Tell Me Your Fears...

Started by PhriendlyMMJPhan, May 24, 2010, 11:38 PM

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Jon T.

Am I the only one afraid of Chuck Norris?  You guys are hard!

Penny Lane

QuoteI'm also afraid of dying. And failing in life. And not being the person I want to be. The shitty thing is that I'm 28 and pretty much think about this shit constantly. I realize that it's normal for people my age, Saturn return and all that jazz. Does  it ever stop though?
no it doesn't

it gets worse...then the fear turns to regret..then more of your friends/relatives/parents start to get sick or die/not to mention heartbreak/divorce/then eventually all our bodies deteriorate, we forget things, eventually we'll fear technology until we'll become recluses in our own houses..until we wither away and die.

but hey, TODAY WE WOKE UP ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE DIRT.  so live every day to the fullest because life is short  ;)

ps-i fear crumbling infrastructure..deju vu this was under meg's wierd phobia thread months ago i think...
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Penny Lane

Quote You guys are hard!

apparently Ruckus is
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

capt. scotty

QuoteI would have to agree with the death/non-existence thing.  Also, snakes and spiders give me the willies.

This is basically exactly what I was going to post. Snakes scare the shit out of me. Me and my cousin helped his family move a couple years ago in NC. They had this unassembled playset sitting in this long grass for who knows how long and his stepdad told us to move it and said watch out for snakes. Of course, we move it and theres 2 snakes about 4 feet long under there, looked like Copperheads of some shit. My hand was like a foot away from one. Ive stayed far away from snake-zones ever since.

Most spiders that I see dont scare me, I kill them, but giant spiders or jumping spiders do. Or any spider that is bigger than an inch or so.

Dying doesnt scare me, but getting old does. Been thinking a lot about getting old lately. Being even 40 sounds terrible.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

Quote1.  Running out of whiskey

I try to never let this happen. Sometimes I tell myself its alright, but then I end up getting to the liquor store 10 minutes before they close. You never know when shit going to happen or when you change your mind and want to get drunk. I always have a handle of Evan Williams within reach
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Jon T.

Quote You guys are hard!

apparently Ruckus is

ba da bing!    ;D


Quote You guys are hard!

apparently Ruckus is

ba da bing!    ;D

Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote1.  Running out of whiskey

Running out of sweet vermouth. Obviously not as bad as running out of whiskey, but still pretty bad.

Oh, and this:

Dying doesnt scare me, but getting old does. Been thinking a lot about getting old lately. Being even 40 sounds terrible.
/shaking fist at the whippersnapper/
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote You guys are hard!

apparently Ruckus is

haha, hey Ruckus I've had dreams where I'm afraid of other penis but never my own personal penis.  That must be an awkward situation when you dream about it.  Is there a scenario to the dream or is it just like "whoa I'm dreaming, my boner is getting huge... "wake up-?

haha, I never thought one of a dudes top fears would be his own penis.  Strangely enough in a lot of ways I can understand the logic behind it.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote1.  Running out of whiskey

I try to never let this happen. Sometimes I tell myself its alright, but then I end up getting to the liquor store 10 minutes before they close. You never know when shit going to happen or when you change your mind and want to get drunk. I always have a handle of Evan Williams within reach

don't you guys have a mejier's or something near you? that shit's open until 2am.  at least in michigan that's the cut off hour. 24 hours and sells booze until 2am.  you guys should move up here, there is so much whiskey.  It's fuckin everywhere.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI would have to agree with the death/non-existence thing.  Also, snakes and spiders give me the willies.

This is basically exactly what I was going to post. Snakes scare the shit out of me. Me and my cousin helped his family move a couple years ago in NC. They had this unassembled playset sitting in this long grass for who knows how long and his stepdad told us to move it and said watch out for snakes. Of course, we move it and theres 2 snakes about 4 feet long under there, looked like Copperheads of some shit. My hand was like a foot away from one. Ive stayed far away from snake-zones ever since.

Most spiders that I see dont scare me, I kill them, but giant spiders or jumping spiders do. Or any spider that is bigger than an inch or so.

Dying doesnt scare me, but getting old does. Been thinking a lot about getting old lately. Being even 40 sounds terrible.

yeah dude, getting old is going to blow. hard.  I hope at the very least I don't get Alzheimer or dementia.  the last thing I want to do with the last years of my life is be trapped in a bad nightmare.


I have a recurring nightmare about college.  It's my senior year and it's almost the end of my final semester.  I realize that I haven't been to an English class all year.  I think that I can still pass if I show up for the final but I can't figure out where the classroom is.  I'm just wondering around campus with the complete terror feeling and it goes on and on and on.  Thank goodness it only happens about two or three times a year.

A week or so ago, I had a nightmare that all of the oil wells in the gulf started breaking up and ridiculous amounts of oil filled the gulf.  It was so bad they thought it might actually end life on earth as we know it.  I woke up sweating and breathing heavy, gripping the sheets like I was hanging on for life.  It was fucked up.

So besides those nightmares, I guess just sharks.  Definitely sharks.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteGetting a boner during a prostate exam.

Farting during sex.

OK, I kinda fear the first though I've never had a prostate exam.  I was out for my colonoscopy but I hope I didn't.  It never happened if I don't remember right?

As for the latter, you can't fear something that happens all the time can you?  I mean a sex fart can be good sometimes.  Right? [smiley=happy.gif]
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Jon T.

QuoteI have a recurring nightmare about college.  It's my senior year and it's almost the end of my final semester.  I realize that I haven't been to an English class all year.  I think that I can still pass if I show up for the final but I can't figure out where the classroom is.  I'm just wondering around campus with the complete terror feeling and it goes on and on and on.  Thank goodness it only happens about two or three times a year.

So besides those nightmares, I guess just sharks.  Definitely sharks.

This is weird.  I have a similar recurring college nightmare.  The only difference is that I'm in my last semester.  It always involves either an English or Math journal.  I keep procastinating in keeping up with the journal until the end of the semester and by then it's too late.

Sharks, too.  Jaws fucked me up pretty good.

Penny Lane

Quote I hope at the very least I don't get Alzheimer or dementia.  the last thing I want to do with the last years of my life is be trapped in a bad nightmare.

sometimes i think that would be better. if i'm old and decrepid, i really wouldn't want to know what was going on. it's heartbreaking for the family, but for the person involved, it would be easier than watching your body and health deteriorate, full blown alz or dementia, you'd be off in la la land
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteI have a recurring nightmare about college.  It's my senior year and it's almost the end of my final semester.  I realize that I haven't been to an English class all year.  I think that I can still pass if I show up for the final but I can't figure out where the classroom is.  I'm just wondering around campus with the complete terror feeling and it goes on and on and on.  Thank goodness it only happens about two or three times a year.

A week or so ago, I had a nightmare that all of the oil wells in the gulf started breaking up and ridiculous amounts of oil filled the gulf.  It was so bad they thought it might actually end life on earth as we know it.  I woke up sweating and breathing heavy, gripping the sheets like I was hanging on for life.  It was fucked up.

So besides those nightmares, I guess just sharks.  Definitely sharks.

I have those same school dreams too, but it can be set at any time in my life, even middle school. Crazy!

I was thinking about all of the deep sea wells too, and the fact that eventually they all WILL fail someday and nobody will be around to plug them up. Great.

I had a colonscopy last week, and now I'm wondering about popping a boner when I was out...the nurse was pretty attractive.  :-[
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


QuoteGetting a boner during a prostate exam.

Farting during sex.

OK, I kinda fear the first though I've never had a prostate exam.  I was out for my colonoscopy but I hope I didn't.  It never happened if I don't remember right?

As for the latter, you can't fear something that happens all the time can you?  I mean a sex fart can be good sometimes.  Right? [smiley=happy.gif]

I think sex farts are all bad... I can't imagine my wife saying "do it again it really turns me on".
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote I hope at the very least I don't get Alzheimer or dementia.  the last thing I want to do with the last years of my life is be trapped in a bad nightmare.

sometimes i think that would be better. if i'm old and decrepid, i really wouldn't want to know what was going on. it's heartbreaking for the family, but for the person involved, it would be easier than watching your body and health deteriorate, full blown alz or dementia, you'd be off in la la land

all depending. my great grandma has Alzheimer's and my grandma has Dementia.  Alzheimer's seems far worse, my great grandma doesn't really even talk anymore, it's more of a squawking noises.  

She thought her front porch was her bathroom.  Has mistaken me for her dead husband.  Has mistaken me for her son.  Has been suddenly, for absolutely no reason afraid of me.  It's fucking weird.

my grandma who has dementia is just really quiet.  almost like a 5year-old who is really well mannered.  sometimes she seems like she might know what's going on but I don't think she really knows a lot of the time.  she fell over a dog and broke her hip and stuff, totally sucky.  she didn't remember breaking her hip, she didn't even realize she was in a hospital.  all she really cared about was her candies.  she loves candy and would probably pound a box if you put it in front of her.  she was such a sweet lady who took care of her mother when she was old, it's just a bummer situation, plus its passed down through the generations so one day if I make to my 70's-80's I might be out on my porch taking a shit thinking it's the fanciest bathroom I've ever seen.

OR I could be trapped in hell and become a complete psycho.  The possibility of crazy shit I could do while not in my right mind scares me more than anything.  Who knows what I'm capable of when I let my brain completely take over.  Scary stuff.  

if anyone is alive in 2068ish and hears a story about an old man walking down the street masturbating it's probably me so look me up and play me some MMJ.  music is one of the only things dementia people remember.  music is important for the soul quite literally.

capt. scotty

alzheimer's is actually a form of demetia (the most common form), and there's 7 different stages/degrees of alzheimer's so it all depends how bad you gots it too

"don't you guys have a mejier's or something near you? that shit's open until 2am.  at least in michigan that's the cut off hour. 24 hours and sells booze until 2am.  you guys should move up here, there is so much whiskey.  It's fuckin everywhere."

...and in response to this, wine and liquor are only sold at state stores in Pennsylvania, which close at 9PM. Some grocery stores are finally selling beer though actually, so I guess we are slowly moving on from our Quaker roots
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quotealzheimer's is actually a form of demetia (the most common form), and there's 7 different stages/degrees of alzheimer's so it all depends how bad you gots it too

"don't you guys have a mejier's or something near you? that shit's open until 2am.  at least in michigan that's the cut off hour. 24 hours and sells booze until 2am.  you guys should move up here, there is so much whiskey.  It's fuckin everywhere."

...and in response to this, wine and liquor are only sold at state stores in Pennsylvania, which close at 9PM. Some grocery stores are finally selling beer though actually, so I guess we are slowly moving on from our Quaker roots

9pm?! yikes.