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Noble Beast

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, Jan 21, 2009, 02:28 AM

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QuoteHave we discussed the Rolling Stone article about Mr. Bird, which includes quotes from our very own Jim James, and mentions the fact that Bird is crashing at Jim's house in NYC?

We haven't?

Well we should.

Ohhh, I need to get that!  I want to be at breakfast in that house!

Seriously.  What I wouldn't pay to rent that spare room.

I can't find the article online, alas.  

What's on the cover, just so I can make sure I get the right one?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Mine had a "renew now!" cover   ;D  I can't remember...I'll check tonight.  It's the latest issue, if that helps.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


QuoteHave we discussed the Rolling Stone article about Mr. Bird, which includes quotes from our very own Jim James, and mentions the fact that Bird is crashing at Jim's house in NYC?

We haven't?

Well we should.

Ohhh, I need to get that!  I want to be at breakfast in that house!

Seriously.  What I wouldn't pay to rent that spare room.

I can't find the article online, alas.  

What's on the cover, just so I can make sure I get the right one?

Sean Penn
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Oh, I was looking in the one with Taylor Swift on the cover! Oops. Found it! Page 36.
One good thing about music: when it hits you feel no pain.


What an amazing musical journey.   Went down with a friend who didn't have a ticket only to find out it was SOLD OUT!  On a Sunday night no less.   Luckily, I found a guy who was selling a pair for $80, I then tracked down someone else who needed a single ticket and made it all work out.  This was no easy task considering all the other people walking up without tickets only to walk away pissed off that they didn't buy ahead.

Anyway, the opening band, the Heartless Bastards, were really great.  I will be buying there new CD immediately.   The lead singer has a killer voice and the band was tight.

What can I say about Andrew Bird?  He opened with two songs solo that I wasn't familiar with, but it was a perfect way to introduce my friend to his looping lunacy!  He's sold by the way.

I can't remember everything he played but I know he played the following....

Noble Beast
Oh No
Fits and Dizzyspells
Not a Robot but A Ghost
Anonanimal (Wow)

A Nervous Tic Motion
Fake Palindromes  AMAZING!!!
Table and Chairs

WHY? solo was so great.  He had some spotlights behind him so you could only kind of see his outline.  That was a real crowd pleaser.  

Watching him an Dosh work their magic was mesmerizing.

Like I said, it was just an amazing musical journey.   Please go see him if he comes near.  

I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

Penny Lane

QuoteWhat an amazing musical journey.   Went down with a friend who didn't have a ticket only to find out it was SOLD OUT!  On a Sunday night no less.   Luckily, I found a guy who was selling a pair for $80, I then tracked down someone else who needed a single ticket and made it all work out.  This was no easy task considering all the other people walking up without tickets only to walk away pissed off that they didn't buy ahead.

Anyway, the opening band, the Heartless Bastards, were really great.  I will be buying there new CD immediately.   The lead singer has a killer voice and the band was tight.

What can I say about Andrew Bird?  He opened with two songs solo that I wasn't familiar with, but it was a perfect way to introduce my friend to his looping lunacy!  He's sold by the way.

I can't remember everything he played but I know he played the following....

Noble Beast
Oh No
Fits and Dizzyspells
Not a Robot but A Ghost
Anonanimal (Wow)

A Nervous Tic Motion
Fake Palindromes  AMAZING!!!
Table and Chairs

WHY? solo was so great.  He had some spotlights behind him so you could only kind of see his outline.  That was a real crowd pleaser.  

Watching him an Dosh work their magic was mesmerizing.

Like I said, it was just an amazing musical journey.   Please go see him if he comes near.  

BH-i am hooked on the heartless bastards, too.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Awesome Dave! Glad you had a great time.  Maybe one of the openers was Section 8 City (he played that when I saw him solo a couple of months ago) :

See a sea anemone


oh &  there are 3 words that say My Morning Jacket to the left of that page.  It doesnt highlight like most of them when you scroll thru the band names.  Hopefully the session will show up on the Volume 2 DVD.  Volume 1 was just released.  Boo Ya!  ;)


QuoteWhat an amazing musical journey.   Went down with a friend who didn't have a ticket only to find out it was SOLD OUT!  On a Sunday night no less.   Luckily, I found a guy who was selling a pair for $80, I then tracked down someone else who needed a single ticket and made it all work out.  This was no easy task considering all the other people walking up without tickets only to walk away pissed off that they didn't buy ahead.

Anyway, the opening band, the Heartless Bastards, were really great.  I will be buying there new CD immediately.   The lead singer has a killer voice and the band was tight.

What can I say about Andrew Bird?  He opened with two songs solo that I wasn't familiar with, but it was a perfect way to introduce my friend to his looping lunacy!  He's sold by the way.

I can't remember everything he played but I know he played the following....

Noble Beast
Oh No
Fits and Dizzyspells
Not a Robot but A Ghost
Anonanimal (Wow)

A Nervous Tic Motion
Fake Palindromes  AMAZING!!!
Table and Chairs

WHY? solo was so great.  He had some spotlights behind him so you could only kind of see his outline.  That was a real crowd pleaser.  

Watching him an Dosh work their magic was mesmerizing.

Like I said, it was just an amazing musical journey.   Please go see him if he comes near.  

Dude, check out the Water Jet Cilice? Perhaps this was one of them??
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteAwesome Dave! Glad you had a great time.  Maybe one of the openers was Section 8 City (he played that when I saw him solo a couple of months ago) :

See a sea anemone

I've been checking that page to see if the MMJ link pops up as well!  I'm worried that maybe it was something they were supposed to do when they were in Europe and it got canceled.  Hopefully not.

Now that I listened to Section City 8, I almost positive that was the opening song.  Nice guess!  And Tom, yours may have been the second one, I'll have to check it out.   Do either of those songs show up on a recording anywhere?

Hope all is well Murph, I've been meaning to check in with you, and I will soon!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


OK, so I confirmed that it was Section 8 City that opened the show and it flowed right into Water Jet Celice.   Damn, you guys are good.   ;)

I also figured out that Section 8 City is from the Soldier On EP which I have, but obviously don't listen to nearly enough!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


I'm going to try to get into the Austin City Limits taping for Andrew tomorrow night.  Fingers crossed, wish me luck!
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Saw Andrew Bird last night in Oxford, Miss. Opened with Dark Matter (a ma zing) and played the usuals from Noble Beast, plus I recall, Nervous Tick Motion, Fake Palindrones, Measuring Cups, Skin Is My, Tables and Chairs, Placticities. Pretty big crowd and easily the most talkers I have ever encountered at a show. Period. There were a couple of times when I could not hear the band (and I was 5 from the rail). Andrew Bird actually mentioned it a couple of times. The first time he said it was the first time he could remember asking the audience to quiet down. He was trying to be cool, saying he didn't want to ruin the "vibe". About 20 minutes later he addressed it again, talked about how playing Carniege Hall may have given him the "big head" and that they were at a bar and all. He was a good sport about it, but good grief, raising hell at an Andrew Bird show is like seeing MMJ and sitting down.

He was doing one of his closers, Why?, I think, and the drunkest guy of all, in a venue trying to be quiet, clapping his hands over his head, so far out of beat, so drunk, so "not connecting with anyone" and Andrew Bird just looks at him and says, "The time I am keeping is in a totally different dimension that the one you are in" and then towards the end, Bird just sort of hesitated mid-lyric and just looked at the guy, smiled and sort of shook his head. I kept my cool but people around him were geting pretty testy. At one point my wife told him, "Dude, if you don't quit with the clapping I'm sweeping the leg"; she got a collective nod from everyone around us and the guy just mumbled some BS, quit clapping for 1 minute then conitinued.

The show was fantastic and I'd love to see him in a "quieter" venue. He's amazing.

I dunno. Seems like the crowds are getting less and less clued in to the fact that they're not the ones on stage. I just think it's going to get worse. I just don't get it.

Oh yeah, about 2 hours before the show we almost ran down Andrew Bird in a cross walk. Pretty cool. I waved, he nodded, and walked in front of my car.


The crowd in Houston was very loud as well. I was shocked. I really just don't understand why one would want to pay to go to a show and just sit at the bar and talk the whole time.  :-?
One good thing about music: when it hits you feel no pain.


Still loving this album and can't wait to see him next week!!!  :)