Good luck on Sunday, Mr. 26 Miler!

Started by thepennylaneNYC, Sep 29, 2010, 10:03 AM

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I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Leaving in about a 1/2 hour to drive to the race. Slighty nervous but that may be because I'm only 35% awake. Having my pre race breaky of irish oats, white tea, and a naner. Run starts at 7:15 and there is no online tracking, bummer. Several of you will get a text when I can get to my phone (it's too bulky to take with me).

I expect to do 4:45ish but with the expected awesomeness from Mother Nature, I may let it all hang out and try to hit 4:20. That time is just for you Sticky.

Peace out kiddies, I'll see you later today.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteLeaving in about a 1/2 hour to drive to the race. Slighty nervous but that may be because I'm only 35% awake. Having my pre race breaky of irish oats, white tea, and a naner. Run starts at 7:15 and there is no online tracking, bummer. Several of you will get a text when I can get to my phone (it's too bulky to take with me).

I expect to do 4:45ish but with the expected awesomeness from Mother Nature, I may let it all hang out and try to hit 4:20. That time is just for you Sticky.

Peace out kiddies, I'll see you later today.

4:20 that shit.  good luck mang.


For those withouth FB

Well, glad that one is over. Last year I did 5:28:04. This time I did just under 5. I was hoping for about 4:30 based on my 1/2 Time but I fould the hills of St Charles, and they sucked. Over 20 minutes shaved off my time is great however! Bring on Chicago in 2011.

Since the end, I have eaten 4 bread rolls from Great Harvest, 2 king sized chocolate covered Ice Cream bars, 3 oranges, a gallon of water, a nana, working on a large mug of coffee, and a double sized slice of apple pie. My ass is glued to the couch right now. I might want to consider a shower. My ass shouldn't be sticky enough to be glued to the couch and my hair right now feels like Sasquatch's pubes.


Official time 4:55. It's a full 33 minutes better then last year. Love it.


hey how did the Dondante timing work out??  did you finish WAY before that een started :)  Great job!
.....Back at the Model Home


Quotehey how did the Dondante timing work out??  did you finish WAY before that een started :)  Great job!
I was 1 song late. Closed out with Angel from Massive Attack



I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


I'd say fantastic 'cept my legs are so sore right now. Getting up and down is a chore. Let's not even talk about trying to use the head....

I actually locked myself out of the house so I had to get a ladder and cat-burgler my way in. That was a site to behold I'm sure.


I've arranged a rub-down for you, Mr Koehler.  If you'd just like to step through the curtain, Miss H will be with you shortly...

The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


I would run a 100 mile race for that.

Penny Lane

Congrats, MLK. Shaving that much time off is a big milestone.
You should be proud of yourself, you set a goal, worked hard, and accomplished it! :-) Now you ride the post-marathon high for the next week or so..
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill