The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteAll I have to say about vincent is he's a DOG and what does that spell backwards GOD!  deal with it. I posted this thought on PT but nobody understood.. not like you guys do.   They pay me no mind.  ps I <3 u's 

So what's gonna happen with you and Vincent now that the show is over? Is he going to keep in touch, maybe become myface or spacebook friends? I hope it all works out. I now it hurts you Sticky, but I'm glad that it wasn't Jacob appearing as Vincent because that would mean that Vincent was dead. It tears (tares not teers) me up when dogs die, like I Am Legend, that was some sad shit.
Still not sure what I think about the end. I seem to remember the producers spefically saying that it wasn't purgatory early on in the show. I'm confused about the whole thing. What really threw me off was the shot of the plane wreckage at the very end, which almost seemed to indicate to me that none of it on the island ever really happened at all. What did you guys think of that?

don't you ever joke about vincent being dead again.  ever.  his character development during the series was phenomenal.  If he doesn't win an Emmy I'll throw up.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


I loved it, absolutely loved it.  Still digesting some of the loose ends, but all in all I found it very beautiful.

There is a great recap of the finale on Dark UFO, I suggest  you all read it, he brings up many good points.


I just checked Geronimo Jack's Beard Blogspot and Jorge Garcia's podcast on "The End" is up now.....going to listen right now, you should too  ;)


QuoteAll I have to say about vincent is he's a DOG and what does that spell backwards GOD!  deal with it. I posted this thought on PT but nobody understood.. not like you guys do.   They pay me no mind.  ps I <3 u's 

So what's gonna happen with you and Vincent now that the show is over? Is he going to keep in touch, maybe become myface or spacebook friends? I hope it all works out. I now it hurts you Sticky, but I'm glad that it wasn't Jacob appearing as Vincent because that would mean that Vincent was dead. It tears (tares not teers) me up when dogs die, like I Am Legend, that was some sad shit.
Still not sure what I think about the end. I seem to remember the producers spefically saying that it wasn't purgatory early on in the show. I'm confused about the whole thing. What really threw me off was the shot of the plane wreckage at the very end, which almost seemed to indicate to me that none of it on the island ever really happened at all. What did you guys think of that?

i've read that the inclusion of the original wreckage could have been put there by abc and not the producers.  

Christian said their time on the island was real and also "these are the people you spent the most important part of your lives with" leading me to believe the time on the island did happen, while the "flash sideways" were purgatory/limbo.

I'm a huge dog lover, my boy Marley, looks a lot like a smaller Vincent.  I thought having Vincent there with Jack as he lay dying was mighty awesome.  That part definitely got me, as did pretty much every "awakening" the characters had in the finale.  

This was the best show ever and I'm really gonna miss it.  

After watching it the second time I feel a little better about everything. I noticed in the scene of the wreckage that there were some remnants of their camp so it was definitely real. I guess I missed that the first time because I was in shock a little bit
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


QuoteAll I have to say about vincent is he's a DOG and what does that spell backwards GOD!  deal with it. I posted this thought on PT but nobody understood.. not like you guys do.   They pay me no mind.  ps I <3 u's 

So what's gonna happen with you and Vincent now that the show is over? Is he going to keep in touch, maybe become myface or spacebook friends? I hope it all works out. I now it hurts you Sticky, but I'm glad that it wasn't Jacob appearing as Vincent because that would mean that Vincent was dead. It tears (tares not teers) me up when dogs die, like I Am Legend, that was some sad shit.
Still not sure what I think about the end. I seem to remember the producers spefically saying that it wasn't purgatory early on in the show. I'm confused about the whole thing. What really threw me off was the shot of the plane wreckage at the very end, which almost seemed to indicate to me that none of it on the island ever really happened at all. What did you guys think of that?

don't you ever joke about vincent being dead again.  ever.  his character development during the series was phenomenal.  If he doesn't win an Emmy I'll throw up.

I think you read me all wrong there man, I wasn't joking about Vincent being dead, I'm really glad he wasn't. I was joking about your weirdo obsession with him. He is a badass dog though. I wouldn't count on him winning any awards, so might as well stick your finger down your throat now. He is a god/dog afterall, I've only ever seen people win Emmys
Shooting in the dark as to what's best

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteAll I have to say about vincent is he's a DOG and what does that spell backwards GOD!  deal with it. I posted this thought on PT but nobody understood.. not like you guys do.   They pay me no mind.  ps I <3 u's 

So what's gonna happen with you and Vincent now that the show is over? Is he going to keep in touch, maybe become myface or spacebook friends? I hope it all works out. I now it hurts you Sticky, but I'm glad that it wasn't Jacob appearing as Vincent because that would mean that Vincent was dead. It tears (tares not teers) me up when dogs die, like I Am Legend, that was some sad shit.
Still not sure what I think about the end. I seem to remember the producers spefically saying that it wasn't purgatory early on in the show. I'm confused about the whole thing. What really threw me off was the shot of the plane wreckage at the very end, which almost seemed to indicate to me that none of it on the island ever really happened at all. What did you guys think of that?

don't you ever joke about vincent being dead again.  ever.  his character development during the series was phenomenal.  If he doesn't win an Emmy I'll throw up.

I think you read me all wrong there man, I wasn't joking about Vincent being dead, I'm really glad he wasn't. I was joking about your weirdo obsession with him. He is a badass dog though. I wouldn't count on him winning any awards, so might as well stick your finger down your throat now. He is a god/dog afterall, I've only ever seen people win Emmys

vincent has a really good chance at an Emmy.  I read it right, maybe you read me wrong? wtf.


Damn, the internet involves too much reading, maybe I should give it up. Did you watch the recap episode or the Kimmel aftershow? Any interesting points or just a waste of time?
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


Just watched last night.  I can't wait to read what everyone thought about it but haven't had time yet.  I really really enjoyed the episode, however I still have lots of questions.

2 big ones:

Why was Jacob alive again to pass the island protection on to Jack?  I thought Ben killed him?

At the beginning of this season, when they kept the plane from crashing in the "sideways world"  the island was under water.  Why would it have been underwater if Jack put the stone back in the light and kept it from sinking?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteDamn, the internet involves too much reading, maybe I should give it up. Did you watch the recap episode or the Kimmel aftershow? Any interesting points or just a waste of time?

mostly a waste of time.  kimmel basically explained what the show was about, or what he thought it was about, which is the same thing everybody thinks now.  It was focused on jack's journey, timeline b was purgatory a place where time is irrelevant.  matthew fox talked a little bit about how in some religions you have to relive parts of your life in order to pass on to the next phase, etc.  he said it was open ended, which is obvious.

the funniest part was when Terry O'Quinn came out and Jimmy asked him if he was "Good Terry or Evil Terry" and Q'Quinn replied "I'm Out of work Terry".  I thought it was pretty funny.  The 3 alternate endings were just joke endings that weren't too funny.  the Soprano ending they did was pretty funny "Onion rings!".  I don't know I started falling asleep towards the end of it.  Jimmy accidently called the dude who played michael, michael when he went to ask him a question on accident.  pretty hilarious.  It seems like a lot of the cast was kept in the dark from season to season for the most part.  

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteJust watched last night.  I can't wait to read what everyone thought about it but haven't had time yet.  I really really enjoyed the episode, however I still have lots of questions.

2 big ones:

Why was Jacob alive again to pass the island protection on to Jack?  I thought Ben killed him?

At the beginning of this season, when they kept the plane from crashing in the "sideways world"  the island was under water.  Why would it have been underwater if Jack put the stone back in the light and kept it from sinking?

1.) we can only speculate about jacob.  ashes were always an important thing.  when lil jacob stole the ashes from hurley he put them into the fire so his life force could be see by anyone around.  It may have been one of his rules which is why Ilana would have known to collect them.  

2.) Timeline B is basically Limbo, Dream world, Fake Reality.  They probably could have gotten away with not showing the island underwater.  the only reason it seems like they did it was to make you think they were going to sink the island, which they never did.  BUT since jack was dead and his other friends, their test with the island was over.  You could speculate that they each had their own test and each died at completely different times in timeline A but in the timeline b reality time is irrelevant and they all simply exist together at the same time, apparently once they all die? not too sure

I need sleepy.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

just saw this on another board.  haven't watched it yet:



Did anyone hear about the Lost auction this weekend? Some of the stuff went for a crazy amount of $$$.
Cow temperature.


i wasn't around this board when lost ended, but i love lost more than any other cinematic experience ever (as you can see my name is taken from the first flash forward, my favorite lost scene ever.) but heres a great video...

it will make you sad, so be careful.

im sure you all have seen this, but its hilarious

"you want me to suck your dick?" "... i want you to want to suck my dick..."
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quotei wasn't around this board when lost ended, but i love lost more than any other cinematic experience ever (as you can see my name is taken from the first flash forward, my favorite lost scene ever.) but heres a great video...

it will make you sad, so be careful.

im sure you all have seen this, but its hilarious

"you want me to suck your dick?" "... i want you to want to suck my dick..."

that last one was hilarious.  I miss my losties.


don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: e_wind on Mar 05, 2011, 02:22 PM
I miss Lost.  :(

Have you started Fringe yet?  JJ Abrams who created lost made it.  It's been growing on me, I can't tell if they're going to cancel it or not because of what's about to start happening on the show.  the concept is almost a paradox sort of like lost.  definitely check it out if you haven't and are dying for some mystery/sci-fi action. 


I haven't been watching that, but I've heard good things. I haven't really started any show since Lost. I shall check it out if its on my On Demand or whatever.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: e_wind on Mar 06, 2011, 03:33 PM
I haven't been watching that, but I've heard good things. I haven't really started any show since Lost. I shall check it out if its on my On Demand or whatever.

I said this same thing to a friend last night! I miss the great conversations about the show. The ending had its strength/weaknesses, but that show made you think. And it sucked me in for 6 years.

I miss it, too.

Have not watched Fringe, Sticky, but know a few people who swear by it. Maybe I'll grab that on Netflix...
Cow temperature.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Fringe is pretty good.  not the best but good.  there's lots of stuff about physics and weird stuff.