Remember how bad ass this was when it came out?

Started by ycartrob, Oct 06, 2008, 05:16 PM

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capt. scotty

QuoteWhat CD's from the grunge era do you guys still pull out on a regular basis?
Strictly speaking bands/albums labeled as "grundge" BMF, Louder Then Love, and Superunknown. I haven't listed to Nevermind in quite some time. Next closest to SG would be Dirt from AIC. Not sure how that is grunge but it always got labled as that. Such a blistering album.

I think I'll throw BMF on right now.

Ahh yes, Dirt still gets the dust knocked off on occasion as well.  Singles soundtrack is also a favorite of the time.  It brings back some crazy memories when I put that one on.

What about L7? ;)
But of course. Pretend that We're Dead and Hunger For Stink are great!

Not sure if I would include Afghan Whigs, Breeders, or Pixies as part of Grunge. I love all 3, they are not "grunge" even though Nirvana stole their basic frame least to me. But that's the vodka talking at this point.

But looking back, that album killed the commercial viability of bad music for at least 5 years and ushered in what I consider the best era of music of my almost 40 year-old life.  And if I listen again it is obvious that that piece of work is an artistic masterpiece.

Im 24, and I would have to agree that the first half of the 90's is def the best period of music Ive been alive for

I kind of caught on a couple years late, well, because I was like 8 when Nevermind dropped, but I was listening to most of those bands by '96

Plus, although DB, True, and a couple others probably only really understand what Im saying, ~91-96 is considered the "Golden Era" of Hip Hop and for good reason

And your def spot on with the commercial aspect. Once Cobain's star started to dim by 97 or so, about all these bands were done except PJ and nu-metal, boy bands, and the Spears' came to the forefront. In the Hip Hop community by this time, 2Pac, Biggie, and Big L were all dead, Wu Tang Clan were releasing solo albums, and most of those guys like KRS-One and other from the 80's were long gone. Who took the torch? Master P, Cash Money Millionaire crew (namely Juvenile), and others.

Spot-On my man

Im not sure 'popular' music will ever get back to that level
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteBadmotorfinger was a great album and the last one I really like from them.  I saw them open for several bands like Danzig and Voivod  and they would put on a hell of a show, which was what swayed from what I originally thought of them; more cock rock.  I like how they were used in that movie Pacific Heights.  But, I still think the best so-called grunge bands were Mudhoney, and the Melvins.  Tad is cool too.  I remember when Subpop sent me my Touch Me I'm Sick 7'' I had to play it for all of my friends before we could go party. They hated it, yet soon they were all Nirvana fans and  wanted to borrow all of my meat puppets and husker du albums.

The pixies beat them all and are not grunge .  But the greatest pop band to have ever existed. And I say POP like i mean it.

I love you too.  This forum keeps getting better and better with all of the Pixies love.  Kurt Cobain once said that the Pixies were the only band that he ever wanted to be in.   Listen to Doolittle and follow it with Nevermind - the sense of pace, melody, and, the Pixies were not grunge, but they had alot to do with it.  Gigantic, my big, big love.

and Bob's nod to the pixies


bowl of soup

QuoteBadmotorfinger was a great album and the last one I really like from them.  I saw them open for several bands like Danzig and Voivod  and they would put on a hell of a show, which was what swayed from what I originally thought of them; more cock rock.  I like how they were used in that movie Pacific Heights.  But, I still think the best so-called grunge bands were Mudhoney, and the Melvins.  Tad is cool too.  I remember when Subpop sent me my Touch Me I'm Sick 7'' I had to play it for all of my friends before we could go party. They hated it, yet soon they were all Nirvana fans and  wanted to borrow all of my meat puppets and husker du albums.

The pixies beat them all and are not grunge .  But the greatest pop band to have ever existed. And I say POP like i mean it.

I love you too.  This forum keeps getting better and better with all of the Pixies love.  Kurt Cobain once said that the Pixies were the only band that he ever wanted to be in.   Listen to Doolittle and follow it with Nevermind - the sense of pace, melody, and, the Pixies were not grunge, but they had alot to do with it.  Gigantic, my big, big love.

and Bob's nod to the pixies


Bob literally saved my life.  And yes, that is the best tribute song ever.  Instead of covering Debaser (I'be often dreamed of this), Bob writes a song in the vein of the Pixies and puts on one of the best albums of all time.  This song is ironic (I think it's irony) on so many levels.  I guess I love you as well.  And donkeys.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteBadmotorfinger was a great album and the last one I really like from them.  I saw them open for several bands like Danzig and Voivod  and they would put on a hell of a show, which was what swayed from what I originally thought of them; more cock rock.  I like how they were used in that movie Pacific Heights.  But, I still think the best so-called grunge bands were Mudhoney, and the Melvins.  Tad is cool too.  I remember when Subpop sent me my Touch Me I'm Sick 7'' I had to play it for all of my friends before we could go party. They hated it, yet soon they were all Nirvana fans and  wanted to borrow all of my meat puppets and husker du albums.

The pixies beat them all and are not grunge .  But the greatest pop band to have ever existed. And I say POP like i mean it.

I love you too.  This forum keeps getting better and better with all of the Pixies love.  Kurt Cobain once said that the Pixies were the only band that he ever wanted to be in.   Listen to Doolittle and follow it with Nevermind - the sense of pace, melody, and, the Pixies were not grunge, but they had alot to do with it.  Gigantic, my big, big love.

and Bob's nod to the pixies


Bob literally saved my life.  And yes, that is the best tribute song ever.  Instead of covering Debaser (I'be often dreamed of this), Bob writes a song in the vein of the Pixies and puts on one of the best albums of all time.  This song is ironic (I think it's irony) on so many levels.  I guess I love you as well.  And donkeys.

sorry, but it's Robert Arthur Mould


QuoteI've loved everything Chris Cornell from the beginning.  (Except maybe that new solo record.  I'm with you on that one db. ;))

But Bad MF'n! Motor Finger (SATAN OSCILLATE MY METALLIC SONATAS) and Louder Than Love still get the rotation at least once every couple of months.   I can't say that about a lot of my old stuff.   What CD's from the grunge era do you guys still pull out on a regular basis?
Down On The Upside-SG, Singles soundtrack, Apple-Mother Love Bone.
How loud can silence get?


I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Jar of Flies by Alice in Chains is one of my favorite records.

Also, the Pixies 2006 in Lisbon was the best concert I've ever been to! I always get goosebumps when I think of that show...
here's a video I took during the show:

bowl of soup

QuoteJar of Flies by Alice in Chains is one of my favorite records.

Also, the Pixies 2006 in Lisbon was the best concert I've ever been to! I always get goosebumps when I think of that show...
here's a video I took during the show:

Wow, thanks for that.  I was so pleasantly surprised by how good they sounded on that reunion tour.  The only other time I saw my Gods was in Tallahassee after Bossanova.  For reasons still unclear to me, about 50 minutes into the show Black/Frank/Charles stormed off the stage in some sort of tizzy never to return.  My mind went there last night when all of this Jim got hurt stuff started breaking and some were saying he stormed off the stage.  Get well soon brother.

If you haven't allready, watch Loud Quiet Loud - a great behind-the-scenes look at the reunion tour.  Thanks Brian.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


much love for both Sap and Jar of Flies.  still in regular rotation after all these years...

and of course, all things Pearl Jam.