pain. I would suggest you do your own research and be demanding when it comes to your medical care. Depending on what type of medical coverage you have you might have to be very vocal about the kind of testing you want done. Your symptoms might not be from one cause either. I know how difficult it can be to struggle to find answers. Good luck to you.

I have been relentlessy researching potential causes and I once thought both MS and Meniere's could be possible but MRI's and the ENT stated they were 'unlikely'.  Thanks for the info and I wish the best to your Mom as well!
You Are Everything


Quotehave you tried any holistic stuff?

thats always worth trying. :/

At this point anything's worth trying!
You Are Everything


Have you tried a naturopath? They are different than holistic medicine.


QuoteHave you tried a naturopath? They are different than holistic medicine.

What do they do?
You Are Everything


My Brother suffered from some strange virus that lasted a few years.  After an exhausted search of doctors and research he went to the Mayo Clinic where the told him it was a virus and they could only treat his simpoms until the virus ran it's course. Some of his symptoms were constant ringging in the ears, lethargy (highly unlike him), dizzyness,disorientation, and he blacked/passed once, the numbness might have been a problem too I can't remember now.

I'm not suggesting this is what you have, just saying it could be a virus or anything the medical field can't define as of yet. The doctors my brother saw didn't have a lot of answers for him.

I'm sure you've done your research, I'd keep at it.
Do you use atrificial sweetners? just curious


QuoteHave you tried a naturopath? They are different than holistic medicine.

What do they do?

This is a Canadian site, but the US will have something similar. BTW, my wife went to a naturopath and feels great - she had to alter her diet and take suppliments prescribed by her naturopath doctor. I don't know if you'll be covered in the US, but my wife had partial coverage for her supplimental medicine.


QuoteMy Brother suffered from some strange virus that lasted a few years.  After an exhausted search of doctors and research he went to the Mayo Clinic where the told him it was a virus and they could only treat his simpoms until the virus ran it's course. Some of his symptoms were constant ringging in the ears, lethargy (highly unlike him), dizzyness,disorientation, and he blacked/passed once, the numbness might have been a problem too I can't remember now.

I'm not suggesting this is what you have, just saying it could be a virus or anything the medical field can't define as of yet. The doctors my brother saw didn't have a lot of answers for him.

I'm sure you've done your research, I'd keep at it.
Do you use atrificial sweetners? just curious

Wow! A virus that lasts a few years?  That's insane!..I hope he's doing good now cause I can really feel his pain.....but no artificial sweeteners...I've literally tried to rule out everything I could think of.  Maybe/hopefully it will pass....thank you for the input
You Are Everything


QuoteHave you tried a naturopath? They are different than holistic medicine.

What do they do?

This is a Canadian site, but the US will have something similar. BTW, my wife went to a naturopath and feels great - she had to alter her diet and take suppliments prescribed by her naturopath doctor. I don't know if you'll be covered in the US, but my wife had partial coverage for her supplimental medicine.

Cool...I will definately check into that...I appreciate that
You Are Everything


QuoteMy Brother suffered from some strange virus that lasted a few years.  After an exhausted search of doctors and research he went to the Mayo Clinic where the told him it was a virus and they could only treat his simpoms until the virus ran it's course. Some of his symptoms were constant ringging in the ears, lethargy (highly unlike him), dizzyness,disorientation, and he blacked/passed once, the numbness might have been a problem too I can't remember now.

I'm not suggesting this is what you have, just saying it could be a virus or anything the medical field can't define as of yet. The doctors my brother saw didn't have a lot of answers for him.

I'm sure you've done your research, I'd keep at it.
Do you use atrificial sweetners? just curious

Wow! A virus that lasts a few years?  That's insane!..I hope he's doing good now cause I can really feel his pain.....but no artificial sweeteners...I've literally tried to rule out everything I could think of.  Maybe/hopefully it will pass....thank you for the input

I sent my brother an email asking for more details about his virus along with a copy of your post. It really does sound similar to me but I don't want to get ahead of myself here. I'll let you know what he say's. He's sickeningly intellegent so I know he'll have some more indepth/accurate answers than I could provide.

bowl of soup

Man, this really sounds very similar to what my mother experienced 25 years ago - after a year or so she was finally diagnosed with MS.  I'd see a specialist, allthough it sounds like you may have been down this road.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Hey now, lets not all diagnose this poor fellow with MS etc... We aren't doctors and it's not fair to get someone worried even more than he already is (if you are a he?). Just get more tests done, go to a bigger city with better specialists. I hope your American medical system and health insurance won't fail you.