That little oil leak

Started by rccola71, May 10, 2010, 02:19 PM

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QuoteJonT - how bad is it?

Bad.  The worst hasn't even gotten here yet.

Are they discussing the effects of a hurricane or even TS down there with all this, or is that the "let's not think about that until it happens" scenario?
I'm surrounded by assholes

bowl of soup

QuoteJonT - how bad is it?

Bad.  The worst hasn't even gotten here yet.

This kills me.  They still keep feeding us a bunch of horseshit about how the loop current is going to keep the oil away from us - I have to say that I'm not a believer.  Have you noticed how hot it is?  It always seems that when it so hot so early our little tropical friends tend to visit us with more frequency.  I saw somebody trying to sell hurricanes as a blessing in this whole mess; I guess we'll see.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Jon T.

QuoteJonT - how bad is it?

Bad.  The worst hasn't even gotten here yet.

Are they discussing the effects of a hurricane or even TS down there with all this, or is that the "let's not think about that until it happens" scenario?

It's definitely on everyone's mind.  Not sure there is anything that can be done, though.  It can't even be contained right now while the weather is good.  There WILL be hurricanes and TS's in the Gulf; that's a given.  It's just a matter of where.  It's not going to pretty.

Not sure if you could open that link.  It was basically saying how oil has made it into the bay and sound and even into Little Sabine.  I have some friends that live on Little Sabine.  They said they called to report some oil and that a crew showed up within half an hour to clean it up.


QuoteJonT - how bad is it?

Bad.  The worst hasn't even gotten here yet.

Are they discussing the effects of a hurricane or even TS down there with all this, or is that the "let's not think about that until it happens" scenario?

It's definitely on everyone's mind.  Not sure there is anything that can be done, though.  It can't even be contained right now while the weather is good.  There WILL be hurricanes and TS's in the Gulf; that's a given.  It's just a matter of where.  It's not going to pretty.

Not sure if you could open that link.  It was basically saying how oil has made it into the bay and sound and even into Little Sabine.  I have some friends that live on Little Sabine.  They said they called to report some oil and that a crew showed up within half an hour to clean it up.

I just found out a friend's girlfriend went down there. She's part of a gov't program that does humanitarian work, mainly in Haiti and the Gulf post-katrina. I'm hoping to see some pictures.

In an unrelated musing...I'm wondering what climatological effect this will have. Does the oil make it harder for water to evaporate, causing less moisture in the air, resulting in less humidity and less convection? If so, how is that going to affect tropical systems as far as storms, or just the climate regionally in disrupting necessary weather patterns.

On the flip side, will this "darker" area cause an increase in water temperature or increase in evaporation, making it more humid and more stormy?

Though I've read that from the ISS, the oil actually appears as WHITE because it reflects so much light, so maybe it'll cool shit down?
I'm surrounded by assholes

Jon T.

QuoteJonT - how bad is it?

Bad.  The worst hasn't even gotten here yet.

Are they discussing the effects of a hurricane or even TS down there with all this, or is that the "let's not think about that until it happens" scenario?

It's definitely on everyone's mind.  Not sure there is anything that can be done, though.  It can't even be contained right now while the weather is good.  There WILL be hurricanes and TS's in the Gulf; that's a given.  It's just a matter of where.  It's not going to pretty.

Not sure if you could open that link.  It was basically saying how oil has made it into the bay and sound and even into Little Sabine.  I have some friends that live on Little Sabine.  They said they called to report some oil and that a crew showed up within half an hour to clean it up.

I just found out a friend's girlfriend went down there. She's part of a gov't program that does humanitarian work, mainly in Haiti and the Gulf post-katrina. I'm hoping to see some pictures.

In an unrelated musing...I'm wondering what climatological effect this will have. Does the oil make it harder for water to evaporate, causing less moisture in the air, resulting in less humidity and less convection? If so, how is that going to affect tropical systems as far as storms, or just the climate regionally in disrupting necessary weather patterns.

On the flip side, will this "darker" area cause an increase in water temperature or increase in evaporation, making it more humid and more stormy?

Though I've read that from the ISS, the oil actually appears as WHITE because it reflects so much light, so maybe it'll cool shit down?

That is interesting.  I have read/heard that the oil will slightly cool down the surface temperature, but by the time a storm reaches the gulf that small decrease in temperature is not likely to have much effect.  A big concern is that an acid rain type effect a storm could create as it sucks up some of the tainted water.


I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

is there any chance of a hurricane catching on fire in the gulf?  

let's get hypothetical for a minute.  lets say a massive hurricane gobbles up a whole bunch of oil into it's spiraling vortex... could it catch on fire?  that would be pretty fucking scary to see, a flaming hurricane made of oil..  

I wonder how many species of wildlife are going to become extinct because of this.  Bye bye Giant Jellyfish.  


Quoteis there any chance of a hurricane catching on fire in the gulf?  

let's get hypothetical for a minute.  lets say a massive hurricane gobbles up a whole bunch of oil into it's spiraling vortex... could it catch on fire?  that would be pretty fucking scary to see, a flaming hurricane made of oil..  

I wonder how many species of wildlife are going to become extinct because of this.  Bye bye Giant Jellyfish.  

Jellies will probably be fine because they thrive in dead zones with low oxygen.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quoteis there any chance of a hurricane catching on fire in the gulf?  

let's get hypothetical for a minute.  lets say a massive hurricane gobbles up a whole bunch of oil into it's spiraling vortex... could it catch on fire?  that would be pretty fucking scary to see, a flaming hurricane made of oil..  

I wonder how many species of wildlife are going to become extinct because of this.  Bye bye Giant Jellyfish.  

Jellies will probably be fine because they thrive in dead zones with low oxygen.

jellyfish are pretty weird.  besides pelicans I wonder how many animals died because of this.  billions and billions of animals.  at first it was hard to believe that a 100billion dollar company could make such a huge fuck up because they wanted to save a couple million.  

the brits need to shut the fuck up too about this no offense to them.  it's not our fault BP is connected to them in such a big way.  maybe we should take over england as pay back for the revolutionary war and fucking our beautiful, yet scary, gulf of mexico.   I was listening to Rage Against the Machine today and it got me really pissed, I'm ready to huff some gas.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I was listening to the news for my area this morning.  ( - the craig fahle show - pretty cool dude).  anyway, the guy from this place was on talking with craig about his idea of how to clean up the oil.

here's his website:

basically, they would use a substance/bacteria or something called prp, supposedly 100percent non-toxic.  after it binds with the oil, micro-organisms eat the oil.  

The dude who runs this company, or works for it said they won't even let him do a demonstration on a small piece of beach.  They won't let the private sector in or something.  The oil can't be used once it's in open water so trying to collect any of it is a waste of time right?  

here's the craig fahle show interview link if you want it:  (6-17-10) around the middle of the show he talks to the guy.  

they said the oil skimmers that BP is currently using collects 10percent oil and 90percent water, they claim that their own special skimmers collect 90percent of the oil and only 10 percent of water.  

things that make ya go hmmm? I'm sorta stoned so research it if you want to know the straight facts.   oh yeah and this plant is in Utica, which is like 45minutes away from my house.  crazy stuff. eat that oil.


I don't know if anyone has seen this but I thought it was pretty hilarious:


Jon T.

Soup, check out today to see what washed up over night.  It is horrible.

bowl of soup

QuoteSoup, check out today to see what washed up over night.  It is horrible.

Awful.  Your link didn't work for some reason, but I just went to the PNJ website.  I guess the inevitable happened.  I'm not a Charlie Crist hater, but I have a little trouble with him being the face of the oil-spill. Remember when he changed his stance on off-shore drilling in Florida when he was trying to become McCain's running mate?  There you go Charlie - the best beach in the world is now black.  The robust and diversified panhandle economy should have no problem replacing all of those tourism dollars.  I guess we're next.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Avertible catastrophe.

We are headed to Okaloosa Island on Friday no matter what (hurricanes aside).