Morel (mushroom) hunting

Started by seamus, May 22, 2008, 01:10 PM

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Quote... and no one else is reading this thread to judge me...

[size=24]NATURE NERD!!![/size]

I'm just kiddin' Penny, I'm a total, unapolegetic Nature NERD. One of the things I'm most excited for (as a new father) is teaching my son about the natural world, and hopefully getting him excited about being outside and learning about that stuff.

awww..if i had kids, i'd do the same. i imagine there's nothing greater than passing on the love of nature and music to kids. your baby's adorable bbill. i didn't comment on the other thread.

Thanks  :)
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Quotebbill, I think you shouldn't have a problem.  It seems most kids are just intrinsically drawn to the outdoors, and it sure doesn't hurt if mom and/or dad like to be also.  We've got some pretty cool topography around here and it's almost like the kids are just magnetized by it.  Natural recess caves dot our landscapes, with lots of exposed rock, mostly sandstone, to scramble around on.  Pretty steep hills and valleys with lots of streams.  Just a couple weeks ago, the family was out playing in a rainstorm and my 7 yr. old found a 3-4 inch crawdad.  I keep some baggies on me for just the occassion, and of course he wanted to take it home and take it into class the next day to display during class "share time".  We fixed up a nice container with some stream gravel, leaves, and water and he took it in the next day.  We released it after I got home from work back at the same spot.  I've seen some of your outdoorsy pix on this site and I'm guessing that your little one will have no problem accepting and enjoying the natural world.

In a few months, I think we might try to start taking him on longer "hikes", but up in the mountains. Our walks now just usually put him to sleep though...I expect it'll take a few more years until he can really enjoy it. I do love to take him outside now though, and watch his face and eyes as he looks at the sky, and trees, listens to birds. He gets really calm, really observant. It's my favorite thing about him, so far.  :)
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

wharf rat

[ I do love to take him outside now though, and watch his face and eyes as he looks at the sky, and trees, listens to birds. He gets really calm, really observant. It's my favorite thing about him, so far.  :)

That is just plain awesome :)


Mushroom hunting is very much a family thing for me.  I remember when I was younger we'd have groups of at least 10-15 people, all family, out tromping around.  Good memories.  Now it's mostly me and my dad, occasionally mom or an uncle will go with us.  Sadly I might miss most of the rest of the season.  I might go tomorrow night but then I'll be in Milwaukee for awhile and probably won't get to go again.  I did find about a pound last Sunday.  Frying 'em up tonight!!!  I was going to last night but we didn't have any flour.  Seriously, who doesn't have flour.  A house full of 26 year old dudes I guess.
We could.


Okay I going to talk to a lot of people with just one message, let's see if it works.

To everyone, I didn't get anything today. BUT I did find a lot of good trees. Still just a little cold in Minny. Although low 70's is unbearable here ;)

Penny, you're safe here. Gotta like someone who's not afraid to get their  hands dirty. My brother just called the fire marshall in Omaha. I guess they banned propane grills on decks & patios. He wasn't happy about it.

Wharf, you're spot on with the whole kids loving the woods!(I know I did) best of luck again!

Hawkeye, too bad about maybe having to miss the rest of the season buddy. Hopefully the mushrooms are tasty! What are you doing in Mil btw? Love that city, mainly that's where all my family is from. Have a good time.

Bbill, the baby is looking very cute, and the glass of wine was looking very empty  ;)!

later everyone!
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


I took my third graders to a farm today and one of my kids asked if he finds a morel if he could pick it.  I was like: "sure"!  His dad is a restaurateur (sp?), so I guess he sent him on a mission.  I've never gone but like to.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteI took my third graders to a farm today and one of my kids asked if he finds a morel if he could pick it.  I was like: "sure"!  His dad is a restaurateur (sp?), so I guess he sent him on a mission.  I've never gone but like to.

Dylan you're a nature guy, so I think you'd really like it. I believe Kentucky is a really good state for it, but Wharf Rat isn't having much luck. So who knows? Field trip today? Sweet! That's gotta be like a day off huh? You didn't go to the legendary farm outside of Louisville did you?
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


We went to an organic farm right smack dab in the middle of the city, which is kind of cool.  Some field trips are stressful but I love the nature ones.  I had the group of kids who NEVER go into the woods so that was cool.  They tasted honeysuckle for the first time, some of them didn't even realize that we eat PLANTS!!!  We picked greens from the field and made a salad with it, made our own salad dressing, and ate it right there, they were amazed! Good trip.

Wharf Rat is actually in southern Ohio.  Paul and I have been talking about going hiking soon so maybe we'll go this weekend and I'll keep my eyes peeled.

The farm does a farm share veggie basket but I'm getting mine from a new farm that just opened up in the area which is operated by one of the Olliges clan.  
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteWe went to an organic farm right smack dab in the middle of the city, which is kind of cool.  Some field trips are stressful but I love the nature ones.  I had the group of kids who NEVER go into the woods so that was cool.  They tasted honeysuckle for the first time, some of them didn't even realize that we eat PLANTS!!!  We picked greens from the field and made a salad with it, made our own salad dressing, and ate it right there, they were amazed! Good trip.

Wharf Rat is actually in southern Ohio.  Paul and I have been talking about going hiking soon so maybe we'll go this weekend and I'll keep my eyes peeled.

The farm does a farm share veggie basket but I'm getting mine from a new farm that just opened up in the area which is operated by one of the Olliges clan.  

Sounds like your kids really learned something today. Good job My Brother in Jackethood!  :)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


I watched an episode of (some show) on (one of the food channels) about morel hunting.  They made it out to be much more than just scouring the woods.  Those guys were making a couple hundred dollars a day, though.  

How do the morels taste?


I'll be out 2mrw to hunt for somw of these.. Kinda crazy i saw two things about morels today.. I always miss the season..


QuoteI'll be out 2mrw to hunt for somw of these.. Kinda crazy i saw two things about morels today.. I always miss the season..

sweet! where's your location?

Well, I'm loving "no work"Friday's. Went out the whole day with a buddy. Found 104 of those thangs. Of course, we split it 50/50, and my half goes to the family. Good luck Dudley, keep us posted!
Much Greater Than Science Fiction

wharf rat

Nice, Walts!  Did you fry them up yet?  I went one other night this week  and still nothing.  


My parents went yesterday.  I was too hungover lol.  But they found another good bunch.  I've got enough for 2 good batches this week!  Season is winding to a close though already, at least for the land we go on.  This week will probably be the last of 'em.  I'm not sure how to describe the taste...pretty much your typical mushroom texture, kinda squishy/rubbery, but they do have a more complex flavor than your typical mushroom...more "woody"?
We could.


Going out after work, I think the season is just getting started here. BTW the ones I found on Friday were very small. I hope I didn't give the impression that they were HUGE. On Saturday, I'll be hosting a bachelor party at my cabin. We'll be grillin' out and mushrooms will be on the menu.

I didn't see the taste question, but I think Hawkeye nailed it.
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Can morels be found in the city, like maybe in a park?  Or would I need to get pretty far out into the countryside to find some?

You guys have got me curious.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


mushroom hunting is FUN and sometimes VERY dangerous :-X :-/ ;)
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


QuoteCan morels be found in the city, like maybe in a park?  Or would I need to get pretty far out into the countryside to find some?

You guys have got me curious.

I would think you could(find morels), but a city like Chicago probably doesn't have much woods? So it'd be a quick walk through. It's like hunting, because it's not really easy to find them, and walking through a huge 1,000 acre state park doesn't guarantee results. I say, hey, why not take a look at a dying elm?..even if it's in a city.
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Is it limited to elms? I feel like we don't have a lot of those here.

We do have some wilder parks here, I might have to check them out.  How long does the morel season last?
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires

wharf rat

ALady, it's not limited to elms, but they are regarded as a good indicator that there might be some morels around.  Ash and Beech trees are others I've heard referenced when searching for morels.   There are other factors that make those darn things so elusive sometimes.  They prefer a sandier soil to one heavier with clay and they love lots of organic matter at the surface.  They usually take about a month and a half or so after the ground thaws to make an appearance, and they also really like to pop up after a rain.  I usually try to get out the day after a nice soaking in the woods.  Once they do pop up, they have a short shelf life, maybe around 5 days?  Good luck if you go out.