Homegrown is the way it should be.......Gardening!

Started by searchinbig, Feb 17, 2009, 10:01 AM

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WOW!  It is great to see so many fellow gardeners amongst my fellow MMJ lovers! 
We have been in our house (an old dairy farm) 6 years and have expanded our garden each year.
The first year I had a real hard time breaking ground and ended up with about a 10' long swath as wide as the roto-tiller before I gave up exhausted.  Just some corn and squash the first year.
Since then we've expanded to a 30' by 50' plot.

it got a little crowded, so we're going to expand it again this year.  I saved heirloom tomatoe seeds last year but wasn't sure how viable they would be so I over-planted.  I had unbelievable good luck with two to five plants sprouting up in each cell.   When I got done repotting them I had more than 125 plants!!!  I've got 4 varieties planted and am sure that some of the grape and cherry varieties I planted last year will spring up when I till the garden (that is how I got them from a friend).
I've also started some corn, broccolli, cabbage, hot and bell peppers and cucumbers.  I'm hoping that the jump-start gives me some early veggies.

I advocate the use of rainwater - if you use it you will see a difference from tap water.
We grow blueberries, strawberries, and I've been pruning back two very old apple trees and a pear tree and have begun to get decent friut from them in the last 2 years.
I also have chickens, but I'll save talking about them for the other thread.
Phew!  enough about me!

Jon T.

Pretty sweet spread you got there, Randall!


Way to go everyone!!!  I'm jealous of all the awesomeness!!  Here's my little piece of heaven though!!

^^Kale, lettuce to far left in background and in long "window-box"--- then broccoli to the right of them in the larger pots!  Beans & my new moss terrarium in the foreground!!  (Oh, and a comfrey plant I started from a piece of root on the top little "ledge" above everything!! (The yard is growing in SO NICE right now too!! Way to go landlord!!!)

^^A closer shot of the broccoli and beans!

^^NEW MOSS TERRARIUM!! I just love moss!!

^^A close-up of the inside of the terrarium with the tiny Plumosa Fern I picked up from my job this morning!!
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


That is an awwwwesome terrarium, woody!  I too have a deep affinity for moss.   :thumbsup:

I'll take some pics of my terrariums, maybe...though they're not looking so fresh at the moment, methinks.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quote from: ALady on Apr 20, 2011, 04:13 PM
That is an awwwwesome terrarium, woody!  I too have a deep affinity for moss.   :thumbsup:

I'll take some pics of my terrariums, maybe...though they're not looking so fresh at the moment, methinks.

I KNEW YOU'D HAVE AT LEAST ONE!!!  I just knew it!!!!  :D  Can't wait to see them!!!  Mine's not complete just yet, I'm gonna add some activated charcoal since it's a closed design, and I'll be adding a few crystals & likely a small Buddha or fisherman or other micro-statuary of sorts  :)
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Hmm...tell me more about this activated charcoal?   ???

I have crystals in mine, too   :)
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


We sell charcoal to folks at the greenhouse I work at for their terrariums, and I never knew or asked why, but today I went super wild and decided to start one of my own, and when I went to the Goodwill store to find a suitable glass structure for everything, there just so happened to be a mushroom shaped vase that I couldn't pass up!

So when I showed my almost-finished product to one of the girls I work with today, she immediately suggested the charcoal, and when I dug around online for more info, this is what I found!

3. Activated Charcoal - If you are making a closed container terrarium you should next place a layer of activated charcoal over the pebbles/sand layer. In a closed environment this charcoal will filter the air and keep it fresh. This is the type of charcoal used in aquarium filters so you can purchase it at any pet shop with aquarium supplies. If you are making an open top terrarium there is no need for this charcoal.

Who knew!! I'll be bringing mine into work tomorrow to talk to one of the specialist ladies, and I'll let you know what more I find out!  (if you need to replace the charcoal every so often, etc, etc...)

Hope to see yours soon with the crystals!!!
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


I don't have a proper camera, but here are a few cameraphone pics.  Please disregard the dustiness of my mantel and general dustiness of my house.   ;D

The one on the left had moss from my parents' backyard, but it seems to have died.  The one on the right is filled with moss from the garden store.

This one has a (rabbit's foot?) fern in it.  Also from the garden store.

Shot of my dusty mantel with my miracle orchid from Trader Joe's that blooms every spring.  I'm sure I neglect it like crazy since I have no idea how to care for an orchid, I have no idea why it keeps coming back.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


That IS a miracle orchid -- I've had several and have never had a single one bloom again, no matter how much attention or neglect I give them.

My latest project is bonsai -- which in my case amounts to digging up a baby chinese elm from my back yard and putting it in a pot.  ;D
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


if it falls apart or makes us millionaires



Hahah that's AWESOME!!!  Your terrariums are gorgeous!!  And WHAT AN ORCHID!!  Must just be livin' on love  :)  My mom has had orchids that were dormant for several YEARS but she didn't give up and they did eventually bloom one miraculous year!!  Yours is gaw-jiss!

Maybe try a lil charcoal in your one terrarium perhaps?  Not 100% sure if it would help but it couldn't hurt!  Maybe even a mild dose of plantfood perhaps??

Man a moss wall would be surreal..... you'd love the moss garden that's in my neighborhood down here!  It's just a couple hundred feet away, less than 5 minutes walking time!  And it is lush and gorgeous!!  At least a couple of acres of actual trails winding through the backyard, all covered in moss!!  My neighbors (who showed it to me) and I walked barefoot through most of it, and it is just magical!  Beautiful pics you've got though!  Gorgeous crystals in there!!  I just put a tiny amethyst  and a tiny peridot in the "lid" of mine yesterday, and I put the charcoal in too.

In other gardening news!  It's been cloudy and rainy the past 2 days here in Asheville, and I experimented by putting my greenbeans, tomatoes, peppers, and basils under a lamp... just an ordinary lamp!  60 watt bulb I think.... and they are SO HAPPY!  They're all growing toward it--- and my greenbeans were suffering a tiny bit, their leaves were getting a tiny bit yellowy and pale, and they are now an emerald hue again, and growing noticeably in size under the lamp!  Hahah Lamp Use for Dummies here!  ::)  Oh well, it's supposed to be 80 and sunny again tomorrow, guess everyone will be happy then!!  :D
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Good call, woody...I think I'll try a little charcoal or *something* in the one. They could probably all stand to be cleaned out and repotted, so maybe I'll do a little experimentin'...

And oh man...that moss garden sounds AMAZING!  :o  Talk about peaceful and lush and green!  I used to work with a guy here in Chicago who turned his backyard into a moss garden...he'd stop and pick up bits of moss here and there and there until eventually he had the whole yard carpeted!

Come to  think of it, I have a packet of moss seeds somewhere.... ???
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


I really really really wish mother nature would cooperate with us so I can get this stuff in the ground along with my okra, green beans, collards, and cucs.


Quote from: Darklands on Apr 23, 2011, 04:36 PM
I really really really wish mother nature would cooperate with us so I can get this stuff in the ground along with my okra, green beans, collards, and cucs.

*droooools*  Those look healthy and ready to go indeed!  Enviable collection you have!

Aaahhh a day off.... I repotted a strawberry starter plant I got, into a hanging basket and hung it on the front porch.. can't wait to watch it go!

Repotted some organic veggie starters I got from the local co-op:  2 parsleys, Swiss Chard, Arugula, and my two German Chamomiles that smell luscious

The plants I started from seed are happy happy happy to have the sun back out, and my pepper seedlings are thrilled for the heat.

The peppermint I thought I killed is actually back to life!!!  (Go Resurrection!!)  And a coworker brought me two new types of mint from her yard, and they're also doing splendidly!  I can't wait to use the 15-gallon pots I bought for the tomatoes & peppers!

I'm just in love with this apartment and the porches............  8)
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Daylight is good at arriving in the night time



Chicago Park District organic plant sale this weekend!  I'm gonna stock up on herbs and peppers.  No tomatoes this year, methinks.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quote from: ALady on May 10, 2011, 03:39 PM

Chicago Park District organic plant sale this weekend!  I'm gonna stock up on herbs and peppers.  No tomatoes this year, methinks.
I'm about to sacrafice a live chicken (or a bucket of the Colonial) as we planted a lot of maters Sunday, then it got flipping hot and they are not looking good right now. My seedlings are strong and good looking when they went in.  :-\


Quote from: ALady on May 10, 2011, 03:39 PM

Chicago Park District organic plant sale this weekend!  I'm gonna stock up on herbs and peppers.  No tomatoes this year, methinks.

There's that plant sale!! :-D  Can't wait to hear what ya get!!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


This is a GREAT thread!! I'm coming back tonight with a bottle of wine to read the whole thing. Such beautiful pictures too! Kudos! That "Miracle Orchid" and Living wall are GORGEOUS!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Why does my mind blow to bits everytime they play that song?


Quote from: Darklands on May 10, 2011, 08:19 PM
Quote from: ALady on May 10, 2011, 03:39 PM

Chicago Park District organic plant sale this weekend!  I'm gonna stock up on herbs and peppers.  No tomatoes this year, methinks.
I'm about to sacrafice a live chicken (or a bucket of the Colonial) as we planted a lot of maters Sunday, then it got flipping hot and they are not looking good right now. My seedlings are strong and good looking when they went in.  :-\

That's my thing, I always plant tomatoes and they never really do that great.  I think they need more space than what I have.

Good luck with yours!
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires