Tell Me Your Fears...

Started by PhriendlyMMJPhan, May 24, 2010, 11:38 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

muahahaha! this thread is for posting and discussing your deepest darkest fears of past, present, and future.  I'll start it out with a story when I was a wee young lad.

At the end of the year of 6th grade, the first year of middle school where I'm from, our entire class went on a trip to "Camp".  It was an annual thing all the 6th graders did every year.  in 8th grade our class trip was washington D.C. (that was an amazing weekend for 8th grade).  

anyway, I watched the movie "fire in the sky" a few months before going to camp.  but after watching the movie I had changed.  I was now in fear for my life.  the x-files theme song mixed with the smell of summer was simply scary to me.  eventually I convinced myself there was potential I could be abducted by aliens.  I read stories about kids who said they were abducted and it freaked me out more.  I would not sleep with the windows open.  to me that was the only way the aliens could get me.  levitate me out of the window and I wasn't about to let that shit happen.  Flash back to 6th grade camp, it was so fucking hot in our cabin, we had the shitty one but every night after everyone was asleep I'd run and shut all the windows, or as many as I could.  If they were going to get me anywhere it was at the camp, it had a lake and everything.  prime abduction location.

after awhile the heat got so bad that I said fuck it but stopped sleeping.  when I stopped sleeping I realized that the other cabin was planning a late night attack on us.  I woke my friend and then we organized the rest of the gang.  took them down.  they totally tried to get in through the windows!  they had to hug some trees or some shit.  after that aliens didn't have the power they once did.  Aliens freaked me out.

Not Existing Anymore freaks me the fuck out as well.  

Tell Me Your Fears!

Penny Lane

Not Existing Anymore freaks me the fuck out as well.  

a world w/out sticky is very scary to me, too
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Well I'm still afraid of the dark. :-[

I also remember when I was little (I was about 5) we watched Gremlins and I think there was this one bit where the gremlins come out of the toilet (I could be wrong, I don't remember it all that well) and I was afraid for ages of flushing the toilet (I still did it obviously but I just had to psych myself up) for fear a gremlin would jump out at me!
How loud can silence get?




Did anyone ever tell you that before?

I'm afraid of dying too.
Paulie W


Not Existing Anymore freaks me the fuck out as well.  

a world w/out sticky is very scary to me, too

My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts.


i am afraid of:
bees/ wasps/ hornets
indeterminably deep water
large machinery

greatest fear:
being buried alive
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


I would have to agree with the death/non-existence thing.  Also, snakes and spiders give me the willies.

I wouldn't say that I am necessarily afraid of them, but I think that clowns are stupid.



Quotei am afraid of:
bees/ wasps/ hornets


those are kinda funny for me though because i've never been stung and i used to go rock climbing all the time. but still, i am afraid :P

Love Dogg

A paper-cut on my eyeball.
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Not Existing Anymore freaks me the fuck out as well.  

a world w/out sticky is very scary to me, too

aww always such a sweetheart penny.  :)

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteA paper-cut on my eyeball.

yeah that would suck.  where I work I'm surrounded by mounds of paper, all day, everyday.  It just stares and me, sometimes a corner will be sticking out and I'll cut my arm on it walking by.  It could easily be my eyeball one day.  thanks for instilling a new fear me.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Not Existing Anymore freaks me the fuck out as well.  

a world w/out sticky is very scary to me, too


you are forgiven for your sins.


I'm also afraid of dying. And failing in life. And not being the person I want to be. The shitty thing is that I'm 28 and pretty much think about this shit constantly. I realize that it's normal for people my age, Saturn return and all that jazz. Does  it ever stop though?
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


QuoteI'm also afraid of dying. And failing in life. And not being the person I want to be. The shitty thing is that I'm 28 and pretty much think about this shit constantly. I realize that it's normal for people my age, Saturn return and all that jazz. Does  it ever stop though?
no it doesn't


1.  Running out of whiskey
2.  Having a dream that I'm falling that doesn't end.
3.  Poppin a boner and running out of skin
4.  See above
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote1.  Running out of whiskey

I actually had this happen to me once.  It was horrible.


Getting a boner during a prostate exam.

Farting during sex.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


3.  Poppin a boner and running out of skin

Yikes.   :o ;D


It looks like someone needs to start a boner/hard on/stiffy fear thread here.