Huffington Post best post Nirvana bands

Started by rincon, Mar 27, 2011, 02:56 AM

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Tracy 2112

Quote from: Crispy on Mar 28, 2011, 12:48 PM
Slight threadjack: that cover of Don't Let Me Down is fucking brilliant. What's the story on that?

man, I have no idea, I just found it.

Hard to identify who's singing the Muppet-wise chorus, but that sure sounds like Patrick singing the verses.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 28, 2011, 12:16 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 28, 2011, 11:48 AM
And Tracy, I somewhat disagree. Garlic, like Bacon, makes everything better, even when it's not necessary.

Without water, there is no garlic.

Without garlic, there is still water.

water > The Beatles > garlic < My Morning Jacket > Fleet Foxes = Band of Horses > Coldplay < Radiohead < The Beatles < water <

Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 28, 2011, 10:08 AM
Quote from: rincon on Mar 28, 2011, 09:31 AM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 28, 2011, 09:06 AM
Quote from: rincon on Mar 28, 2011, 08:57 AM
Why should I have to list who I thought was missing? Just the mention of Fleet Foxes and Band of Horses without mentioning MMJ, is like saying Oasis and Badfinger are superior to the Beatles.

Not really.

Whereas MMJ influenced FF and BOH, The Beatles influenced everyone.
I don't see how that invalidates my point. It kind of reinforces it, at least to me.

Maybe saying Coldplay is superior to Radiohead or Kings of Leon are superior to The Strokes or Lady Gaga is superior to Madonna.

The Beatles infuenced multiple genres, whereas MMJ has not. It would be like comparing the overall contributions for food preparation between water (The Beatles) and garlic (MMJ); not everything has or needs garlic, but at some point you'll probably need water.

it's like this:

Well first off it is an analogy, and analogies are not meant to be taken literally.  Having said that, I chose Badfinger and Oasis for a reason. Badfinger was the first band other than the Beatles to sign with Apple, and when they first came out they were often thought to be the Beatles. Listen to "No Matter What". Oasis was praised by the British press in  and compared to the Beatles. One of the Brothers even stated they were more significant. So my analogy is perfectly rational. I would not pick a band with superfluous influences, like Aerosmith to use in that analogy. 

One thing I have learned in my years is any absolute statements are BS. The Beatles have not influenced "everyone". Icons like Hank Williams, Eddie Cochran, and Buddy Holly have left quite a swath of influence, and never heard of the Beatles. The Band and The Velvet Underground were contemporaries that were unlikely to claim influence from them.  My new second favorite band DBT has little or no influence of them. Ask the Who, or the fanatics on that forum, about the Beatles influence, and see what you get.(Was that shot of Pete for me?) They won't even concede The Kids Are Allright has a Beatles influence.
  As far as the garlic/water theory, to quote Keyshawn Johnson,  "COME ON MANNNN!!!" Are you by any chance a sophomore in college?


Tracy 2112

Quote from: rincon on Mar 28, 2011, 10:58 PM
One thing I have learned in my years is any absolute statements are BS. The Beatles have not influenced "everyone". Icons like Hank Williams, Eddie Cochran, and Buddy Holly have left quite a swath of influence, and never heard of the Beatles.   

Whatever man. I'd say all 3 of those guys you mentioned, plus Eddie Cochran (talented in their own rights) owe part of their career, at least the latter parts, to The Beatles and the British invasion.

Hank Williams was a huge John Lennon fan and rumor is when he heard Penny Lane for the first time it drove him to drink and he used to cry into his pillow at night knowing he would never write a song as good. In fact, if you play Move it on Over backwards, it says something you really can't even understand at all on any level.

Eddie Cochran sux, period. Be-Bop-A-Lula is a gimmick song and the only real hit he had before he died in that grain elevator "accident".

Buddy Holly ?

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 28, 2011, 11:17 PM
Quote from: rincon on Mar 28, 2011, 10:58 PM
One thing I have learned in my years is any absolute statements are BS. The Beatles have not influenced "everyone". Icons like Hank Williams, Eddie Cochran, and Buddy Holly have left quite a swath of influence, and never heard of the Beatles.   

Whatever man. I'd say all 3 of those guys you mentioned, plus Eddie Cochran (talented in their own rights) owe part of their career, at least the latter parts, to The Beatles and the British invasion.

Hank Williams was a huge John Lennon fan and rumor is when he heard Penny Lane for the first time it drove him to drink and he used to cry into his pillow at night knowing he would never write a song as good. In fact, if you play Move it on Over backwards, it says something you really can't even understand at all on any level.

Eddie Cochran sux, period. Be-Bop-A-Lula is a gimmick song and the only real hit he had before he died in that grain elevator "accident".

Buddy Holly ?



I too enjoyed reading the banter of this thread.  Probably because I like Garlic so much!   ;)

Anywho, I thought I would try and compile a list of my 10 most influencial bands of my lifetime.  I'm not going to limit my list to bands that started up after I began to get serious about my music addiction though.

1.   Grateful Dead
2.   Velvet Underground
3.   R.E.M.  (pre-Green)
4.   Husker Du
5.   Galaxie 500
6.   Pixies
7.   The Stone Roses
8.   Pavement
9.   Wilco
10. My Morning Jacket


Quote from: iLikeBeer on Mar 29, 2011, 09:34 AM
I too enjoyed reading the banter of this thread.  Probably because I like Garlic so much!   ;)

Anywho, I thought I would try and compile a list of my 10 most influencial bands of my lifetime.  I'm not going to limit my list to bands that started up after I began to get serious about my music addiction though.

1.   Grateful Dead
2.   Velvet Underground
3.  R.E.M.  (pre-Green)
4.   Husker Du
5.   Galaxie 500
6.   Pixies
7.   The Stone Roses
8.   Pavement
9.   Wilco
10. My Morning Jacket
Green was the first REM album I did not buy as soon as it came out. It took me about 10 years, and I still only really like about 2 songs. They did a few classics after that though.


growing up where i grew up.. i acquired a taste in music that could best be described as "common" or at least what i thought was common based on everyone else around me. at the time i thought this was normally how it was supposed to be.
after high school,i was working a summer job between semesters in my confused years of college building concert stages. my ears were starting to find that there was great music around every corner.. from getting a band recommendation from a friend to accidentally catching a show you'd just happened to be at because you had to..

oh yeah, i had to "stick around" for that entire MMJ 2004 lebowski fest show i saw the day before my 19th birthday.

witnessing that concert blew my mind to the point that i felt like i was hitting CTRL ALT DEL and re-asessing everything i thought i knew about "good music". i drove 7 hours home after working that show listening to a copy of "At Dawn" I was given by a guy who ran the merch tent beside the stage.

i got home and after a huge nap, registered on this forum.. and i guess you could say that was the beginning of the era that influences my list.. i didn't include some of the new and up and comers.. just ones who have or are standing the test of time to these ears..

Al Green
Arcade Fire
Bad Company
Ben Gibbard (Death Cab)
Bon Iver
Broken Bells
Dan Auerbach (Black Keys)
Eric Clapton
Dr. Dog
Frank Sinatra
The Fugees
Iron & Wine
Jeff Beck
The Morning Benders
My Morning Jacket
Neil Young
Pearl Jam
The Smiths

Strange list I know.. but that's why I love this band (MMJ).. it's been my gateway to such a wide range of taste


Quote from: darkglow on Mar 31, 2011, 06:02 PM

Strange list I know.. but that's why I love this band (MMJ).. it's been my gateway to such a wide range of taste

Nice story man and agreed.  This band draws fans with such varied musical tastes, I love it.  The other music thread has become such a shortcut for myself to discover new music instead of constantly scouring so many outlets to accomplish the same thing.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: darkglow on Mar 31, 2011, 06:02 PM

Strange list I know.. but that's why I love this band (MMJ).. it's been my gateway to such a wide range of taste

It's not that weird, MMJ completely ruined everything I thought I liked in the music world and Pre-MMJ and Post-MMJ lifestyles only leaves Pearl Jam in my life. Pre MMJ (highschool) I listened to almost all punk. Shit like Black Flag and Bad Brains and Pop punk like Blink-182 and Saves The Day. Other than the few times I've spun a STD record or the Blink show I saw for nastolgia I have dropped pretty much all of that. In 08 I heard Evil Urges and it was okay. I listened to It Still Moves. I liked it better but still didn't care. I listened to MoF because of Connor. Loved it. Went back to MMJ from that, saw 'em live, and the rest is history. Now the majority of my listening pleasure is in the "rock n roll" vein, I guess.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

Jon T.

Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 31, 2011, 09:42 PM
Quote from: darkglow on Mar 31, 2011, 06:02 PM

Strange list I know.. but that's why I love this band (MMJ).. it's been my gateway to such a wide range of taste

Nice story man and agreed.  This band draws fans with such varied musical tastes, I love it.  The other music thread has become such a shortcut for myself to discover new music instead of constantly scouring so many outlets to accomplish the same thing.

Agreed! I always peruse the other music thread for some daily listening.  JT, on our way to the DBT show, I put on J.Roddy for my buddy.  He says, "how do you hear about all these guys?" I'm like, "MMJ forum, baby".   8)  Speaking of which, did y'all see J. Roddy is playing Lebowski Fest this year? 


Quote from: Jon T. on Apr 01, 2011, 10:07 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 31, 2011, 09:42 PM
Quote from: darkglow on Mar 31, 2011, 06:02 PM

Strange list I know.. but that's why I love this band (MMJ).. it's been my gateway to such a wide range of taste

Nice story man and agreed.  This band draws fans with such varied musical tastes, I love it.  The other music thread has become such a shortcut for myself to discover new music instead of constantly scouring so many outlets to accomplish the same thing.

Agreed! I always peruse the other music thread for some daily listening.  JT, on our way to the DBT show, I put on J.Roddy for my buddy.  He says, "how do you hear about all these guys?" I'm like, "MMJ forum, baby".   8)  Speaking of which, did y'all see J. Roddy is playing Lebowski Fest this year?

EXACTLY.  I'm always touting the musical tastes of you fine folks.  It's like one-stop shopping for new music.  It's great.  I still check Aquarium Drunkard and occasionally a few other blogs, but I feel like everything I need can be found right here!   :beer:  (is it beer-thirty yet)?
We could.