One of the greatest songs created...

Started by jordan, Apr 19, 2011, 07:16 PM

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I have no words for this song, just listen...Josh T. Pearson


A rather bold statement that drew me to this thread..........

I found it rather dreary if I'm honest!
Paulie W


I guess no one else agrees which is fine.  But the lines "I'm off to save the world" is so powerful to me.  Such emotion in this song. I figured more Jacket fans might be able to feel what I feel in this song because it has some similarities in my opinion. 


While I didn't get the intensity of feeling you expressed, I can see how it might grab someone's soul.  Its sometimes about where you are in your head when you hear a song.  It might grab me differently on another listen.  Never fear sharing experiences with music.  We're expanding each others' horizons.

Maybe this becomes a thread for anyone's "greatest song created".  I'll have to think about it, and don't want to hijack your thread, Jordan.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Thanks Johnny for your friendly response.  I agree totally with you're statement of "where you are in your head" when you hear a song.  I guess the statement I mentioned hit home to me right now. 

I'm definitely open to hear other opinions of "one of the greatest songs created." 


Quote from: jordan on Apr 21, 2011, 12:43 AM
Thanks Johnny for your friendly response.  I agree totally with you're statement of "where you are in your head" when you hear a song.  I guess the statement I mentioned hit home to me right now. 

I'm definitely open to hear other opinions of "one of the greatest songs created."

Don't let his kind words fool you, he's totally johnnyaking this motherfucker.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

Tracy 2112

maybe not the greatest, but probably the saddest;

My mom can't remember my name

She calls out for a dog that's been dead for a year   :'(

Chocolate Genius - My Mom

They got 5 televisions
In a house built for 3
Look up on that fake fireplace
You know the bucktoothed boy's me
See that wood paneled room'
That's where I learned to drink
See that hole in the wall'
That was seagrams I think

That tree was a goal post
That bathroom it was a shroud
That closet it was a phone booth
That mirror was a crowd
See that guy with the bad knees
And his heart on his sleeve'
Watch him slip me ten dollar

When it comes time to leave

It's been five years and some change
And this world is getting so strange
But this house smells just the same
But my mom can't remember my name

I sit on her bed and kiss right behind the ear
She calls out for a dog that's been dead for a year
I say how is it going' Like I didn't know
Hold on to both of her hands too afraid to let her go
And five times exactly no more or no less
She says how you been eating boy'
Isa, okay I guess
In this room where she made me each day she grows weak
She flips on the Golden Girls and the first tear hits my cheek

It's been five years
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: jordan on Apr 19, 2011, 07:16 PM
I have no words for this song, just listen...Josh T. Pearson

Link's no longer up; which Josh song was it?  There are a few JTP and Lift to Experience fans on here.  The new album is intense, and I was very disappointed I had to miss his recent gig at the Purcell Rooms.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Hope I didn't offend you Jordan. I was being a little grumpy I guess!

Maybe it's because almost nobody responded to my post about The Gourds the other day!!

Anyway, each to his own for sure. I tend to go in phases where sometimes I prefer to listen to uplifting music, and others I'm more into introspective stuff like Josh T. But at the moment I'm definitely in an uplifting music mood so that's why I found it a little too sombre.

Funnily enough I'm on a large dose of steroid treatment for an eye problem at the moment which is making me feel super happy. I guess I'm trying to avoid any triggers that might bring me down as I come off the treatment!!  :o
Paulie W


Here's a new link to the song Thou Art Loosed...

Paulie, you did not offend me at all. No worries.  I definitely hope that you can stay super happy with the treatment you are going through, and I definitely don't want to bring you down with that song.  However, for some reason, the song doesn't really make me feel sad, but almost motivates me to go out and be my best--that sounds cheesy I'm sure.

There's certain times when albums come along and hit you in the just right way, and I guess this album, especially this song, is doing it for me right now.   


Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on Apr 21, 2011, 01:08 AM
Quote from: jordan on Apr 21, 2011, 12:43 AM
Thanks Johnny for your friendly response.  I agree totally with you're statement of "where you are in your head" when you hear a song.  I guess the statement I mentioned hit home to me right now. 

I'm definitely open to hear other opinions of "one of the greatest songs created."

Don't let his kind words fool you, he's totally johnnyaking this motherfucker.
;D ;D ;D

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.