Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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falling back, gaining an hour! more sleep!


Oh, and I'm going to see the bengals-falcons game today.  Who Dey!


I just found out our douchebag program director is looking for another job! My prayers have finally been answered! I'm sooooo going to take his job!

I have been waiting three years for this!!!!!1!!!!!one!!!!!1!!!!!!!



english muffins.


daylight savings.



in that order.


Quotefalling back, gaining an hour! more sleep!
did anybody else watch their clock change and think, hell yes! extra hour! and then completely milk it an hour past when they should've gone to bed anyways?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i just pre ordered the dvd and got the acoustic chorale dvd and a poster with it :D
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


I took the highway home instead of the interstate. Although it was pouring for the duration of my journey, it was lovely.

Good call, Meg!  ;D


I get to go see Borat this weekend!  

Meg, back me up with a great Borat quote!


"She must be tight, like a man's anus."



"In my country, Barbara means 'to play with' and Bush means...ehh...ladies pubies".


James Joyce! T.S. Eliot!

I've been so bogged down with the technical aspects of literature this semester that I'd totally forgotten how much power and beauty a simple phrase can hold. It's as if some sentences leap off the page and smack you in the face. I absolutely love it. And not just for its aesthetic qualities...

I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to finally get passionate about my English studies again. Reading Joyce (and Eliot's next!) is so inspiring; I want to read and read... and then read some more. I want to lose myself in these works that encompass everything about the human experience. I just... I love it!

[/dork rant]


i can't handle joyce.  he's bland and boring, but that's just my opinion.

i prefer wordsworth and coleridge.


Wordsworth and Coleridge are great, too.

I just can't help myself from idolizing Joyce.

Here are two great quotes from the man himself:

"Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize."

"Poetry, even when apparently most fantastic, is always a revolt against artifice, a revolt, in a sense, against actuality."



taking the next 5 days to go to a training in Boston and visiting family in Virginia.

Really need to hit the open road!


boston, huh?
i love it here.
i wish i didn't live here, though, but i'm so happy i did. i  feel liek it's the perfect city for me but, since i've grown up here, i dont want to go to school here.  new yorks too big. providence too boring.


i've got time.  8)


Quoteboston, huh?
i love it here.
i wish i didn't live here, though, but i'm so happy i did. i  feel liek it's the perfect city for me but, since i've grown up here, i dont want to go to school here.

I know your city well. I was in the Coast Guard in Gloucester back i the early 90's. I really enjoy visiting Boston and New England.


i've gotta house in rockport, rigth nexta glouchester.


enjoy your stay.


oh yeah, we used to go swim in the quarry at Halibut Point. word on the streeet was to avoid Rockport PD at any cost (but that was back in the day when I was having to be worried about the police  ;))



:O I swim at that quarry and avoid the rockport PD! they kicked us out one time, 'cos we're not members.

members of a quarry? ghey.

okay, i'm done, really.