Ryan Adams and The Cardinals - Cardinology

Started by brkdwnbus, Oct 12, 2008, 12:52 PM

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Quotethere is a bunch of drama going on with Ryan..it'll be interesting.

Just go to tobeyoung.org or ryanadamsarchive.com to see. There's too much to really write, besides he may be going back to being just a little unpredictable... ::)

I'm having a hard time finding anything.  I see people references posts by Ryan, but I don't see any of them. Are they taken down or am I not seeing them?
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quotethere is a bunch of drama going on with Ryan..it'll be interesting.

Just go to tobeyoung.org or ryanadamsarchive.com to see. There's too much to really write, besides he may be going back to being just a little unpredictable... ::)

I'm having a hard time finding anything.  I see people references posts by Ryan, but I don't see any of them. Are they taken down or am I not seeing them?

a lot of threads were deleted. Ryan canceled a show about an hr in due to his voice...fans didn't like it...he said the cardinals didn't ask him how he was feelings and I guess didn't support him enough or something, in his mind... he said he was quiting..didn't say what he was quitting...then he took the blogs down. so who knows what he is thinking right now. over on TBY they kinda trash the album and get mad at RAA for deleting posts that are down on Ryan and the Cards...on RAA they seem to send out more "get well" wishes and support the new album. It's funny to see how the two boards think of Ryan and the Cards. I'm a member of both, but rarely post. And missed a lot of what happened over the weekend, so I may be a little off....easily put...ryan was sick, canceled show, doesn't feel the support and is upset.


Thanks for catching me up.  I wish I could find Ryan's posts.  Too bad.  He sounds like he's sick and cranky.  Hopefully it won't break up the Cardinals, but if it does it'll be interesting to see where he goes next.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Woah,  just started reading TBY.  Interesting dynamic there with the two boards.  Sometimes I wish MMj had a TBY to counterbalance our band-linked RAA, so to speak, if ya catch my drift.  ;)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I read a lot of the fan's posts/comments regarding the show last week, hadn't read Ryan's point of view...so the album is getting trashed? Mmm, might cancel my copy...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I like what I've heard.  Apparently he got pissed about Stereogum's review which was a pretty good review. who knows with this guy.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


This really sucks because in the past two years or so he's never been better and seemed to be absolutely loving playing with the Cardinals.  I know a lot of people have been hard on the new album and I can see that getting to him.  I guess he made some type of statement about the album being bad himself but that got deleted.  I personally really like the new album.  Peoples voices go, there really is not anything you can do about it.  I saw him in Boston in Sept and it was one of the best shows i've seen.  His voice and the band sounded amazing.
Last Fair Deal Gone Down...


QuoteI like what I've heard.  Apparently he got pissed about Stereogum's review which was a pretty good review. who knows with this guy.
Like it enough to give me a money-back-guarantee?!!  ;)

Yeah like you said, I read about the gig last week & thought to myself 'this shit again?!!'
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteI personally really like the new album.
How would you rate it alongside his other albums? Too early to say?
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteThis really sucks because in the past two years or so he's never been better and seemed to be absolutely loving playing with the Cardinals.  I know a lot of people have been hard on the new album and I can see that getting to him.  I guess he made some type of statement about the album being bad himself but that got deleted.  I personally really like the new album.  Peoples voices go, there really is not anything you can do about it.  I saw him in Boston in Sept and it was one of the best shows i've seen.  His voice and the band sounded amazing.

That's the thing.  Most reviews of the show on Friday I read said that his voice sounded fine to them and that the band was ON.  And he just walks off an hour in.  He obviously has some emotional issues that he and his fans unfortunately suffer from.  
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteI personally really like the new album.
How would you rate it alongside his other albums? Too early to say?

It's not as good as Easy Tiger fer sure and doesn't come close to 29 or JCN.I would rank it alongside of Love Is Hell or Demolition,which are my least fav albums of his.

About the Atlanta drama,it's really hard to say what's going on here...his blogs are all over the place and you can't get a clear picture of what he is trying to say.I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but I wasn't there either.I would prolly be pissed too if I drove a long way to see the gig and he bailed so early.

I still say he is a good singer/songwriter,on the verge of greatness.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I personally really liked "Easy Tiger" and I don't think the new one is as good as ET. I said that after my first listening, but I listened from beginning to end again today after giving it a few days worth of rest. It still didn't draw much of a reaction out of me. There are some strong points, but not as many as with ET.


QuoteI personally really liked "Easy Tiger" and I don't think the new one is as good as ET. I said that after my first listening, but I listened from beginning to end again today after giving it a few days worth of rest. It still didn't draw much of a reaction out of me. There are some strong points, but not as many as with ET.


I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


QuoteI personally really like the new album.
How would you rate it alongside his other albums? Too early to say?

It's not as good as Easy Tiger fer sure and doesn't come close to 29 or JCN.I would rank it alongside of Love Is Hell or Demolition,which are my least fav albums of his.

About the Atlanta drama,it's really hard to say what's going on here...his blogs are all over the place and you can't get a clear picture of what he is trying to say.I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but I wasn't there either.I would prolly be pissed too if I drove a long way to see the gig and he bailed so early.

I still say he is a good singer/songwriter,on the verge of greatness.

I would say it blows away 29.  Not as good as Cold Roses or JCN.  It compares to Easy Tiger for me.  Maybe not as good but pretty close.  The more I listen to it the more I like it.

I wouldn't doubt it was some type of breakdown, he hasn't had one in a while...maybe the new album pressure and the online critics....I don't know but I really like this band he's playing with and for the mosts part he seemed to have it together lately.
Last Fair Deal Gone Down...


I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Hi All,

This is Ryan. It is quite early on Friday and I need to say a few things.

I would like to apologize to my friends in the Cardinals, who are like family to me, to our management and our Wise Elders who have taken great care of us and myself for so many years , to Steve at Nasty who is rational and protective and understanding and knows more about comics than anyone I know (which is a lot) to CardinalCrew who build the dream in real time for all of us, day in and out

and to you, Cardinal Fans,

I owe you an apology an explanation and wish to end the cycle of madness my sickness turned craziness created.

I am deeply sorry for how I reacted to my illness, and the defeat I felt on the last tour and the outrageous way I reacted and blame i placed unnecessarily on others.

I was wrong.

I could not be more filled with regret and humbled at my own inability to be mindful during my time of crisis.

The truth is, I know better and am not naturally inclined to this behavior. It is something I felt like was long past me, but I am obviously still learning how to deal and how to cope with my own misfortunes and the sometimes trying world of trying to please many and maintain my own sense of worth and dignity.

I made an awful mistake.

It is no fun to be away from home and to get sick, and even worse to be a singer and lose the very thing which holds me to the Cardinals as ONE part of a much larger, far more precious dream which has been the integration of myself and my abilities towards the band, and a greater musical and creative endeavor which is sharing my work and my heart and my soul and my mind and also my weakness with those I love and trust and also SO MANY OF YOU who carefully came along to explore this idea with us.

I am sorry I let you down. I let myself down too.

CARDINOLOGY and our band The CARDINALS has been the work of so many years traveling, a dream Brad and I had all the way back to before I even recorded my second ever solo album Gold, a mutual dream Neal Casal and I shared so so many years ago, in fact, before I made Heartbreaker, and the trust established between Chris and Brad which led him from the furthest recesses of space to join our noise machine and Jon Graboff who is, in my opinion, the authority on not only the advancement of Steel Guitar playing into future realms but also now an obvious fashion icon (loud autumn colors- Jon's socks and sneakers- coincidence??? i think not)..... I apologize to you from the bottom of my heavy metal heart.

I do not deal with defeat well, nor sickness, and in my brief tenure as someone who had a rather upsetting and rough time of it for so long plugging back into the Matrix of Reality has not been as easy or as painless as I imagined. I make a lot of mistakes and my margin for error is widened by senseless pride when I know I am faced with things I so want to change but cannot.

It is obvious to me it is ME to has to learn to adapt. I see the constraints I put on myself and I also see how hard I work and how often I over-work to try and correct my past. It is the good work and it is also humbling in that I am lucky enough that I maintained any sense of purpose as I have let myself down so so many times since I began my journey musically. And I have let others down so often that I am constantly embarrassed of my actions.

I am struggling more often than not to forgive myself for behavior I adopted long ago to "quick fix" whatever is before me in order to just get to a next step where I might improve things, myself, or my relationships not only in the musical world but otherwise and it can be more than exhausting as I sometimes only see the negative- this is not healthy thinking and NOT setting a good example.

I must continue to fight against this notion of ego and pride and feeling attached more to the negative voices from the crowd and not the positive.

Sometimes that voice seems to me simply an echo of my own self-opinion and this will always be "MY" struggle and I must continue to learn from my mistakes and call myself out when I confuse that with my friends or the fans or our team, because I always know at heart we are working together now, and this was something I dreamed of, and something that has nurtured me back to spiritual and musical health as well as mental.

Having said all this, long-winded as I am known to be, I simply dislike letting anyone down ever, and this is inevitable as it is simply impossible to please everyone.

When I lost my voice at the end of the last tour, when I least expected to having felt like I was through the thick of the horrid flu that more or less knocked nearly each of us out on the band bus, I was terrified. I was not prepared for how to handle the situation. I struggled to continue but I also knew that the more I was attempting to overcome the situation by continuing to sing the more in jeopardy I was putting myself and the band as singing with a broken voice can cause irreparable damage to a singing voice- and we had already reluctantly cancelled two shows in the mid-west which we were dying to play.

Long story short-

I have some learning to do, some forgiveness to allow myself and to ask for, and I write this in hope that everyone who has cared for and followed our band knows that I fully was in the wrong,

but that i must continue forward and hope for frogiveness as that is the essence of our work.

In times like these, we all need as much hope as possible and one thing I do know how to do, is offer that-

because if the shared Cardinal dream is anything- it has been shared hope.

With respect to all

and my sincerest apologies,

Ryan Adams.

Last Fair Deal Gone Down...


Yeah, I read that this morning....and, just to show the difference again...some people on TBY believe it may be a PR stunt or that a ghost writer wrote it for Ryan, with some believing a lot of it was Ryan, just edited or whatever...over on RA they are glad things are back on track.

It's very interesting to read the views. I for one am just hoping things get back on track for the boys and they can move on from this episode.


don't know if everyone is aware, but the Elizabethtown Sessions (Darkbreaker) actually leaked recently. Rumors are the Black Holes sessions may be next to come.

Most reviews already state the ET sessions blow Easy Tiger and Cardinology away. Interesting...