internet video capture - technical help needed

Started by kyleschaffer, Sep 23, 2010, 11:29 AM

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I know there are some tech-savvy people here....

I'd like to save a copy of an online video on my computer.   No idea how to do so.   If someone can help me, please let me know.

In case it matters what technology the video is in, the link is here:
but watch at your own risk, it's not too interesting except for personal reasons to me


That looks like a hulu embed, no? If it is, hulu has gone through great lengths to avoid you leeching their content.

With that said, are you on a mac or pc?

I don't think it matters regardless...I would say if you use Firefox there are a few plugins (Downloadhelper) or, for the most direct access, Safari has an option where you can "view activity" that will show you everything the browser is loading/downloading". All you need to do is scan the feed for the largest file, double click it, and it'll be saved on your HD.
I'm surrounded by assholes


I ended up actually buying a program...not only for this purpose, but it does this.  It's called Tunebite.  I bought it because a certain forum member kept sending me files that were itunes files...not having itunes, i needed them converted to mp3.  I tried for a few hours to find a free program, but i kept getting demo versions that would either "stamp" the song in some way or only convert the first minute of the song, or whatever.  I broke down and bought Tunebite.  It was like $40, but I think it was worth it.

Anyway, there is a "web" option on there that lets you record any audio or video while you're watching/listening to it.  I've been using the audio recorder to get songs from that "Tittyshakers" music website.

Chode's way sounds good too though...definitely cheaper!  I was so frustrated that I couldn't find a free file converter.  I'm sure there's one out there, but I was tired of looking.  Back when I was a poor college student, I NEVER paid for software.  I'd look for hours upon hours to get a free or hacked version.
We could.


thanks for the responses so far - makes me realize I should have added I'm using a PC with Internet Explorer 8 - have both Vista and 7.

I'm fine with buying something reasonably inexpensive to do this - prefer that to waste a lot of time and energy on something not in my comfort zone.   It's a local TV station and I called them to see if they would burn and sell me a DVD but they don't do that unfortunately.

I also managed to tape it on my DVR and am exploring if there's a way to get from there to my computer.    If I had a Tivo apparently it's super-easy but no, I have a motorola through Verizon Fios.

thanks again - I knew this was the group to turn to!


I've tried quite a few programs, my current favorite is stream transport: I think it works pretty well.  :)
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket