The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Just who was behind Sun when she was talking to Christian?  Charlotte and bunny #15?  Claire?  Thoughts?

*sorry about the size of the first image....but it is the better of the two.


Okay, and who here does not love that Radzinsky was watching the muppet show (upper left monitor)?


Proof that the Muppets were truly magical.

I'm guessing it was either Claire or a mess up in editing.


QuoteProof that the Muppets were truly magical.

QuoteI'm guessing it was either Claire or a mess up in editing.
I just do not see Lost making that big of a production error, this late in the game.  But who knows?  I did not notice it when I originally watched the episode (I guess you had to watch it in HD to catch the figure...which I did a few days later online, and it is a trip).  Right before that scene, the door opens to a gust of wind, obvious whisps of smoke float into the room, and then a strange figure is seen behind Sun.....seems like an Easter Egg to me.


oh no.......its back...
As long as you keep a straight face...


QuoteProof that the Muppets were truly magical.

QuoteI'm guessing it was either Claire or a mess up in editing.
I just do not see Lost making that big of a production error, this late in the game.  But who knows?  I did not notice it when I originally watched the episode (I guess you had to watch it in HD to catch the figure...which I did a few days later online, and it is a trip).  Right before that scene, the door opens to a gust of wind, obvious whisps of smoke float into the room, and then a strange figure is seen behind Sun.....seems like an Easter Egg to me.

They admitted to the gaffe with Charlotte's birthday
I'm surrounded by assholes


I was away last week so I just watched the episode last did Sayid have to shoot young Ben because old Ben was back in the 70's?


QuoteI was away last week so I just watched the episode last did Sayid have to shoot young Ben because old Ben was back in the 70's?

Now the big question, is ickle Ben really dead. They never confirmed. I personally think Richard will save him.

This starts the motion of the "incident". I cannot f'n wait. I heart this show.

Also, I sadly think Hurleybird bites the big one at the end of the season.


Will Sayid join upith the Others? Will Sawyer warn about the "incident"? Will Jack go along with him?... so many possibilities!

I agree about who you think will bite it before the season ends!


The EW semi-spoilers reveal the following fine-print:

a major character dies
a not so major character dies
they had a picture of desmond in the article but do not reference him specifically

I don't thikn it's Hurley. Why Hurley?

There is now a paradox of sorts

If Ben was killed as a child, Ben as an adult would not exist
Ben as an adult exists
.: Ben was not killed as a child (magical island healing properties?)

Furthermore, assuming Ben is dead:
If Ben knows Sayid will kill him, then Ben survives
If Ben does not know Sayid will kill him, then Ben does not survive (since if he had survived, he would have known that Sayid kills him)

My guess is that childhood Ben is dead as a method of self-correcting since technically speaking, Ben is dually located in the same location at different times - concurrently. WEIRD

Furthermore, there is some sort of continuity going on since everyone appears in the picture on the island where Jacob is.

AND BEST OF ALL - they've cast a guy from some show called Dexter to play Jacob. So we're going to see a lot more of him I assume
I'm surrounded by assholes


I saw that about the dude from Dexter. He creeps me out so PERFECT CAST!


I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteProof that the Muppets were truly magical.

QuoteI'm guessing it was either Claire or a mess up in editing.
I just do not see Lost making that big of a production error, this late in the game.  But who knows?  I did not notice it when I originally watched the episode (I guess you had to watch it in HD to catch the figure...which I did a few days later online, and it is a trip).  Right before that scene, the door opens to a gust of wind, obvious whisps of smoke float into the room, and then a strange figure is seen behind Sun.....seems like an Easter Egg to me.

They admitted to the gaffe with Charlotte's birthday
Yes....but they said that was due to the actress not wanting to be associated with being "older".  Ick.  Not sure if that is totally true as she spoke out about that on her Facebook  :-?.  But Damon and Carlton did pony up to that one.  And now it seems that this is a mistake too:
,,Can you please tell me why when christian shepherd holds the picture up there looks to be an image of a person behind sun can you please tell me if this is the camera crew or is this an actor.

I'm pretty sure it's a crew member. We were on set trying to figure out who it might be the other day."


QuoteI was away last week so I just watched the episode last did Sayid have to shoot young Ben because old Ben was back in the 70's?

Now the big question, is ickle Ben really dead. They never confirmed. I personally think Richard will save him.

This starts the motion of the "incident". I cannot f'n wait. I heart this show.

Also, I sadly think Hurleybird bites the big one at the end of the season.

Isn't older Ben nursing a nice bump on the head from the present time?  The common theory is that Sun & Ben couldn't flash to the 70's because they are already there (young Ben is on the island and the theories are that Sun is really Chang's daughter).  I do not think Ben is dead, kind of impossible since he was in the "future".  So in the vein of "what happened, happened", I believe someone attempted to take Ben's life before (perhaps his dad?...i hate Ben's dad  >:().  But what happened, happened....just the person who did it has changed.  Plus, Sayid missed out on Daniel's explanation of time travel back when they were flashing in time.  He doesn't know the "rules".  But maybe we are on a time loop-de-loop.  And Ben has always known Sayid and that he is a ruthless killer.  Makes sense why he hired him as his personal assassin, right?  [size=16] my brain hurts[/size]  :-/

John Locke was shot by Ben, and the island saved him.  I think the island saves Ben, and Richard finally sees that Ben is "special".  Cannot wait for tonight (west coast girl....).


last night was awesome. i'm not sure what to make of all of it yet, but it was awesome. also answered a lot of non-explicit questions
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quotelast night was awesome. i'm not sure what to make of all of it yet, but it was awesome. also answered a lot of non-explicit questions
Super awesome...and next week looks like it will be crazy  :D :D :D

Quotes from the promo for next week's episode, "Dead is Dead":

"I broke the rules John."
"I came back to the Island to be judged."
"Be grateful your still alive." (*Penny?  Desmond?)
"What's about to come out of that jungle, is something I can't control."

:D :o :-? :D :o :-? :D :o :-?



Yes....but they said that was due to the actress not wanting to be associated with being "older".  Ick.  Not sure if that is totally true

Looks like Carlton and Damon tried to throw her under a bus.  They finally admitted that it was a writing error.  Lame.  


QuoteProof that the Muppets were truly magical.

QuoteI'm guessing it was either Claire or a mess up in editing.
I just do not see Lost making that big of a production error, this late in the game.  But who knows?  I did not notice it when I originally watched the episode (I guess you had to watch it in HD to catch the figure...which I did a few days later online, and it is a trip).  Right before that scene, the door opens to a gust of wind, obvious whisps of smoke float into the room, and then a strange figure is seen behind Sun.....seems like an Easter Egg to me.

They admitted to the gaffe with Charlotte's birthday

What gaffe with Charlotte's birthday did I miss?


QuoteProof that the Muppets were truly magical.

QuoteI'm guessing it was either Claire or a mess up in editing.
I just do not see Lost making that big of a production error, this late in the game.  But who knows?  I did not notice it when I originally watched the episode (I guess you had to watch it in HD to catch the figure...which I did a few days later online, and it is a trip).  Right before that scene, the door opens to a gust of wind, obvious whisps of smoke float into the room, and then a strange figure is seen behind Sun.....seems like an Easter Egg to me.

They admitted to the gaffe with Charlotte's birthday

What gaffe with Charlotte's birthday did I miss?

Her character is 28, but Daniel Faraday spoke to her in 1974.  Doesn't add up to the timeline:


Thanks, Missed that with all the other stuff going on.