So How Do You....

Started by capt._headdy, Mar 03, 2009, 02:36 PM

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capt. scotty

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Vadie Stark

QuoteI'd explain to her how you think her vagina is a money vacuum...
Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.

capt. scotty

QuoteI'd explain to her how you think her vagina is a money vacuum...

wow, check out this guy here. funny guy, right here. I can only hope you didnt actually spend time photoshopping that yourself (but judging by the link I just saw quoted, I guess thats a no).

duder, you seriously need to quit being tracy's new fanboi or whatever youre trying to do and give it a break. I read your initial stance on the situation this topic was about, and point taken. looking back on the first couple pages of this thread, I almost forget about the good advice I got from some people  :)

I have even poked fun in here at myself, but your schtick is tired.

I have no idea how my interest in someone relates to spiders and praying mantis' either. I guess my Jack Hanna intellect is down.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons



Seriously. Please. This entire thread just stinks. I think you know where most of the board stands on this subject man, and resentfully keeping an argument up (if we could even call this that) isn't really going to change any minds or make you look any better. Carnivorous insects and arachnids have no place here? You've persisted in your arguing enough that you've stopped looking less like a guy intrigued by a beauty and more like someone looking to stir up some a pretty decent amount of trouble for your own benefit, as if causing a big ruckus and getting the spoils not only justifies the effort, but glorifies your masculinity in your successful conquest for what should be considered "out-of-bounds" carnal knowledge of this girl. Yeah, I'm going to be an asshole and take Tracy's side on this, but only because you've proven yourself to be of a similar caliber on the opposite position. I've learned a few things by getting my ass handed back to me by the "old guys" around here, man.

So please: Quit it. It's just old now. And no one's having any fun seeing this at the top of the page.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

capt. scotty

Granted, page 4 of this thread had nothing valuable occur in it and was mostly just bad humor from others more than myself, but Im not sure where youre finding me argue with most people. Ive simply responded to questions people had or given my side of the story. In retrospect, this thread starting around the same time as the "current joys" escapade makes it seem like maybe my intentions had something to do with what you seemed to gleam on as you continued above, but if you just read thru my posts in here, thats not the case.

This has nothing to do with sides, and Im actually glad there seems to be opinions that run the gamut on my question/concern. I have no problem with people having a standpoint different or opposite than mine, and in this case, it just puts everything into perspective more.

That said, I did nothing to keep this thread at the top all day - over half the posts were from this noob with 3 first names as his screename, edtomjohn. I let it die in the other thread, but if this guy is going to insult me and insinuate my thoughts/actions are comparable to a spider or praying mantis, etc, im going to respond. Tracy's earned the right for me to give him leeway if he wishes to go that route and I can find humor in it. This guy, no.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteTracy's earned the right for me to give him leeway if he wishes to go that route and I can find humor in it. This guy, no.

leeway:  an allowable margin of freedom or variation; tolerance.

uummmm, Tom's right. The correct move would be just to stop posting on this thread. If you want home flick up there to stop giving you grief, then stop responding b/c if you keep responding, then he will continue to give you grief by posting.

So, just give him some leeway b/c if you don't, he'll keep posting. It's not a real difficult concept to wrap your brain around.

And thanks for all the leeway you have chosen to give me; I was wondering why I slept so well last night.

Vadie Stark

Sorry capn headdy :(
I was wrong and I apologize, will remove offensive posts & pics.

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.

capt. scotty

So....I'd appreciate if the female perspective chimed in once again on this:

Im at a bar/restaurant I typically go to because its 1 of the few decent ones close by, and lady of interest knows I go here because I've mentioned it a few times since we have class Saturday mornings and Ive been there a few Fridays previously. This isnt downtown or anything, about 10-15 minutes outside of Pittsburgh, but she lives about 30 minutes from this spot. She's there with some friends, and boyfriend apparently as well, although during the 20-30 minutes I was talking with her no sight of this guy and she only had 1 seemingly bored friend hanging out at the same table.

So whats the deal?  :o :D 8-)
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Penny Lane

QuoteSo....I'd appreciate if the female perspective chimed in once again on this:

Im at a bar/restaurant I typically go to because its 1 of the few decent ones close by, and lady of interest knows I go here because I've mentioned it a few times since we have class Saturday mornings and Ive been there a few Fridays previously. This isnt downtown or anything, about 10-15 minutes outside of Pittsburgh, but she lives about 30 minutes from this spot. She's there with some friends, and boyfriend apparently as well, although during the 20-30 minutes I was talking with her no sight of this guy and she only had 1 seemingly bored friend hanging out at the same table.

So whats the deal?  :o :D 8-)

not sure i can make a prognosis based on that. i would need to know

1. had SHE ever been to that place or had she heard of it before you started mentioning it?? did she KNOW you were going to be there that night or did she assume you always went there on the weekends?
2. was she flirting w/you openly in front of her friend
3. did you hit on her friend and ignore her like i told you to do? (lol)

if she had never been to that place and knew you hung out there, i can't say for sure she went there hoping you'd be there, however, there's a slight possiblity. maybe there are so few cool bars where you live, and you promoted it so much that she wanted to check it out..not sure. i need more info....
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

capt. scotty

QuoteSo....I'd appreciate if the female perspective chimed in once again on this:

Im at a bar/restaurant I typically go to because its 1 of the few decent ones close by, and lady of interest knows I go here because I've mentioned it a few times since we have class Saturday mornings and Ive been there a few Fridays previously. This isnt downtown or anything, about 10-15 minutes outside of Pittsburgh, but she lives about 30 minutes from this spot. She's there with some friends, and boyfriend apparently as well, although during the 20-30 minutes I was talking with her no sight of this guy and she only had 1 seemingly bored friend hanging out at the same table.

So whats the deal?  :o :D 8-)

not sure i can make a prognosis based on that. i would need to know

1. had SHE ever been to that place or had she heard of it before you started mentioning it?? did she KNOW you were going to be there that night or did she assume you always went there on the weekends?
2. was she flirting w/you openly in front of her friend
3. did you hit on her friend and ignore her like i told you to do? (lol)

if she had never been to that place and knew you hung out there, i can't say for sure she went there hoping you'd be there, however, there's a slight possiblity. maybe there are so few cool bars where you live, and you promoted it so much that she wanted to check it out..not sure. i need more info....

I wouldnt say I promoted this place:

...there were just some times during class saturday mornings where we'd be talking about what we did last night, and I was at this place a few times. She knows I only live a few minutes from both school and this pub&grille. I know she had never been there before and dont think she ever heard of it before my mentioning. There's plenty of decent places in the greater Pittsburgh area to go, and like I said, she lives like a half hour from this place and actually lives closer to downtown then where this is at.

that said, she didn't know I'd be there, like say I said it earlier yesterday, but she did know I didn't do anything friday so there was a good chance I would've been doing something somewhere last night.

there was some flirting, dont know what you mean by openly though since I dont think her friend could really here what we were saying since its loud in this place, and eventually her friend went somewhere else after 15 minutes or so. It didn't even occur to me to hit on her/talk to her, probably most likely because she was a linebacker that may have me outweighed. And Im like 6'3'' 210#

I didnt really get a look at the BF, but a glance I got of a few of the guys she was with at 1 point looks like they were the collared shirt type. I might need to upgrade in some areas  ;D
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Damned frat boys... Hang in there, Headdy!!!

Penny Lane

yeah hang in there. she's probably sick of the collared shirts. keep us posted.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Collared Shirts must be a big deal over there :)
Feelings hour, every tuesday morning.

capt. scotty

First off, I just read thru this entire thread again right now. Hilarious and Great at the same time. Its amazing how much things change - both in real life and the forum - in a year. And at the same time, how some things stay the same.

That said, for those that werent around a year ago, forget what this thread was about, dont feel like reading the whole thing, or need a summary: I really liked this girl in my class that met once a week. She had a boyfriend though, and it turned out she was living with him too actually. To put it as blunt as I did in the OP, I wanted advice on what I should do to get her to break up with him and get with me..... forward to April 2010

I went out to the same bar/restaurant last night as mentioned a few posts ago (but over a year ago timewise) by me in the thread to watch the Pens game with a friend. We walk around the joint looking for the best table thats open with a TV view and find one. Sit down, and whatta ya know, our server is the girl this thread was started about. We talked for a few minutes at first, a couple more times thruout the game whenever she'd come by to drop off a couple more adult beverages, and then again once we got our bill. I told her we should hang out sometime, and she then tells me that she broke up with the guy she was with a year ago. I told her I was sorry to hear that, she said dont be bc hes a douchebag, and I told her I wasnt actually sorry but just trying to be nice  ;D...she made sure I still had her number, and I told her Id call her.

What makes it even crazier is I lived 2 hours away from Pittsburgh until 2 weeks ago. I went over it briefly in the complaints thread, but I automatically failed a class because I missed the first few days due to being sick, and since 1 was a clinical day and you need to be excused by the teach and I wasnt, I failed. Since the class is only offered the 2nd half of spring semester and I needed it as a pre-req to move on, I have to wait until March 2011 to get back in the program, and because of that, it made the most sense to move back to The Burgh. A friend in the class when I told him how it went down told me everything happens for a reason and I told him "yeah", but shit, maybe he was right.

I just remembered about this thread a little bit ago, and Im not making wedding plans or anything, but how this all worked out (and the fact that I started a thread on this specific girl and how the thread ensued) makes me laugh, be amazed and in awe, and smile at the same time.

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteFirst off, I just read thru this entire thread again right now. Hilarious and Great at the same time. Its amazing how much things change - both in real life and the forum - in a year. And at the same time, how some things stay the same.

That said, for those that werent around a year ago, forget what this thread was about, dont feel like reading the whole thing, or need a summary: I really liked this girl in my class that met once a week. She had a boyfriend though, and it turned out she was living with him too actually. To put it as blunt as I did in the OP, I wanted advice on what I should do to get her to break up with him and get with me..... forward to April 2010

I went out to the same bar/restaurant last night as mentioned a few posts ago (but over a year ago timewise) by me in the thread to watch the Pens game with a friend. We walk around the joint looking for the best table thats open with a TV view and find one. Sit down, and whatta ya know, our server is the girl this thread was started about. We talked for a few minutes at first, a couple more times thruout the game whenever she'd come by to drop off a couple more adult beverages, and then again once we got our bill. I told her we should hang out sometime, and she then tells me that she broke up with the guy she was with a year ago. I told her I was sorry to hear that, she said dont be bc hes a douchebag, and I told her I wasnt actually sorry but just trying to be nice  ;D...she made sure I still had her number, and I told her Id call her.

What makes it even crazier is I lived 2 hours away from Pittsburgh until 2 weeks ago. I went over it briefly in the complaints thread, but I automatically failed a class because I missed the first few days due to being sick, and since 1 was a clinical day and you need to be excused by the teach and I wasnt, I failed. Since the class is only offered the 2nd half of spring semester and I needed it as a pre-req to move on, I have to wait until March 2011 to get back in the program, and because of that, it made the most sense to move back to The Burgh. A friend in the class when I told him how it went down told me everything happens for a reason and I told him "yeah", but shit, maybe he was right.

I just remembered about this thread a little bit ago, and Im not making wedding plans or anything, but how this all worked out (and the fact that I started a thread on this specific girl and how the thread ensued) makes me laugh, be amazed and in awe, and smile at the same time.

I can't believe she told you I was a douchebag.  


Isn't it slightly disconcerting for you that she's obviously attracted to douchebags?  ;)
Paulie W