World Cup 2010!

Started by talleshortz, May 18, 2010, 09:30 PM

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bowl of soup

Excuse my excitement, but I think we just went from about 2 minutes away from being eliminted to a very reachable semi-final appearance.  We get Ghana (winnable) and then the winner of Uruguay/South Korea (winnable).  We would then get Brazil or Portugal and go directly home.  A Semi appearance would be quite an accomplishment for the good ole USA.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteHOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

The Heart Attack Gang does it again!  We missed way too many opportunities and Algeria's keeper was a mad man but we got the job done!!!!!!  It doesn't get any more intense than that.  Thank you, Donovan!!!

the heart attack gang is right!  jozy missed a sitter & dempsy should've put in that rebound from the shot he hit the post with.  good lord, that was insane!  i'm glad that we went out on full attack mode & just kept at it.  i was listening to one of the pundits on ESPN or FSC last night saying that the USA doesn't quit - man, aint that the truth!

so, everything is as it should be so far (imho): USA & england advance & france is out  ;D
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


Holy Shit is right.  I had to DVR the match and I watched it last night and all I kept thinking was I can't believe the US is going to be sent packing on a scoreless draw?!  And the other thing I was thinking was how different this World Cup would have been if the US didn't keep getting GOOD GOALS DISALLOWED?!  This is becoming quite maddening!  First the US has to live with the disgraceful performance of that head official in the Slovenia match and as if trying to outdo the man from Mali, last night the sideline official makes yet another complete gaff of a call in calling back Clint Dempsey's goal where he was CLEARLY onside!  That would have saved many a fan a lot of heartburn and blood pressure medicine as the match went on!!!  :D

And I also couldn't believe we were going to be sent home by a bunch of chicken shit Algerians who seemed more content in playing for a scoreless draw by packing it in defensively knowing that would send the US home as opposed to actually coming out and fighting for a chance to advance which a win could have done for them?!  I thought that was a pretty poor showing by the Algerians and that is putting it mildly!

But, in one last rush started by a beautiful outlet throw by Timmy Howard that caught the Algerians shorthanded on defense, the US finally broke through and live to fight another day!!!   8-)

BTW, how HUGE was that goal for the future of the sport of soccer here in the States?  The US was on the verge of a maddening 0-0 draw which would have sent them home.  New 'fans' trying to get interested would have jumped ship for sure with tthoughts of this is why I hate soccer.  Instead, the US delivered in dramatic form yet again and who knows what the television ratings will be for their game with Ghana on Saturday!   8-)

Lastly, the match with Ghana will be a rematch from the 2006 World Cup when Ghana knocked the US out of the tournament on yet another very contraversial referee decision.  Ghana was awarded a penalty from a Ghana player diving in the box.  And it was in stoppage time of the first half no less?!  Maybe, for once the US can be the beneficiaries of some shoddy officiating?!?!

Jon T.


BTW, how HUGE was that goal for the future of the sport of soccer here in the States?  The US was on the verge of a maddening 0-0 draw which would have sent them home.  New 'fans' trying to get interested would have jumped ship for sure with tthoughts of this is why I hate soccer.  Instead, the US delivered in dramatic form yet again and who knows what the television ratings will be for their game with Ghana on Saturday!   8-)

Definitely.  Also, as shitty as the foul call against SLV was, it actually helped kick-start a lot interest.  I had friends that have never given two shits about soccer talking about that call.  Our great comeback and then the disallowed goal got people interested in yesterday's match.  Then for it to end the way it did really couldn't have been scripted any better.


Quoteso, everything is as it should be so far (imho): USA & england advance & france is out  ;D

Now, if only Slovakia can find a way to upset Italy and sent the Azzurri packing...   ;D

And that just might be a possibility as the Slovaks lead 1-0 late in the first half!!!   ;D


And this World Cup just keeps getting better and better!  Not only were France sent packing early, but the Italians can also now start dusting off the golf clubs as they are taken down by Slovakia!!!   ;D

I couldn't be freaking happier as my two least favorite sides don't even make it out of the group stages!!!   8-)


The one thing I like about the US going through is that it makes two CONCACAF teams advancing, and Honduras didn't embarrass themselves either. CONCACAF is a tougher pool than its given credit.



Now, if only Slovakia can find a way to upset Italy and sent the Azuri packing...   ;D

And that just might be a possibility as the Slovaks lead 1-0 late in the first half!!!   ;D


slovakia come thru with the shock win!  and they absolutely deserved it.  going into the match in last place & almost completely written off, they took the game to the defending pworld champions.  what a great 1st goal & from there you could see they believed they could pull it off.  italy showed no urgency until it was too late.  their defending was laxidasical (sp) and they were just totally devoid of any creativity up top.  they left it way too late to finally kick it into 2nd gear.  the only good thing i can say about them is that they made the final 10 minutes or so interesting.

God i love it when the underdog wins!

"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


WOW!  So unfortunately, I was foiled in my attempt to go through the work day without learning of the US/Algeria result.  As such, I had to back out of a get together for a DVRed first viewing of the match at a friends house.  Apparently, around the 80th minute mark, all my friends became completely dejected because they assumed I would have still showed up had the result been positive.  Man were they apparently surprised! :D  There was no way I could poker face it for 90+ minutes.  So, I ended up watching it alone late in the evening knowing what the final score was and when the goal was scored.  Even knowing all that, the game was so exciting from beginning to end.  WOW!

Luckily the Dempsey call didn't hurt them.  I don't fault Algeria for how they played however.  They got good chances and in the end, they just weren't that strong a side.

And 'bout them JAPS!!!!???!!!!!  

Oh man did we put it to Denmark.  Keisuke Honda has been amazing all tournament.  Denmark was so lethargic.  I can't imagine how it must have felt to be a Danish fan watching them play that way in a must win game.

I love it.  US in!  Japan in!  Germany in!  All is well :D
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Tracy 3000

Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."

Jon T.


That was great. A little bit too much focus on the chanting of "USA" at the end, but the reactions when the goal finally goes in are fantastic.

Was I seeing things or did the cameraman at one of the early reactions use the moment to get a shot of a girl's ass in denim shorts? I think he did, and if he did, I like his style!

Now the World Cup really starts.......
Paulie W


QuoteThat was great. A little bit too much focus on the chanting of "USA" at the end, but the reactions when the goal finally goes in are fantastic.

Was I seeing things or did the cameraman at one of the early reactions use the moment to get a shot of a girl's ass in denim shorts? I think he did, and if he did, I like his style!

[highlight]Now the World Cup really starts.......[/highlight]

I know what you mean Paulie, but for the likes of the US and Japan, it truly began 3 games ago.  And now to eliminate PK's completely and go to Golden Goal even if it takes 3 days and goes to 70-68 in the 5th set.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Come on USA - you can do Ghana!

EDIT:  Extra time

EDIT AGAIN:  Unlucky chaps.  Good game, though.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side

capt. scotty

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


What a rotten game. For a neutral viewer, this wasn't what I expected. This is a pretty dissappointing world cup so far.
And this isn't gonna me make me popular 'round here, as this is an American board, but I think Ghana deserved the win; when you just look at the talent on the pitch...Ghana should've had 2 or 3 goals in the first half, they played excellent. I don't understand why the US never shows in the first half, keep their attacking for the 2nd.
America isn't the most technical team out there, but so what. This was the first complete match saw of them. And you guys are right; they never 'dive', don't whine, though Dempsey has some tendencies...
If there was a prize for being Lionhearted, America would win it every time, no questions asked. That's not the problem. If only they played a bit more clever; cuz to be honest, when the team USA players get exhausted, there's not much they can fall back on; they don't have a great technique.
But the potential is there man.
You've got like, what, 400 million inhabitants? We, as the Dutch, have 16 million. If we've got 100 talents, USA should have 10,000. But soccer/football ain't where the money's at in the States, or am I wrong?
Btw; American Football, apart from being the awesome sport it is, why is it still called football; when so rarely a ball is being touched by a foot?
On a side note; it's early sunday morning at the moment, so I'm pretty smashed... :D It has cost me about half an hour to get the obvious grammar mistakes out of my message...
On another side note; Landon Donovan is your main man? LOL, with all due respect, the guy works hard, but what the fuck does he do with the ball every time he has to take a corner or a free-kick? Turns it around for a 100 times...
I guess it's on college level when USA players are being trained properly for the first time?
Goddamn, man; you've got the potential! And the fans in the stadium are great; even when they're behind, they still cheer, maybe even harder; that's the way it should be... 8-)
So there.
I'm not trying to be mysterious about it, it's just that what I do is tough to explain.

Tracy 3000

What a rotten game. For a neutral viewer, this wasn't what I expected. This is a pretty dissappointing world cup so far.
And this isn't gonna me make me popular 'round here, as this is an American board, but I think Ghana deserved the win; when you just look at the talent on the pitch...Ghana should've had 2 or 3 goals in the first half, they played excellent. I don't understand why the US never shows in the first half, keep their attacking for the 2nd.
America isn't the most technical team out there, but so what. This was the first complete match saw of them. And you guys are right; they never 'dive', don't whine, though Dempsey has some tendencies...
If there was a prize for being Lionhearted, America would win it every time, no questions asked. That's not the problem. If only they played a bit more clever; cuz to be honest, when the team USA players get exhausted, there's not much they can fall back on; they don't have a great technique.
But the potential is there man.
You've got like, what, 400 million inhabitants? We, as the Dutch, have 16 million. If we've got 100 talents, USA should have 10,000. But soccer/football ain't where the money's at in the States, or am I wrong?
Btw; American Football, apart from being the awesome sport it is, why is it still called football; when so rarely a ball is being touched by a foot?
On a side note; it's early sunday morning at the moment, so I'm pretty smashed... :D It has cost me about half an hour to get the obvious grammar mistakes out of my message...
On another side note; Landon Donovan is your main man? LOL, with all due respect, the guy works hard, but what the fuck does he do with the ball every time he has to take a corner or a free-kick? Turns it around for a 100 times...
I guess it's on college level when USA players are being trained properly for the first time?
Goddamn, man; you've got the potential! And the fans in the stadium are great; even when they're behind, they still cheer, maybe even harder; that's the way it should be... 8-)
So there.

Soccer is a novelty in America; and for being a novelty we did pretty good. Most of the nations view the World Cup as the "end all be all", so they should do better.

I'd put a team of 14 year old New York kids on a basketball court against a Dutch pro team any day, and basketball isn't even our "main sport".  ;)

Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."


What a rotten game. For a neutral viewer, this wasn't what I expected. This is a pretty dissappointing world cup so far.
And this isn't gonna me make me popular 'round here, as this is an American board, but I think Ghana deserved the win; when you just look at the talent on the pitch...Ghana should've had 2 or 3 goals in the first half, they played excellent. I don't understand why the US never shows in the first half, keep their attacking for the 2nd.
America isn't the most technical team out there, but so what. This was the first complete match saw of them. And you guys are right; they never 'dive', don't whine, though Dempsey has some tendencies...
If there was a prize for being Lionhearted, America would win it every time, no questions asked. That's not the problem. If only they played a bit more clever; cuz to be honest, when the team USA players get exhausted, there's not much they can fall back on; they don't have a great technique.
But the potential is there man.
You've got like, what, 400 million inhabitants? We, as the Dutch, have 16 million. If we've got 100 talents, USA should have 10,000. But soccer/football ain't where the money's at in the States, or am I wrong?
Btw; American Football, apart from being the awesome sport it is, why is it still called football; when so rarely a ball is being touched by a foot?
On a side note; it's early sunday morning at the moment, so I'm pretty smashed... :D It has cost me about half an hour to get the obvious grammar mistakes out of my message...
On another side note; Landon Donovan is your main man? LOL, with all due respect, the guy works hard, but what the fuck does he do with the ball every time he has to take a corner or a free-kick? Turns it around for a 100 times...
I guess it's on college level when USA players are being trained properly for the first time?
Goddamn, man; you've got the potential! And the fans in the stadium are great; even when they're behind, they still cheer, maybe even harder; that's the way it should be... 8-)
So there.

Soccer is a novelty in America; and for being a novelty we did pretty good. Most of the nations view the World Cup as the "end all be all", so they should do better.

I'd put a team of 14 year old New York kids on a basketball court against a Dutch pro team any day, and basketball isn't even our "main sport".  ;)

Best players in the Dutch basketball competition are Americans who've failed to get in the NBA...
I'm not trying to be mysterious about it, it's just that what I do is tough to explain.


Hats off to the US for a great tournament.  I agree with much of what you said Taxman.  I also think Ghana was the better side.  Again, the US didn't show up for the 1st 45 minutes.  Ghana sat back and absorbed more than they should have to start the 2nd half and they got burned.  

However, when they needed it, they got it.  No one has really called out Tim Howard but he really made two goalkeeping mistakes in the Slovenia match and this one.  If I recall correctly, one of the 1st half Slovenia goals came from the right side just inside the box that was slotted just right of Howard towards the far post.  Unfortunately, Howard seemed to have lost his line and protected way too much of the near post so that the goal just past his fingertips actually just settled into the middle of the net.  So in a similar play last night (one that should never have gotten to Howard had the D pressed the ball immediately instead of letting the guy into the box and tee it up), it seemed like Howard again somewhat lost his bearings and this time overcompensated and gave up way too much of that near post.  Even if he was anticipating a cross, that just wasn't the right line. I love Everton.  I love Howard.  It hurts me to criticize him.  However, for all the praise that is heaped upon him, he needs to be questioned also.  It was a difficult play but he needed to make that save on the near post.  That said, it was a great strike.  

Congratulations to Ghana.  I really respect their style and seem like they'll be a force to be reckoned with for the next four to eight years with this great, younger generation of players.

South Korea and Uruguay was a solid game.  South Korea was the better side but unfortunately, defensive miscommunication and error led to the 1st goal and Suarez's 2nd goal was pure brilliance.

These quarterfinals match ups are ludicrous.  England/Germany?  Portugal/Spain?  Mexico Argentina? :o :o :o
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Jon T.

QuoteHats off to the US for a great tournament.  I agree with much of what you said Taxman.  I also think Ghana was the better side.  Again, the US didn't show up for the 1st 45 minutes.  Ghana sat back and absorbed more than they should have to start the 2nd half and they got burned.  

However, when they needed it, they got it.  No one has really called out Tim Howard but he really made two goalkeeping mistakes in the Slovenia match and this one.  If I recall correctly, one of the 1st half Slovenia goals came from the right side just inside the box that was slotted just right of Howard towards the far post.  Unfortunately, Howard seemed to have lost his line and protected way too much of the near post so that the goal just past his fingertips actually just settled into the middle of the net.  So in a similar play last night (one that should never have gotten to Howard had the D pressed the ball immediately instead of letting the guy into the box and tee it up), it seemed like Howard again somewhat lost his bearings and this time overcompensated and gave up way too much of that near post.  Even if he was anticipating a cross, that just wasn't the right line. I love Everton.  I love Howard.  It hurts me to criticize him.  However, for all the praise that is heaped upon him, he needs to be questioned also.  It was a difficult play but he needed to make that save on the near post.  That said, it was a great strike.  

Congratulations to Ghana.  I really respect their style and seem like they'll be a force to be reckoned with for the next four to eight years with this great, younger generation of players.

South Korea and Uruguay was a solid game.  South Korea was the better side but unfortunately, defensive miscommunication and error led to the 1st goal and Suarez's 2nd goal was pure brilliance.

These quarterfinals match ups are ludicrous.  England/Germany?  Portugal/Spain?  Mexico Argentina? :o :o :o

Agree 100% with all of this.  

I will add that I was very happy with Michael Bradley.  I have always been indifferent about him but he had a fantastic tournament and has plenty good years left in him.  


On England's World Cup chances.........I told you so!

Now watch all the stupid English fans lay the blame on the foreign manager............
Paulie W