Started by Paulie_Walnuts, Aug 20, 2009, 04:09 AM

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My sister-in-law has a cat that is nearly 10 years old. A couple of weeks ago it was bitten by this bastard cat that regularly terrorises her, and it caused a large abscess on her shoulder. Unfortunately the treatment of the abscess was unsuccessful and got infected. The upshot is that the two options are to have the leg amputated or to have the cat put to sleep.

My wife and her sister are in turmoil. If the cat was young they might think differently, but this cat is nearly 10, and a little overweight. I try not to get attached to pets if I can but this cat is the most loving animal I have ever seen. It craves affection all the time! It's just a great big bundle of love!

Anyone been in a similar situation? The vet has said that cats do adapt physically to life with three legs, but it's not possible to say how it will affect her mentally. He said looking at it as an animal lover, and not a vet, he would absolutely be 50/50 on what to do! The cat is at home all day while my sister-in-law works, and loves to jump up on the window sill and look out the window (something she will no longer be able to do). She will also be less able to escape from the bastard cat that hurt her in the first place.

My wife and her sister are concerned totally about the welfare of the cat. They don't want to put her through physical and mental pain for the rest of her life. They don't want to end up with a disabled and depressed animal. But they also don't want to lose this fantastic cat.

Without over dramatising things it's a fucking tragedy. I don't even know why I am typing this on the MMJ website, but you all seem to be genuine kind-hearted people on here.

Any advice?
Paulie W


Sometime putting an animal down is the most humane thing to do.  This sounds like one of those times to me.  
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Ten isn't old in cat years. If the cat can adapt, get the leg amputated. I see pets with 3 legs from time to time and they seem no worse for the wear. The cat sounds like it enjoys life. Let it live. My cat has congestive heart failure and I'm giving her quality of life right now. She seems happy and very frisky. She has between 6 months to maybe 2 years of life left. I owe it to her to let her live as long as she's happy and can live a relatively normal life.


The decision to put an animal to sleep is so hard. 10 really isn't that old. If it were me, I would probably go with the aputation. Maybe you can build a little ramp from the floor to the window sill where it can still lay and look outside? Also, is there any way to keep the good kitty away from the bad kitty? You would most certainly want to do that.
Good luck with your decision making. Dont feel weird about asking. It shows you've got a good heart.
Because we're all in this together...


QuoteSometime putting an animal down is the most humane thing to do.  This sounds like one of those times to me.  

I kind of agree about that- still, its always going to be such a hard decision.
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


QuoteThe decision to put an animal to sleep is so hard. 10 really isn't that old. If it were me, I would probably go with the aputation. Maybe you can build a little ramp from the floor to the window sill where it can still lay and look outside? Also, is there any way to keep the good kitty away from the bad kitty? You would most certainly want to do that.
Good luck with your decision making. Dont feel weird about asking. It shows you've got a good heart.

I might put the bastard kitty to sleep in my own way!!
Paulie W