Happy New Years !

Started by TheBigChicken, Dec 31, 2010, 11:08 AM

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Everyone be safe and PLEASE dont drink and drive....Heres to a happy 2011.....I love you all !

ps - any New Year resolutions ?
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Happy New Year, everyone!  My 2010 was kind of le suck, so I'm happy it's almost over.

In 2011, I hope to:

-sleep more
-give up dairy and wheat  :'(
-become a better hooper
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires

Penny Lane

I'm with you, ALady. I hate the holidays, big time. I'm actually ready for spring! :-)

1. Do not fall in love
2. Finish War and Peace (after 7 tries)
3. Buy my niece her own real computer
4. Leave NYC (can't seem to ever ever make it out)
5. Be kinder to Nicole Atkins and stop calling her Man Hands (even if...okay okay)
6. Meet up with you fine folks as much as possible. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
7. Learn to cook something other than egg sandwiches

Happy new year! Rock show tonight, hope you all are getting to one, too!
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I'm calling this year two thousand and meh. It was puncuated with moments of great magic and mayhem, but overall incredibly lame.


-Do more "bucket list" things. (Travel, mainly...)
-Go to more concerts. I really fell out of habit this year. Tsk tsk.
-Cut ties with friends who don't know how to be one.
-Try to keep the inside of my car clean(er). Seriously. It's ridiculous. :-[
-Stop giving out my number. Just. Stop.

Penny Lane I don't like your #1 or your #5.

Cow temperature.


Happy New Year to one and all!

In 2011, I resolve to

1. never smoke another cigarette
2. lose some goddamn weight
3. cut my forum visits at work in half
4. catch as many MMJ shows as my marriage/job will allow
5. remain thankful for all of the wonderful aspects of my life

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I have mixed feelings towards 2010:

- I was lucky to be chosen to work at the Winter Olympics for the host broadcasting network
- Canada set a Winter Olympics record for most gold medals and we won the hockey golds on home ice
- I saw the Rocky Mountains for the first time
- My wife and I separated in January, but as of three weeks ago, we are back together
- I visited California
- I enjoy writing my music articles more than I did in the past
- I play hockey again after a 16-year layoff (the rust is slowly but surely starting to wear off)
- I can finally see me buying a house in downtown Toronto in the next year or two (in an area I want to live in and far away from suburbia as possible)
- the Blue Jays are finally looking like a contender again.
- Chris Bosh is a fucker
- I saw many good concerts including Black Keys, EELS, Dead Weather, Sharon Jones...
- I had Christmas with my wife again... along with my two cats


- play more hockey
- get my guitar chops back up to snuff
- continue to work out like a mofo
- continue to work on my relationship


What are you doing new years eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve?

My 2010 contradicts a philosophy quote I've lived by for most of the decade, "it's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money, because money equals time, and time equals happiness" - Albert Camus

I'm broke as shit, but at the very least I got to go to T5, get married, graduate from school, hit up Hawaii, get my second PhD. (Professor of Hops and Drafts) and get a dog.

Whatever negatives there were at large - from the stagnation of the entire world to deaths seem a bit less important. That's probably because they'll all affect me in 2011 in some way or another since the list of things I hope to do are tied to it:

1. Pass the bar
2. Get a real job
3. Buy a house
4. Go back to Hawaii

On a lighter note, I hope to go to Bonnaroo (contingent on if the boys play), and possibly attend the last shuttle flight ever (if I can afford it)
I'm surrounded by assholes


I also work today until 7pm and will be back to work by 7am on New Year's Day. Ouch. At least I'll be getting paid double-time and a half for 12 hours.


Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 31, 2010, 02:36 PM
I also work today until 7pm and will be back to work by 7am on New Year's Day. Ouch. At least I'll be getting paid double-time and a half for 12 hours.

Reminds me of when I used to work at a guitar shop with a bunch of musicians. Not to marginalize what you do with what is really a "mall job" but the boss was obligated to be open by mall rules, despite the fact that most of them had gigs on NYE and as expected, the odds of anyone showing up sober the next morning in any condition to tolerate the douchey customers that show up at 7 am were next to none.

To tie it in to MMJ, I went with my boss to the show MMJ was supposed to play at MSG with Black Crowes. My boss got so incredibly drunk he accidentally left the venue and some how got on the Long Island Rail Road and woke up in Central Islip, putting him nearly 100 miles away from the store at opening the next morning.
I'm surrounded by assholes


TV never sleeps, unless its a poor local channel/PBS affiliate overnight where they go to the test pattern or bars and tone. I'll be at work looking after 7 music-themed channels tomorrow and probably trying to nap during most of my shift.


Quote from: el_chode on Dec 31, 2010, 02:24 PM
What are you doing new years eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve?

My 2010 contradicts a philosophy quote I've lived by for most of the decade, "it's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money, because money equals time, and time equals happiness" - Albert Camus

I'm broke as shit, but at the very least I got to go to T5, get married, graduate from school, hit up Hawaii, get my second PhD. (Professor of Hops and Drafts) and get a dog.

Whatever negatives there were at large - from the stagnation of the entire world to deaths seem a bit less important. That's probably because they'll all affect me in 2011 in some way or another since the list of things I hope to do are tied to it:

1. Pass the bar
2. Get a real job
3. Buy a house
4. Go back to Hawaii

On a lighter note, I hope to go to Bonnaroo (contingent on if the boys play), and possibly attend the last shuttle flight ever (if I can afford it)
Hey can I join your elitist club? ;D.  I always believed that all jobs were real if you worked and you were compensated for that work.
Now some real people may find wearing a douchey suit and tie to stretch the truth for exorbitant sums of money to be fake. ;)
Dude, you will pass the bar so just get in your car and drive to B'more.   Plenty of tix still available.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

capt. scotty

bah, humbug...working 3-1130pm today so cant go to the JRoddy show, and also cant really go out since meeting up with friends half in the bag at 1230am and staying at the bars til 2am when they close isnt really all that fun. then I gotta work 3-1130pm again tomorrow, so I'll have to be at work while both the Winter Classic and PSU-Florida bowl game are still going on. No fun.

Yeah, Id say 2010 was a mixed bag for me as well with the highlight easily being T5.

Only resolutions Id say I have would be to get back in school, which I'll know in the next week and isnt really up to me because it all depends on getting a private student loan approved. The other would be to get back in shape so Im back big pimpin like my PSU days.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I must say that 2010 has been one of the kindest to me in years!  I have been so blissfully happy though, that I have let a lot of things go including my usual healthy eating and exercising.   I have Been a bit of a slacker, but only because I have been having SO MUCH FUN!  So I do not regret the ten to fifteen pounds I have gained this past year.  All of that being said, I have the following goals for the upcoming year:

1. Gym three times a week
2. Stop with all of the cookie eating
3. Continue to be assertive at work with my sociopath of a boss, as well as one or two colleagues.
4. Get Bob to believe that getting more projects done around the house should be his resolution.
5. Have a kick ass party on February 12, and el chode, take a break from the bar study and get your stank ass to cranford, its like thirty minutes from you!

Happy 2011 to you all!   
.....Back at the Model Home


Happy New Year to all... Hope 2011 is what you want it to be!
At my house, we call them uh-ohs.


The Dismemberment Plan - The Ice of Boston (with lyrics)

My favorite New Years song when I'm generally indifferent about celebrating
I'm surrounded by assholes


Thanks for the Christmas Card John! Resolution: try to send as much mail to rccola as he does to me... ;)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


How loud can silence get?


Happy New Year to every one of you wonderful fucking peeps!

No resolutions, I'm finally perfect now. (where's that laughing smiley?)
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


2010 was a hell of a year for me and I'm glad it's over. I hope that the new year will treat me a little nicer.  That's not to say that it was all bad, I met some new great people, saw some fantastic shows, met someone who is changing my world, but the whole divorced thing kind of puts a damper on it.  The shitty thing is I'm still dealing with it in this new year. I don't feel like that chapter is closed so a new year seems meaningless.

That said, I did quit smoking cigarettes.  I started again when the divorced happened, I hadn't smoked for 6 six years and I was back up to 2 packs a day in no time.  This is the fourth day without one.
As for other resolutions, I'm just going to try to be the best person I can be and do what I can to figure out what the hell that means.

I love you guys!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Happy New Years everyone!  Cheers to new calendar beginnings!

I vow to quit smoking again, improve my liver function test scores, eat at least one new animal a month, gamble more and in general, just have a good time.

Hope your 2011 treats ya better Amd :)
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head