When is the official release date?

Started by Tracy 2112, Mar 23, 2011, 09:57 PM

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Tracy 2112

OK, I had to make a choice of searching the numerous threads for hours looking for an official release date or creating a thread where someone will tell me, thus saving me time.

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Right now, I'm guessing either June 7 or April 12 suprise!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


its june 7th. Its my birthday! I never got to have Bday parties at school but I've gotten some pretty kick ass album releases before on it, such as the white stripes get behind me satan.
mmj blew my brain to bits on 6-17-11,8-22-12, 6-11-15, 5-28-16, 5-29-16


Before Bonnaroo! At least it better be. Althugh I really do think we will be able to buy a downloaded version the last day of the free downloads when they send out the song from Ciruital.
The fact that my heart's beating,
Is all the proof you need


The newest Rolling Stone said late May or early June.  Of course they put Beiber on their cover so they have little credibility with me.

If it's May 31 it would be the same day as the new Eddie Vedder record and DVD, which may make my head explode.

Why all the secrecy over the release?  I'm guessing there's a good reason.


the week they release a song from circuital they will .
Gazziza My Dillsnufus


Quote from: Dillsnufus on Mar 25, 2011, 02:44 AM
the week they release a song from circuital they will .

This definitely has to be the truth. I mean so much anticipation for a release date? It's unheard of. At that point we would have known about Circuital for about 2 months, with dates set up and basically the whole tracklisting. It's all over blogs and Rolling Stone. It is definitely going to be released at least for dl on that date with maybe a later date for physical release.
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 25, 2011, 09:03 AM
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Mar 25, 2011, 02:44 AM
the week they release a song from circuital they will .

This definitely has to be the truth. I mean so much anticipation for a release date? It's unheard of. At that point we would have known about Circuital for about 2 months, with dates set up and basically the whole tracklisting. It's all over blogs and Rolling Stone. It is definitely going to be released at least for dl on that date with maybe a later date for physical release.

I personally don't think that is going to happen. But I could be wrong.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Wow, I hope the April 12th date is for the album and not just the new song!!

"He got tired of walkin' a tightrope"


I think the secrecy has to do with them not wanting the album to leak. I personally don't want to listen to a leaked version and would have no problem paying for a DL and a physical copy as I'm sure a lot of Radiohead fans are doing.
The fact that my heart's beating,
Is all the proof you need


Much Greater Than Science Fiction


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 02, 2011, 07:28 AM
Quote from: Walts on Apr 01, 2011, 05:54 PM
So who was right?
I'm so confused. 


Let's assume MMJ is right.

Now wait just a minute, we can't just assume MMJ is right about their own release date just like that! What if... CC took control over all digital media to promote his own agenda of forcing the band to release the album in May, even though they want to wait until June and this was the only magazine that the band managed to contact to tell the truth! Did you consider that Mr. Yac, did you?! I'm not saying that's what happened... but I wouldn't rule it out either! ;)
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 02, 2011, 07:28 AM
Quote from: Walts on Apr 01, 2011, 05:54 PM
So who was right?
I'm so confused. 


Let's assume MMJ is right.

they could have a different distribution situation for the UK that could cause it to come out the next week?


Quote from: subinai on Apr 02, 2011, 01:24 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 02, 2011, 07:28 AM
Quote from: Walts on Apr 01, 2011, 05:54 PM
So who was right?
I'm so confused. 


Let's assume MMJ is right.

they could have a different distribution situation for the UK that could cause it to come out the next week?

Ah, that theory seems slightly more plausible than mine now that you mention it...  :thumbsup:
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


Y'know, my Ameri-centric view prevented me from recognizing the site as being from the UK.  So perhaps June 6 is the European release date?
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 02, 2011, 04:58 PM
Y'know, my Ameri-centric view prevented me from recognizing the site as being from the UK.  So perhaps June 6 is the European release date?

what is this "UK" and "Europe" you speak of?


Quote from: darkglow on Apr 02, 2011, 05:26 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 02, 2011, 04:58 PM
Y'know, my Ameri-centric view prevented me from recognizing the site as being from the UK.  So perhaps June 6 is the European release date?

what is this "UK" and "Europe" you speak of?

Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


Quote from: SaraBananaBear on Apr 02, 2011, 05:53 PM
Quote from: darkglow on Apr 02, 2011, 05:26 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 02, 2011, 04:58 PM
Y'know, my Ameri-centric view prevented me from recognizing the site as being from the UK.  So perhaps June 6 is the European release date?

what is this "UK" and "Europe" you speak of?

;D ;D ;D
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.