The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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I understood what they did, and do not really have any complaints. However, how was Ben and Juliet at the church at the end? They were not on the flight. So if they all dies on the flight, which we are lead to believe they did and the last 6 years was their struggle to leave purgatory, then are they not out of place?


Quoteyeah I thought the end payout was pretty fucking lazy.  of all things to go with they went with the fucking 6th sense ending.  regardless, the only part that made the ending not totally gay was that ben stayed out of the church.  life=purgatory or some shit.  fuck it I don't care anymore at the moment.  i'll probably watch it again tomorrow or when I get the time without the commercials it might be better.  the episode was solid as fuck up until he's like "I'm dead?" or whatever the fuck.  

hurley taking over the island/the plane leaving, lazy as fuck.  unless it is what kimmel said and basically jack's test.  since they're dead but alive you could even speculate that they were dead as soon as they crashed on the island.  they literally made the ending as open as possible.  the only for sure thing is they're dead as fuck but soaking in the golden rays.

shit breaking bad is starting.  I love that AMC plays it at 10pm, 11pm, and 1am.

Christian said it was all real, so they didn't die in the crash. Also, remember season one, on the plane Rose tells Jack "You can let go now." interesting. Had to sleep on it, but I dug it.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Yeah, I don't think it was that they're dead from the initial crash

I guess I'm just frustrated that this alternate time line was inconsequential to the character's arcs in the grand scheme of things.

I want to know why the island was so important. That's what it all came down to. And they explained it by saying "we'll show you how important it is by showing you how much it sucks if it doesn't exist.

That's nice, but it's dodging the question
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I don't know I can't get over how retarded it was when they were in the church.  I didn't give a fuck.  It was emotional when charlie met up with claire and whatever but once they were IN the church that shit was lame as fuck.  

I get faraday, ben, ana lucia, etc weren't in the church yet because they didn't have a chance to live a full life yet but fuckin a, they should have made the church explode or something.  

they tied up some loose ends but made of lot of it work.  I still think the M. Night Shyamalan/Mel Gibson ending was kinda weak.  who knows.  network television is a pussy sometimes for the sake of the viewers, in my eyes they sorta pussed out.  


on my scale of endings, where Sopranos is awesome and BSG is average, this ranks one notch below Battlestar.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quoteon my scale of endings, where Sopranos is awesome and BSG is average, this ranks one notch below Battlestar.

abc/disney is to blame.  it should have had a more tragic ending with cliche hollywood explosions.  I thought the way they killed the black smoke in general was pretty bad ass.  making him mortal after uncorking the life force.  Then the islands life force itself when jack restarted it was basically his soul that gave it the power.  and I'm also glad vincent got awesome screen time at the end.

if I could create an ending right now that would be sweet it would be something like vincent is in the church and goes up to jack and jack is like "aww it's vincent! hell yeah, what's that you've got in your mouth boy?" ...vincent drops what's in his mouth and it's a bomb.  cut to ben outside church.  cut to black -LOST-  


If I could re-cut the final scene it'd be sort of the same as what they did, but Jack lies on the jungle floor staring at the sky, sky goes purple, Jack sees a plane go overhead, the plane splits in two...cut to black - LOST
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteIf I could re-cut the final scene it'd be sort of the same as what they did, but Jack lies on the jungle floor staring at the sky, sky goes purple, Jack sees a plane go overhead, the plane splits in two...cut to black - LOST

I want to see hurley and ben protect the island.  hopefully they redo it.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I guess the more I think about it, it is kinda cool Timeline B was purgatory.  It makes me wonder the purpose of Jack and Juliet's son tho.  I'm going to watch that bitch again in a bit.  

So Aaron was important because he was Kate, Claire, and partially Charlies constant?  Charlie was more Claire->Aaron.  Same with Kate.  Aaron capped off that awareness level off for them it seemed.  Ji Yeon was Jin and Suns constant then?   That leaves us with Walt.

How did he end up linking into the island to the extent of getting powers such as making the bird fly into the window and foreseeing people being angry at locke on the beach?  So Walt is trapped in that timeline because of his father's choices?  Maybe it's simpler or has been explained.  I get Michael is trapped on the island and not aloud to move on since he was a fuck up on-island but it still doesn't quite explain why walt's soul would be trapped there?  Walt is like the one huge loose end they didn't truly clear up and from the sound of the dude who played michael is was simply because Walt outgrew the character via puberty and they had to can that concept.  argh.  I'm more satisfied a day later.  It felt like Lost broke up with me last night and left me with out that sweet vagina I know and have come to love snuggling into every tuesday or wednesday for the last 6years.  

I wonder if pulling the "plug" out of the light was a joke the producers thought would be funny or something.  "it's almost like a dude Carlton! get it 'pull the plug on the island" and we're pulling the plug on the show?!" "genius".  Those two producer dudes are dbags, not that it's surprising a couple producers are dbags.  They only have writing credits for a handful of shows.  A lot of the episodes were written by some fairly creative minds (people from deadwood, etc) and they in a way got the shaft.  lindolf and the other dude I don't know how to spell their names claim they made the exact show they wanted which is true in the sense that they made a franchise that will make millions, possibly even billions off of over time as it becomes more of a cult classic.  in a couple years people who never got into it will watch it and think it's bad ass.  

ironic locke died falling off a cliff/broke his back again.  

wtf was up with sawyer not doing anything bad ass really either?  that was sorta lame.  the whole show him and jack are like bros and then sawyer kinda turns into a pussy at the end.  

only being critical because I've wasted way too much of my life on this tv show haha.


i think the point of their kid was just part of the life everyone wished they had when they wished the island never happened (which was their wish when they tried to blow it up). jack wanted to be a better dad than he had, he never met kate, etc.

that's why when locke said "you don't have a son" it was sort of cryptic but telling.

you know how they could have really saved this? they could have made it a bit more trippy, like Tony Soprano's "death" trip. I don't know what it is about those 3 episodes where he is Kevin Finnerty, but there is this constant surreal element to it that makes it feel like an alternate reality and you know it's not real but what goes on still matters.
I'm surrounded by assholes


I'm trying hard not to be disappointed. Because I loved the show I suppose I really wanted to like the ending.

But I don't. I'm really disappointed. It just seemed such a mammoth cop out.
The experiment requires that you continue.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

ps.  vincent was the island.  I'll screen cap it but I think I saw abadon(sp?) - the black dude from fringe and the wire - walking a vincent like dog in purgatory.  I liked that dude.  

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI'm trying hard not to be disappointed. Because I loved the show I suppose I really wanted to like the ending.

But I don't. I'm really disappointed. It just seemed such a mammoth cop out.

yeah that's what I thought but thinking more deeply about it at least they gave us the actually "time" if you can even call it that that they were all "dead" so we could see their final transition from the caterpillar to the butterfly.  all coming together to combine into singularity.  into the source itself.  Hurley's rules were probably awesome.  the star trek reference between ben/hurley was pretty hilarious.  picturing those two trapped on an island together is super funny to me for some reason.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

All I have to say about vincent is he's a DOG and what does that spell backwards GOD!  deal with it. I posted this thought on PT but nobody understood.. not like you guys do.   They pay me no mind.  ps I <3 u's 


Quote Hurley's rules were probably awesome.  the star trek reference between ben/hurley was pretty hilarious.  picturing those two trapped on an island together is super funny to me for some reason.

Oh yes!! I'd love to have seen that!
The experiment requires that you continue.


I thought it was great.  Sure they could have tied up some loose ends and made folks happier.  to me, Lost was all about the people.  We invested 6 years of getting to know these characters.  I dug the happy ending.  

Did yall see that LA Times writer's article where she completely didn't get it?  hilarious.

she gets destroyed in the comments
My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts.


QuoteI thought it was great.  Sure they could have tied up some loose ends and made folks happier.  to me, Lost was all about the people.  We invested 6 years of getting to know these characters.  I dug the happy ending.  

Did yall see that LA Times writer's article where she completely didn't get it?  hilarious.

she gets destroyed in the comments

I thought it was great too, right on.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


QuoteAll I have to say about vincent is he's a DOG and what does that spell backwards GOD!  deal with it. I posted this thought on PT but nobody understood.. not like you guys do.   They pay me no mind.  ps I <3 u's 

So what's gonna happen with you and Vincent now that the show is over? Is he going to keep in touch, maybe become myface or spacebook friends? I hope it all works out. I now it hurts you Sticky, but I'm glad that it wasn't Jacob appearing as Vincent because that would mean that Vincent was dead. It tears (tares not teers) me up when dogs die, like I Am Legend, that was some sad shit.
Still not sure what I think about the end. I seem to remember the producers spefically saying that it wasn't purgatory early on in the show. I'm confused about the whole thing. What really threw me off was the shot of the plane wreckage at the very end, which almost seemed to indicate to me that none of it on the island ever really happened at all. What did you guys think of that?
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


QuoteAll I have to say about vincent is he's a DOG and what does that spell backwards GOD!  deal with it. I posted this thought on PT but nobody understood.. not like you guys do.   They pay me no mind.  ps I <3 u's 

So what's gonna happen with you and Vincent now that the show is over? Is he going to keep in touch, maybe become myface or spacebook friends? I hope it all works out. I now it hurts you Sticky, but I'm glad that it wasn't Jacob appearing as Vincent because that would mean that Vincent was dead. It tears (tares not teers) me up when dogs die, like I Am Legend, that was some sad shit.
Still not sure what I think about the end. I seem to remember the producers spefically saying that it wasn't purgatory early on in the show. I'm confused about the whole thing. What really threw me off was the shot of the plane wreckage at the very end, which almost seemed to indicate to me that none of it on the island ever really happened at all. What did you guys think of that?

i've read that the inclusion of the original wreckage could have been put there by abc and not the producers.  

Christian said their time on the island was real and also "these are the people you spent the most important part of your lives with" leading me to believe the time on the island did happen, while the "flash sideways" were purgatory/limbo.

I'm a huge dog lover, my boy Marley, looks a lot like a smaller Vincent.  I thought having Vincent there with Jack as he lay dying was mighty awesome.  That part definitely got me, as did pretty much every "awakening" the characters had in the finale.  

This was the best show ever and I'm really gonna miss it.  

My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts.