Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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Just won a ticket for the Nicole Willis & the Soul Investigators show on saturday.
It´s pretty cool stuff:

But I don´t know if I can find something going with me that show otherwise I won´t go...


I'm not sure if this should go into the Current Joys or Current Complaints thread, but oh well.

Just had my last bit of contact with the girl whom I spent the absolute best month of my life with.  We won't be talking aside from letters for one year to fourteen months and I really don't know how to deal with it.  We had a two hour plus telephone conversation but neither of us wanted to address what's (not) coming next.  I think the best thing for me to do is keep my head up, remember the great times we had together in such a short time and just have faith that what I think is meant to be will actually come to fruition.



(+finals. fuck)


QuoteI'm not sure if this should go into the Current Joys or Current Complaints thread, but oh well.

Just had my last bit of contact with the girl whom I spent the absolute best month of my life with.  We won't be talking aside from letters for one year to fourteen months and I really don't know how to deal with it.  We had a two hour plus telephone conversation but neither of us wanted to address what's (not) coming next.  I think the best thing for me to do is keep my head up, remember the great times we had together in such a short time and just have faith that what I think is meant to be will actually come to fruition.
Sounds difficult red, I remember how happy you were when you got together.


QuoteSounds difficult red, I remember how happy you were when you got together.
Thanks for the kind words.  

I actually just got a brief email from her today; she arrived safe and sound and starts her job tomorrow.  The way I see it the countdown is already on.  :)


Berklee School of Music five week jazz program begins sort of soon.
I don't know if this is a joy or a complaint.
certainly a huge commitment for my summer. mad nervous... but it'll be good for me



I actually just got a brief email from her today; she arrived safe and sound and starts her job tomorrow.  The way I see it the countdown is already on.  :)
That's great  :)


QuoteBerklee School of Music five week jazz program begins sort of soon.
I don't know if this is a joy or a complaint.
certainly a huge commitment for my summer. mad nervous... but it'll be good for me
It will! Enjoy  :)


Being back home!!!!!!! After a week in Disney, I is ready to come back home. I've seen enough MILFs and little hotties to last me for a while. THANK F"N GOODNESS for hot summer weather!!!

I am seriously about 15 pounds heavier from the massive amount of food that was consummed. I tried running but only made it out 3 times and each time I got about a mile in and said fuck it, there's pre paid vacation food to be consummed somewhere.

Now I'm sitting in the Orlando airport waiting for them to start loading the plane. My carry on is about 30 lbs of various chocolates and candies from around the world. Man I am such the glutoneous piggy...

I would highly recommand to anyone a trip to Disney with the sig other WITHOUT THE KIDS at least once. It was great.

Angry Ewok

I finished reading the Old Testament two nights ago. It took a long time to do it, as there was an idle time where I didn't think I had "time" to read... I've since adjusted my nights so that I make time to read almost every night. It's not a routine, I just read it when I want to.

I also got commissioned by a lovely lady here at the Jacket Forums to sketch a puffin, which really brightened my day. It reminds me that I should be thankful that I'm able to enjoy what I'm working on.

At work, I'll soon start inking the serigraph positives on my boss' St. Louis Cardinals painting. I'm so excited to start silk screening again. I am really, really determined to prove a point with this next piece. I'm pretty much going to do what I can (I am limited, since it's not my creation) to turn some heads. It's all about technicality and style, with Serigraphs... I'm pretty stylish, me thinks.

I spilled some coffee on my pants, but these cargo shorts seem to totally absorb and conceal coffee spills (yes, I've done it before). It's weird, it's like the coffee just disappears. And now my crotch smells like fresh coffee. That, in of itself, is a current joy.

America's A Horse with No Name...

My girlfriend.

Playing baseball when it's sunny, but raining.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


angryewok's girlfriend is pretty hot...

my current joys:
party tonight at my house
weekend is here
unjustified rise in my self-esteem
finally broke my soda addiction.  i used to drink coke all the time, but just kind of stopped for some reason. anyway, i am trying to drink a coke right now and it's like chugging carbonated corn syrup. i mean, that's what it is... really. breaking the coke (haha) addiction makes me happy.

also, today is bob barker's last day on the price is right. this makes me sad, but i am happy that i got so much joy from the price is right over all these years.

cheers, bob!

Angry Ewok

Current joy...

My girlfriend is overcoming her coke addiction.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


My friend at work brought me some chocolate. She's had a bereavement and has been of work for a couple of weeks. I kept some of her work up to date while I was doing mine. Nothing much really, but she said it meant a lot. Some people are so nice  :D

Angry Ewok

I picked up my portfolio from class today... it had been sitting there for a month or two, since I haven't had time to go over the tracks, so it was exciting to finally be back in possession of my work. Last semester was my final class in Commercial Art. I'm done with the technical side of the AAS and all that's left for my degree is a couple of academic courses.

I got an A+ in the class, so that was a nice finish, but in the years I have worked with my instructor, I have come to expect a scathing letter from him at the tail of each semester - regardless of the grade he reports. I've come to expect and even appreciate his single-page rants, always written diagonally across a cream-tone page in blue ink... Compact letters in cursive, with underlines and double underlines and trios of exclamation points where emphasis is necessary.

In his letters especially, he's always been tough on me, tough on my work, and insistent that I am so much better than I "put off" and that I need to stop dicking around and wasting his and my time. It sounds worse than it really is, though. Our relationship is very important to the both of us, I have him to thank for every job I've had the past three years. He's been a mentor, friend, and father figure - but I can always expect the ass-blistering letter in the sleeve of my portfolio at the end of the semester.

Not this time.

The letter was a brief, relaxed note, all of two paragraphs at best, with nothing but compliments of my efforts. Wow.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Well done Brad! I'm delighted for you  :D


Quote...but in the years I have worked with my instructor, I have come to expect a scathing letter from him at the tail of each semester - regardless of the grade he reports. I've come to expect and even appreciate his single-page rants, always written diagonally across a cream-tone page in blue ink...

I'm sure he wouldn't have done that if he didn't think you had some serious talent worth exploring and experimenting with.  Why would he waste either of your time or energy?  Sounds like you have a great mentor in that person.  Well done ... now get back to drawing!! ;)
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


QuoteMy friend at work brought me some chocolate. She's had a bereavement and has been of work for a couple of weeks. I kept some of her work up to date while I was doing mine. Nothing much really, but she said it meant a lot. Some people are so nice  :D

Nice!  :) We gotta help each other out. Enjoy your sweets.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.


QuoteMy friend at work brought me some chocolate. She's had a bereavement and has been of work for a couple of weeks. I kept some of her work up to date while I was doing mine. Nothing much really, but she said it meant a lot. Some people are so nice  :D

Nice!  :) We gotta help each other out. Enjoy your sweets.
Indded we do! (Indeed I did!)
Hi Colleen  :)


Having my ipod on shuffle and when "Steam" from OKO kicks on it draws a tear to my eye it is so powerful! It was actually one of the deciding factors in attending "OBH" camp.  It is the least I can do for a band that has such an impact on me.  :)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


My friend called me from Bonnaroo to tell me he saw a National shirt he thought I would like so he bought it for me.  :)
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...