Super 8 (LOST fans should read this)

Started by el_chode, Dec 11, 2010, 07:23 PM

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Ok, so it seems that JJ Abrams is up to no good with a new movie and viral marketing campaign (or so it seems).

First, watch the trailer for Super 8 (Summer 2011):


There's already rumors floating that the trailer itself is full of subliminal hints and hidden images indicating what the movie is about:


Here's what looks to be the first example of viral advertising (click pic to the news story oblivious to the source):

So yeah, even if the movie sucks, at least we get to look forward to half a year or so of lost-esque over analysis. I'm kinda pumped, even though I don't think this style of fan-involvement lends itself to movies as well as a series, unless the movie is a series.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

that pic looks like something out of an aphex twin video.  Abrams looks to be trying to make a name for himself now in Science Fiction.  we need more movie's that pump people up.  high budget monster movies are always fun.  Splice is an exception I suppose, what a piece of shit that movie is.  

he's making Star Trek II soon so ya gotta imagine he's warming us dorks up first.  When cgi is done right it's amazing.  if it's done wrong it can ruin a movie for sure.  never knew JJ Abrams co-wrote the screenplay for Armageddon.  I guess he's trying to make up for the 100's of times we've all had to watch that piece of shit.  god damn it aerosmith.