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Started by Murph, Jan 12, 2011, 04:10 PM

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Quote from: LiveatETH on Apr 06, 2013, 11:03 AM
Hey all- My name is Hayden Bates and I am the promoter for the Phosphorescent show at the Edmond Town Hall in Newtown, CT on April 19th. This is a special benefit show for the theater. Over the past few years, I have promoted this "Live at the Edmond Town Hall" series, bringing in The Low Anthem, The Bill Frisell and Sam Amidon Duo, and Brown Bird. All proceeds go to restoring/renovating the Edmond.  The place was built in 1929, and while incredibly beautiful, needs a little TLC.  To date, this series has raised a considerable sum, and this Phossy show will be the first to show-off the Edmond's brand new, state-of-the-art PA system. I'm presently fundraising for a Bluray projector system, a new screen, a new lighting system, and much, much more. Come on out, see a great show, and support a great cause.

To join my mailing list, check us out on Facebook, and buy tickets, hit it here:

Sounds good Hayden, I already have my tix. Looking forward to the show!

Come Closer

This show was fantastic. What was the song played for Hayden to close the main set? It was off the hinges. The guy on keys killed it the whole set. Wolves was great, he always loops it at the end? Reminded me of Eddie doing Arc.


Quote from: Osistheones on Apr 20, 2013, 12:34 PM
This show was fantastic. What was the song played for Hayden to close the main set? It was off the hinges. The guy on keys killed it the whole set. Wolves was great, he always loops it at the end? Reminded me of Eddie doing Arc.
I agree O, great show, Wolves was great, I just wish his set was longer. He only played for about an hour. Its a nice little theater there.

And thank you Hayden for asking if "the people from Plains, PA are here yet" as soon as you stepped on stage. That was very thoughtful and much appreciated. We'll certainly be back as long as you keep bringing in great artists like Phos.


Oh and I have no clue what the song for Hayden was. And yes the guy on keys was an animal, it appeared early on in the show he hurt a finger on his left hand. He was holding it for a few seconds, then shook it off, swigged some Bud and went back to pounding the keys.


Thank you guys for coming to the show.  Definitely a short set (I had it at 65 mins), but it was quality over quantity and right in-line with the other dates on this tour.  The band said we had by far the best sound of the whole tour.  Glad you made it in time, Angelo - was worried about the rush hour traffic slowing your trip.  Did you guys stay for the after party?  It was pretty epic.

The song to close the first set was "At Death (A Proclamation)."  My favorite Phos song -check out the Daytrotter version. 

So, I got a call from their tour manager about 20 mins before they got to the venue.  Matthews Fender Jazzmaster had just died and they needed a guitar quickly as a fill-in.  I got my Washburn HB-35 as a back up, and found a Fender Tele rental about 30 miles away.  He played the Tele all night and then cracked out the Washburn for Randy Newman's Days of Heaven.  I ended up buying the Tele from the rental place -his belt buckle carved a pattern in the back of it and the place was not happy.  Fun night!


Coming to this blog gave me some long needed insight in regards to Friday's show in Newtown, which thanks to shows like this one is both giving local residents a reason to put Newtown on the map.  I was looking forward to the show because I felt like this was a mistake or something, to get a band like "Phos" at a local venue, a band which has national recognition right now, not ten years ago. A band with a new album (Muchacho) which is getting favorable reviews from Web Sites selling it. A band invited to stop in at local FM studios like Fordham's WFUV, which are very much in a position to help this band as they head thru NYC.  To see this band, right now in a venue like Newtown seemed like the stars had aligned just right.

As Matthew said early on in the show to the crowd and this is not a direct quote but you  get the picture - "Excuse us if we don't know quite how to act in places as nice as this but - we are used to a seedier venues"  an obvious reference to paying their dues. But "Phos" is now the headliner, and indeed invited to classier venue's.  I am still trying to figure out how the band members all managed to be drinking bottled beers, and the fans were not able to buy a malt beverage, but that is a different battle for us fans to fight.

Now I can't claim to be a "Phos" junkie in terms of music, but I have noticed them getting more publicity than in the past. And I did catch their video on YouTube from last week where they played at WFUV's studios. The video was good, and the sound was good.  The fan composition at the Newtown show was both local fans and others who traveled some distance to see the band. The mood when the lights dimmed was very up-beat, it was a Friday night, their promoter introduced the band by inviting all of the fans back to an "after-party" event after the concert. The event started off as well as could be expected, and I'll say Edmond Town Hall was filled with a buzz of excitement.

I was not up on all their personnel changes until reading the lineup change here, and so did not know they are playing with one less guitar player than on previous tours, but that is a fact of bands changing their cast over time.  It was also nice to learn why Matthew was playing a Black Fender in Newtown, since I recall him with a trademark green Fender on every video and album cover I have seen. Again thanks to this site, now I understand why it was missing from last Friday's show. What was missing to me as they launched into their set was – that "full" musical sound that I had become used to from their albums. But this was not a studio either, so the sound was fine. I think it should be expected that their live show not be 'note for note' like their studio albums. What fun would that be!

The acoustics in Newtown have been upgraded recently, so the band sounded as good as I can ever remember.  My only real complaint was that the set was shorter than we were hoping for (a fact I can't clam as mine alone). To me it seemed like just when the show was getting hot, the band broke for an encore too early.  And none of us in Newtown last Friday cared what their standard set length had been to date on this tour. I have read comments like "We had Quality over Quantity", which is true and all well and good, but this band has a half dozen albums under its belt, and for a main event their set list was just a bit too short than I am used to.

Hopefully time and experience will teach the band that when they get the both the band and audience whipped into a frenzy of excitement, and it is okay not to always play it safe, so feed off of the crowd energy. The band obviously has fans that will travel to see them. My advice would be to take some chances with songs not in the "standard" set.  From what I read, the band did what they have done at other shows recently for the encore, which were all solo songs by Matthew.  Ordinarily, that change of pace from band to solo would have been fine as a transition if they had gone back to the full band, but the rest of the band never returned.

Now before everyone jumps down my throat for not drinking the "kool aid", my personal experience over 30 years of concert going has been that most acts do play for around 90-120 minutes, with some exceptions as some play longer. "Phos" made a great gesture to "meet and greet" the concert goers after the event in Newtown, and that was a calculated risk that would have pleased some fans, but left others like me wanting more music. Hopefully they will be back soon with more touring under their belt, and we will see how they perform as they have momentum now and they should know it. But the same phrase has been said about a lot of bands.  IMHO, this is not the time to play it too safe, let other bands do that and we won't remember them either....

Remember this is a war, not a battle, and yes I do feel better now venting a bit, because I was not there for the epic after-party, I was there for an epic concert. BTW - thank you bloggers who are also teachers, as I have always been accused of the 'run on' sentence. I have a terminal case.  As for the nit pickers who find fault in every blog posting out there, I won't get petty so have at it.

Emmm Deee


Did you write this for a blog and then copy it here?

capt. scotty

While I wanted them to play longer (expected 90 minutes probably), when I only paid $15 for a ticket for an opening band plus an hour of Phossy, its hard to complain.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Come Closer

This reads like it was written by a high schooler, what with "long needed insight"(a week?), "cool aid" (kool aid), and "been around concert going long enough". Very dramatic.


The runon sentences make it very difficult to garner your message. You can correct them by separating independent clauses with a comma and a conjunction or just use a semicolon between independent clauses. You want to get your point across, but your grammar errors are not helping. You can edit posts to fix these things. I'm an English teacher; I'm not a grammar nazi, but I do see that you need some assistance with this. You obviously feel very passionate about what you saw at this show. Get your message across without losing the passion by fixing your errors.

capt. scotty

Quote from: Fully on Apr 25, 2013, 07:47 PM
The runon sentences make it very difficult to garner your message. You can correct them by separating independent clauses with a comma and a conjunction or just use a semicolon between independent clauses. You want to get your point across, but your grammar errors are not helping. You can edit posts to fix these things. I'm an English teacher; I'm not a grammar nazi, but I do see that you need some assistance with this.

Thanks mom!  :tongue: :wink:
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quote from: capt. scotty on Apr 27, 2013, 03:07 PM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 25, 2013, 07:47 PM
The runon sentences make it very difficult to garner your message. You can correct them by separating independent clauses with a comma and a conjunction or just use a semicolon between independent clauses. You want to get your point across, but your grammar errors are not helping. You can edit posts to fix these things. I'm an English teacher; I'm not a grammar nazi, but I do see that you need some assistance with this.

Thanks mom!  :tongue: :wink:

Dorkus Maximus or is it Capt. Dorkus Maximus?  :kiss:


For anyone in and around Louisville:

Phosphorescent at Headliners!!!!

Jul 18 Thu

Doors 8pm / 18 and over
Show Time: 9pm
Coming Soon $15

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



Is that the day before forecastle?
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: e_wind on May 14, 2013, 09:40 PM

Is that the day before forecastle?

no, it's the Thursday after...


Does Matthew understand how fucking awesome his music is? Seriously.
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


Quote from: EverythingChanges on Sep 13, 2013, 10:48 PM
Does Matthew understand how fucking awesome his music is? Seriously.

At first I didn't understand... But now... I understand. Oh
Do I understand.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2



Quote from: FiddleCastro on Sep 13, 2013, 10:55 PM
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Sep 13, 2013, 10:48 PM
Does Matthew understand how fucking awesome his music is? Seriously.

At first I didn't understand... But now... I understand. Oh
Do I understand.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

I'm just curious, Fiddy. Do you by any chance have a Nexus 4?


Math You!!!!

sent from my gold lexus using my taptalk 4
There's Still Time.........