The Wire - did we ever have a thread for it here?

Started by Paulie_Walnuts, Feb 23, 2010, 09:07 AM

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Can't state it enough.  This is by far the best television series I have ever watched.  Directv began replaying the series since sometime last year so I've been taking my time watching it for the 2nd time through.  In season 3 right now.

I know I've said this before in another Wire thread, for all of you guys that don't know Baltimore but watch the show, if I told you I live right on the East/West divide, 2 blocks north of the courthouse, 5 blocks northwest of city hall, 8 blocks north of where String and Omar met in the harbor to cool the air and about a half mile east of where the towers used to be, y'all could find my place. ;D

It's always weird how sometimes just going about my everyday life, something will remind me of the show and put whatever I was doing in a completely different light.  During the school year, I deliver approximately 100 pizzas every two weeks to one of 2 schools in West Baltimore that serves as the venue for the Baltimore Urban Debate League, a group of hundreds of public  middle and high school students from Baltimore city.  Both are in terribly depressed areas.  One of the schools is located right next to Warwick and Longwood and I know you can picture only one thing when I mention those two streets.  What a great show!

On a side note, I'm supposed to appear as the victim/witness in a trial two weeks from now concerning an incident many of you are familiar with where three guys tried to rob me at gunpoint.  I told the cop on the scene that I would be of no help so don't call me in for a lineup or photo array and tell the state I won't be a witness.  Well I've been asked to testify and I'm just not going.  It's not worth the skin off my back.

The don't snitch culture is real and I don't blame people.  It's funny to think that after the aforementioned incident which happened in a white neighborhood, everyone came out of their houses after they heard my yelling and screaming and happily talked to the cops about what they saw and their willingness to testify as a witness.  It was exciting for them. ;D  The last time something like this happened to me, it was inside an apartment building in a predominantly black neighborhood in broad daylight about 3 years ago.  3 kids fucked me up pretty good after I got jumped inside.  After it was over, I scraped myself off the ground and looked up an around and 3 different apartment doors were ajar and people were looking to see what happened.  Then they all just closed their doors and went back to whatever they were doing.  Cops couldn't find one person to even pretend that they saw something.  I don't blame 'em.  The kids were young bangers and is it worth it to waste your time and well being for that?  I sure wouldn't.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Forgive me if this has been addressed, but probably my favorite show since waaaay back when Hill Street Blues was on (before most of you younguns were born) is The Shield. 

How do all you The Wire lovers (I've never seen it) rate The Shield?  Not necessarily a direct comparison, as there may not be one to be made, but just curious if fans of The Wire were/are fans of The Shield.  This might inform my decision to invest the time in giving The Wire a shot (maybe this summer, when us teachers have a bit of time off, between MMJ shows that is).
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

capt. scotty

Quote from: wolof7 on Feb 05, 2011, 08:07 AM
Just finished season 3 this past week! The final 2 episodes were stunning, some of the best t.v. I've ever seen.

Excited about starting season 4 today! Heard it's the best.

Season 3 is my personal favorite, but 4 is right there behind it, and yes, the slight majority probably consider it the best season. The kids in that season are phenomenal
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 05, 2011, 10:36 AM
How do all you The Wire lovers (I've never seen it) rate The Shield?  Not necessarily a direct comparison, as there may not be one to be made, but just curious if fans of The Wire were/are fans of The Shield.  This might inform my decision to invest the time in giving The Wire a shot (maybe this summer, when us teachers have a bit of time off, between MMJ shows that is).

I watched The Shield before I had any idea about The Wire existing for the most part. The Wire is as realistic as any show you will ever watch, and thats probably an understatement. The Shield has more action, is more over the top, and is basically a "movie version" of cops and their job. Thats not to say that isnt good or exciting, I liked The Shield a lot (still need to see the last couple seasons), it just is what it is. As someone who liked both, The Wire is heads and shoulders above The Shield. The writing, the character development, the branching outside of strictly cops vs crime, etc. It is absolutely worth your time, but as discussed in whatever thread that was here in the music section, watch at least the entire 1st season before deciding if you want to continue (though I have a feeling youll be hooked after a few episodes). There is so much going on, so many characters, that its overwhelming at first and you actually need an entire season to really wrap your head around who is who. In reality, the most convincing thing I could say to get you to watch it is, just watch it. Its brilliance its hard to convey to people who have never watched the entire series.

And I said its the most realistic show ever for a reason. For one theres my post from April 5th last yr about how universities actually have courses that include the show. Also, even though the show has been done for over 2 years, just a couple weeks ago the police commisioner of Baltimore was still talking about The Wire, calling it "a smear on the city that will take decades to overcome", with a great retort from The Wire creator/writer David Simon, linked below,50274/
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I'm just gonna have to be that guy... I tried to watch the first season but was so bored after a few hours that I couldnt continue.

Is this shit on Netflix streaming? I'll give it another go if I don't have to put work into aquiring it.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

capt. scotty

Quote from: e_wind on Feb 07, 2011, 12:31 PM
I'm just gonna have to be that guy... I tried to watch the first season but was so bored after a few hours that I couldnt continue.

As I said before, you gave up on it way too early. How many chronological TV shows have all kinds of action, twists, surprises in the first few episodes? They barely introduced you to the entire police crew assigned to the case 3 episodes in. With The Wire even moreso than other series, most of the big stuff doesnt happen until the 2nd half of the season
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


What a show. Every season the wife and I would watch all of the episodes leading up to the new season, so i saw every episode about four times. My favorite season was the greeks and the shipping yard, loved it. I went to school right outside of Baltimore, and alot of my friends live there now so it was cool to see stuff you saw everyday. Season one is the hardest to get into, push thru and you will be rewarded greatly.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


Quote from: Ruckus on Feb 05, 2011, 10:09 AM

I know I've said this before in another Wire thread, for all of you guys that don't know Baltimore but watch the show, if I told you I live right on the East/West divide, 2 blocks north of the courthouse, 5 blocks northwest of city hall, 8 blocks north of where String and Omar met in the harbor to cool the air and about a half mile east of where the towers used to be, y'all could find my place. ;D

i live in harford co. maryland but i spend some time in baltimore on the weekends. i'm trying to peice together where you live. haha.

i am also a huge fan of the wire. i watch an entire season in about 20 hours once. i just couldn't get enough. i try to get my friends into it but theyre like some of you all, they stop after a couple episodes in the first season. that show is amazing!

Penny Lane

Quote from: Jane on Apr 07, 2011, 11:05 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Feb 05, 2011, 10:09 AM

I know I've said this before in another Wire thread, for all of you guys that don't know Baltimore but watch the show, if I told you I live right on the East/West divide, 2 blocks north of the courthouse, 5 blocks northwest of city hall, 8 blocks north of where String and Omar met in the harbor to cool the air and about a half mile east of where the towers used to be, y'all could find my place. ;D

i live in harford co. maryland but i spend some time in baltimore on the weekends. i'm trying to peice together where you live. haha.

i am also a huge fan of the wire. i watch an entire season in about 20 hours once. i just couldn't get enough. i try to get my friends into it but theyre like some of you all, they stop after a couple episodes in the first season. that show is amazing!

i'm starting it this weekend!
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Apr 07, 2011, 11:39 AM
i'm starting it this weekend!

did you start it this weekend?

i went to see tv on the radio last night at rams head live and every time i walk past the fountain at Power Plant i think about the Wire.


i just started watching this series last night  :thumbsup: