MPRE question?

Started by thepennylaneNYC, Oct 02, 2009, 09:11 AM

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as far as bar prep goes...i had one mantra "two months for the rest of my life."

i began my studying with that in mind and kept that going throughout.  I kept telling myself that I would do whatever it took to pass the bar.  I pretty much studied everyday for 2 months.  The only time I took off was a 4 day trip to NYC to see MMJ at RCMH.

I took the week long course which preceeded the barbri classes.  I think PMBR offered that.  It was a 5 day course that covered the basics of all the MPRE stuff.  I found it worthwhile, because it was a nice easy transition into the studying mode and the books that they gave you had a shit ton of practice questions in there.

Then I did the barbri course.  The barbri course is like a long, slow, death march through every area of the law which will be tested.  Its pretty rough, but I can't imagine studying without barbri.  I went to the classes (I felt that it helped to get me up in the morning and get my studying day going)  I'd catch a bite to eat after the classes, and then put in a good dea of studying in the afternoon and early evening.
The one thing I will say about Barbri is that they prepare you!!  They give you so many good study materials, outlines, questions.  The service really is invaluable.

I then did the 3 day PMBR final review.  This consisted of a one day mock MPRE exam and then two days of reviewing the questions and answers.  Essentially what PMBR does for this exam is pick the most obscure ridiculous questions and puts those on there.  Everybody essentially either barely passes or fails this test.  The purpose is two fold.  At this point in your studying, you pretty much know everything you are going to know, and this exam just highlights some of the lessor known and more "out there" types of areas they could cover.  You mights actually retain some of this info, and it could be helpful, come d-day.  I also found that it was good because it semi-scared me, and I made sure I made the most of the last days leading up to the exam.

The day before the exam I took off.  I went to see Step Brothers in the movie theater, then checked myself into the hotel room and grabbed a good meal.  I took one last 30 minute glance over Trusts (because that was by far my weakest area; and wouldn't you know it, it came up in an essay the next day) and then went to bed

In  Study like you've never studied before.  Make outlines.  Start studying early, and pace yourself.  Barbri gives you a good schedule as far as studying.  I pretty much stuck to that.
I'd go to the classes, eat lunch, work on my outline for that day's subject, take practice questions, break for a bit, do more questions, eat dinner, and then chill.

Thats about all the advice I've got.  You've still got a ways to go, so enjoy your last year of law school.



So I'm taking my Professional Responsibility exam tonite and the MPRE next friday. If I pass my class with a C or better it suffices for NJ, but I plan on taking NY/NJ bar review

I've got a Kaplan review book and a Bar/Bri review book. I don't really have the time or money to take the review class.

Am I boned without the class? I find this stuff to be fairly intuitive and the only thing my class doesn't cover is advertising a judicial ethics.

I'm hoping this is way more intimidating in thought than in practice.
I'm surrounded by assholes