Japanese Cinema

Started by dragonboy, Nov 23, 2008, 01:50 AM

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i really liked shogun assasin but havent seen any more lone wolf movies
the last  one i saw was the hidden fortress, i might get bashed for this but i think kurosawa is kind of boring ive seen rashomon, throne of blood, and of course seven samurai is there anything you guys can reccomend that might sway my opinion?


Quotei really liked shogun assasin but havent seen any more lone wolf movies
the last  one i saw was the hidden fortress, i might get bashed for this but i think kurosawa is kind of boring ive seen rashomon, throne of blood, and of course seven samurai is there anything you guys can reccomend that might sway my opinion?

Yes, how about Hidden Fortress, Rashomon, Throne of Blood and of course The Seven Samurai?

In seriousness, if you don't like Kurosawa's style, then you may as well just move on. I think he's in the Top 5 greatest directors of all time, but I'm hardly in the minority with this opnion.

I find it impossible not to like and/or respect most of his films, but maybe you should try Yojimbo (remade by Sergio Leone), Ikiru, Ran or Kagemusha.


I have to confess that I haven't seen as many Kurosawa movies as I should have. Considering the fact that I started this thread that's pretty bad, isn't it?

I am working on it...I can't rent them here (no English subtitles) & they're just so expensive to buy. A poor excuse, I know...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


My favorite Kurosawa is Ikiru. It's slow in places, but it's a really great movie overall.


QuoteAnyone see any of the Lone Wolf and Cub samurai series? I've seen the first film, Lone Wolf and Cub: Sword of Vengeance. Great stuff: http://www.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=1:264075

I've seen River Styx and Land of Demons, both are great.
have the other 4 too but haven't watched them yet.


QuoteMy favorite Kurosawa is Ikiru. It's slow in places, but it's a really great movie overall.

probably my favourite too.
also really like Kagemusha. Tatsuya Nakadai is so badass.


The more folks - *cough*dragonboy*cough - start watching more Kurosawa, the more you marvel at the greatness of Toshiro Mifune and Takeshi Shimura.

I also love the way Kurosawa shoots his samurai fight scenes: they are quick, brutal and then they are over, followed by long passages of quiet. Pretty realistic if you think about it. Samurai's were master killers and wouldn't get in epic and lengthy battles since they didn't have to. Beat Takeshi stages his gun/fights scenes in a similar fashion.


QuoteThe more folks - *cough*dragonboy*cough - start watching more Kurosawa, the more you marvel at the greatness of Toshiro Mifune and Takeshi Shimura.

I also love the way Kurosawa shoots his samurai fight scenes: they are quick, brutal and then they are over, followed by long passages of quiet. Pretty realistic if you think about it. Samurai's were master killers and wouldn't get in epic and lengthy battles since they didn't have to. Beat Takeshi shoots his gun battles in a similar fashion.
Haha I currently have this page open in another tab:

My wife is going to check for English subtitles next times she's @ the DVD store...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteThe more folks - *cough*dragonboy*cough - start watching more Kurosawa, the more you marvel at the greatness of Toshiro Mifune and Takeshi Shimura.

I gotta say, I'm not a big Toshiro Mifune fan. I know that most of the world think he's one of the great actors, but he just overdoes every role so severely. However, I think Takashi Shimura is an excellent actor.


QuoteThe more folks - *cough*dragonboy*cough - start watching more Kurosawa, the more you marvel at the greatness of Toshiro Mifune and Takeshi Shimura.

I gotta say, I'm not a big Toshiro Mifune fan. I know that most of the world think he's one of the great actors, but he just overdoes every role so severely. However, I think Takashi Shimura is an excellent actor.

I think Mifune nails the over-the-top/larger-than-life samurai personna: overly-emotional samurai inflections are still used in Japan language. I've even tried using the dialect with an unaware old Japanese roommate of mine and he got angry with me when I said "hello" in Japanese with more menace than he was expecting: "Why are you talking in samurai?"


QuoteI'm normally all for Quentin putting his stamp on movies he deems fit for a wider audience. He does have an unusual and interesing eye for films that float under the radar, like cult and foreign flicks. Anyone see Hard Core Logo? Quentin distributed this great Canadian faux rock bio-pic in the US. It's fantastic. Seek it out.
Love that.  Any other McDonald films worth seeing?

Picked up Rashomon from the library on the weekend, but haven't got around to watching it yet.  


Watched Shall We Dansu? last night. Played a little like a Japanese TV drama at times but overall very entertaining.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Agreed with DB that this is a must see:

This will appeal to you particularly if you enjoy comedies, westerns, and exploration of culture through food.  

In the same vein, though different country, I recommend:

Which is the film based on the novel which Common named his classic album after.

This was also a Beat Takeshi film I loved mentioned before I believe:

It helps that I'm not a fan of violence/horror films if for that reason alone.

I love Miyazaki.  Gotta put Monokehime at the top but Spirited Away blew me away for its pure imagination and use of color! :o

Since I read some Korean stuff in here (and yes, it is BULLSHIT that they are remaking Old Boy (it will suck)), one movie that blew me away was:

A film based on a true story of Korea's biggest serial killer who was never apprehended.

I love this thread.  Please keep the recommendations coming. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Memories of Murder is great. I might watch that tonight just because you mentioned it.

And I also agree about Tampopo.


I watched the original Japanese Ju-on last night.

Not bad...I find it rather confusing though. Not as good as Ringu or my fav Japanese horror - Dark Water.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.