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Started by el_chode, Feb 02, 2011, 07:46 PM

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Taking a moment to restart this thread since I was just walking my dog and had their indie station on the ol' ipod, a station usually reserved for the likes of Yo La Tengo, Belle and Sebastian, and assorted singer/songwriters (especially if they have an electric flavor). So I'm walking/sliding/going numb and I hear a twee twee TWEE twee twee TWEE and I"m like "oh shit!" and then before I can finish saying "oh shit!" I realize that Jim is saying it too because Run Thru just came on, and now none of you have an excuse to not head over to and check out their awesome programming.
I'm surrounded by assholes



The somafm App is now free in the App store until the 26th.

If you have an iDevice, I strongly recommend downloading it. It's a $3.99 savings

Of interest:

Bootliquor - Modern Americana/Roots Rock
Indie Pop Rocks - They play MMJ
Secret Agent Radio - the soundtrack for your dangerous life
Space Station Soma - the music of outer space
Mission Control - ambient drone with NASA shuttle feeds overlayed
Groovesalad - what it sounds like
I'm surrounded by assholes


Double bump: they just added a folk station. You all would really like this. Last few artists: tallest man on earth, father John misty, punch bros, decemberists.
I'm surrounded by assholes