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jim's tatoo

Started by sshho, Jan 28, 2009, 02:56 PM

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st. john

anyone know when jj got the tat under the ring he wears? what's it stand for?

at the same time i wouldn't mind if someone can explain tats for me.

jj's guitar tecky has so many tats he barely has room left for one new freckle.


tattoos are the highest form of self expression.

keep on rawkin.
Is there a doctor in the house tonight?

Love Dogg

For me it started when I purchased a nice Picasso.  I tried to wear it around, but it wound up being pretty cumbersome.  I then decided to wear artwork that moved with my skin and didn't tear my clothing.  Plus it's just as cool as smoking fags, but without the health issues and bad breath. :-?
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."

st. john

not so sure on the health pass but will try to remember next time i want to walk out with the monet.


Quotetattoos are the highest form of self expression.

keep on rawkin.

not sure I agree; shouldn't your actions be the highest form of self expression?
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Quotetattoos are the highest form of self expression.

keep on rawkin.

not sure I agree; shouldn't your actions be the highest form of self expression?

Exactly,  That's why Action JAckson was a god in some cultures.

Hooked on four like one, two, three


Quotetattoos are the highest form of self expression.

keep on rawkin.

not sure I agree; shouldn't your actions be the highest form of self expression?

what would you call getting a tattoo...inaction??

if you have any you would know there is a whole lot of action involved.

Is there a doctor in the house tonight?

Ghostess on TV

QuoteFor me it started when I purchased a nice Picasso.  I tried to wear it around, but it wound up being pretty cumbersome.  I then decided to wear artwork that moved with my skin and didn't tear my clothing.  Plus it's just as cool as smoking fags, but without the health issues and bad breath. :-?

Ha!  That's funny.


QuoteFor me it started when I purchased a nice Picasso.  I tried to wear it around, but it wound up being pretty cumbersome.  I then decided to wear artwork that moved with my skin and didn't tear my clothing.  Plus it's just as cool as smoking fags, but without the health issues and bad breath. :-?

Wonderfully put.  My tattoos are expressions of my personality.  They speak volumes about me with out me having to say a word.


When tastefully employed, I think they are a beautiful expression of the inner person. Well thought-out ones are incredible and always worth listening to the accompanying story. Probably the biggest groaner I've seen was when this kid I went to college with in Nashville posted a picture on facebook of his line-work for a pretty incredible pirate ship:

I thought, holy shit, that's going somewhere. Ran into him in the laundry room one day and asked if I could see. He obliged and I remarked that it was pretty damn awesome and then asked about what inspired him to get it. "Uh, I like pirates, I guess." No shit. A couple hundred bucks and the rest of your life with that on your ribs because you liked pirates in college?

He later posted the finished piece complete with shading, which wound up being horribly muddy and poorly-done:

The whole thing was such a disappointment after that moment in the laundry room. At least have a story, right?

I've got plans for my next one, trying to figure out how to tastefully employ a tree (working on the kind of tree, too) on my left forearm. My great-grandfather was the part of the first privately contracted forestry firm in the US, and his job took him all through the woods of WV surveying trees and understanding the land. The U.S. actually sent him to Iran for a while in the 50s when they asked for help with developing a forestry department of their own. After him, my great-uncle Mike went on to start and run a sawmill for the longest time, and helped carry the wood on in the blood. My mom's middle name is Lynne, and he nick-named her "Lynnewood" after one of the regional names for basswood. Even made her a plaque out of the stuff with a great carving of the nickname on it and it's still up in her house. Now it comes down to me and I'm discovering through music the power of the wood as I find that I want to build instruments in a way that glorifies the trees the wood come from. I have no doubt that the family put that in my blood, and I would proudly wear a testament to that on my arm. It's kind of a seal, a reminder, and, when done right, a beautiful work of art to really draw out the ideological beauty of that kind of personal commitment/ideology/reminder. And there's so many others that take things in completely different directions from this one, as well. There's a reason there's an entire culture devoted to ink.

All the longwindedness to say: I guarantee you Jim's got a damn good reason for his tattoo. Worn right and inked right, I think they're beautiful.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


(sorry to kill this thread... :'( )
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


That's neat that you'd like to get a tree on your forearm. Cool story. My roommates cousin has a tree on his forearm. I don't know the story though, wish I did.
One good thing about music: when it hits you feel no pain.


Quote(sorry to kill this thread... :'( )


I don't know if you killed the thread, but you pretty well outlined the reasons why I'll never get a tattoo   ;D
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quote(sorry to kill this thread... :'( )


I don't know if you killed the thread, but you pretty well outlined the reasons why I'll never get a tattoo   ;D

Haha, it's definitely a go big or go home kind of commitment, and there is a definite addiction that comes along with it. All I've got so far is one discreet word on my collarbone, and I'm dying to get something bigger and really beautiful and meaningful for the purpose of display. Which also makes it so much scarier.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I don't think there's anything (or anyone) important enough to me that I'd want a daily reminder of it/them inscribed on my body for all eternity.  Which is probably my loss, I know.

Incidentally, every single guy I've ever dated has been tattooed.  I do love an artfully-done tattoo with a good story behind it.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires

st. john

not a good body behind it ?


Quotenot a good body behind it ?

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.