Too Slim and The Taildraggers

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Apr 10, 2009, 08:00 PM

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I first heard these guys on "Saturday Night Fish Fry" (a show local public radio station) and they really knocked me out and pumped me up.  Their tagline is "Whiskey Blues with a Southern Rock Beer Chaser".  I'd go one further and say Whiskey Swamp Blues with a Southern Rock Beer Chaser".  These Seattle-based guys are way more blues than rock in my book but they are definitely in need of more attention.  Tim ("Too Slim") Langford lays down some tasty deep fried slide guitar slabs and the rythym section is rock solid.  I am trying to get their manager Nancy to sets some gigs out this way before or after their gig in Ireland (fingers crossed)...
Anybody else here dig them (or even heard of them)?  Check 'em out if you haven't!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.