My Morning Jacket ‘Circuital’ // First Listen

Started by meltingaway, Apr 22, 2011, 02:04 PM

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My Morning Jacket
After a three-year absence My Morning Jacket are set to return in June with their sixth album 'Circuital'. Their last album, 2008's 'Evil Urges', emerged to mixed reviews, and it was, to be honest, a bit of a mess. Their new direction and creative energy was admirable, especially on the sensual and funky pair 'Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt.1' and 'Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt.2', the best two songs on the album. Yet the highly ridiculous 'Highly Suspicious' (sample lyric: "Peanut butter pudding surprise") best summed up the disappointment (although, to be fair, the album made a lot more sense on stage). Anyway, on to the good news, 'Circuital' purports to be a return to a more familiar sound with the band returning to their hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, to record the album in the gymnasium of a church. The group's first four albums are all fully blown classics, but have not reached a huge UK audience. Will it be the breakthrough? Eddie Devlin finds out.

'Victory Dance'

With the deep, resonant clanging of what sounds like a gong, the album begins. It's reminiscent of the opening shot of the old Rank films with the guy bashing the huge cymbal. Anyway, it's quite a statement of intent. It's followed by a bizarre, but brilliant, bit of vocal work from Jim James. All very cinematic. It's a real slow-burning groover, and seems to step away from the jagged edges of 'Evil Urges', without abandoning that album's more creative impulses. Jim James' voice is restrained, with none of the hound-dog caterwauling that we've come to know and love from the large-lunged frontman. As an opener of your first new album in three years, it's brave stuff. This clocks in at just under six minutes, it's clear MMJ are not going to give us an easy ride this time.


More familiar territory: the vulnerable, reverb-laden, yearning vocal sounds like it was recorded in an empty silo (or a church's gymnasium, in this case). It has a toe-tapping beat and teasing moments where the song threatens to burst into glorious life before withdrawing. When the release eventually comes, it's a joy. The seven-minute-plus song talks of ending up where you started ("And you're right back in the same place that you started out") – reflecting James' statement that the album is an attempt to get back to the band's Kentucky roots. It's a promising start, and vastly superior to the enjoyable, but muddled, 'Evil Urges'.

'The Day Is Coming'

An insistent, driving keyboard hammers away throughout, injecting the sense of urgency the title suggests. "Taken for granted/This lifetime and what's up ahead/But the day is coming/The day is near/You know what I mean." Well, death, probably. So you better get a move on and make the most of it. Seems to be the gist of it. Lovely stuff.

'Wonderful (The Way I Feel)'

A quite lovely, strummed acoustic opening is accompanied by James' keening voice in this relentlessly upbeat and easy-going number. "I feel so wonderful, wonderful, wonderful the way I feel," he sings, and you believe him. It develops into a lilting country-rocker with the introduction of pedal steel and subtle, galloping percussion. It finishes with James spookily impersonating a Theremin. The boy sure can sing.

'Outta My System'

"They told me not to smoke drugs but I wouldn't listen/Never thought I'd get caught and wind up in prison/Chalk it up to youth but young age I ain't dissing/I guess I just had to get it outta my system." A thumping keyboard and blissed-out vocal could be straight off Beach Boys' 'Pet Sounds', albeit with a MMJ twist. The pedal-steel guitar really comes into its own on this ode to experiencing life to the full.

'Holdin' On To Black Metal'

Great guitar work and use of wah wah on the intro before James comes in and somehow manages to sound like a ten-strong girls' gospel choir. The most outright Southern-soul, Kentucky-fried number so far. They really let loose on this one, with some fluid playing. It's certainly a varied album. Every song could almost be a different band, but they still manage to retain a sense of unity and that unique MMJ sound. Nice guitar solos throughout, with bombastic keyboards and hip-shaking drumming. Oh, wait there is a girl chorus now. A real hands-in-the-air, praise-the-Lord, Sunday celebration of a song.

'First Light'

Another gear change, yet again: a discordant clunk of what sounds like a hammer against metal before a fuzzy guitar, jerking electronic keyboards and drums. The decision to record the album live with no overdubs has really paid off. With James singing over the other instruments, there is a more organic feel that is much closer to the exhilaration of an MMJ gig. They may have spoken about going back to their roots, but this is a long way from debut 'The Tennessee Fire' and follow-up 'At Dawn'. Whether that's a good move is debatable, but their constant evolution deserves some credit.
'You Wanna Freak Out'
Another spaced-out track. It's quite a disorienting listen with all the tempo and key changes going on from song to song. Keeps you on your toes, though. The battle between the more modern-sounding keyboards and the lingering, haunting pedal steel is inspired. So far, James' voice has definitely been more controlled compared to their earlier work, which is a bit of a shame. But still, his is one of the best voices in music today, by far.

'Slow Slow Tune'

The title might be a giveaway, but this is a slow one. It does allow some time for reflection, though, and fits in with the album's rolling feel. It also gives the guitars a chance to shine, with some fine fret work. And as anyone who has seen MMJ live will attest, they sure know how to make a guitar talk.

'Movin' Away'

The album closes with a forlorn piano ballad with James' most open and heart-melting performance of the record. His vocals aren't quite as controlled as elsewhere, giving it that vulnerable edge that has propelled earlier albums to classic status. It's a lovely closer, and, like the opener, a brave choice. It's impossible to tell just yet whether 'Circuital' will reach the dizzy heights of 'It Still Moves', 'At Dawn', 'Z' and 'The Tennessee Fire', or if it will be filed next to 'Evil Urges' as another failed attempt. All the signs, however, seem to point to the former.
'Circuital' will be reviewed in June's issue of The Fly.

Honest Man

The fact that my hearts beating, is all the proof you need.


I didn't realize Eu was such a failure. Really? I pretty much like all the songs on that album. I'm not saying it's my favorite of the five but failure, I don't think so. >:(
Y'all got any disco ball back there?


I guess it's safe to say this album will be leaked well before May 31st. 
Y'all got any disco ball back there?


Quote from: rusty95 on Apr 22, 2011, 04:09 PM
I didn't realize Eu was such a failure. Really? I pretty much like all the songs on that album. I'm not saying it's my favorite of the five but failure, I don't think so. >:(

I concur. The harshness of tone (i.e. "bit of a mess") at the beginning and end of this article with regard to EU really grinds my gears. I can't believe people still won't leave EU alone and take it for what it is....this whole write up has left a bad taste in my mouth. bleh. I wish it didn't exist and/or I hadn't read it....
"As citizens of eternity we ought to be without anxiety."


You guys should probably pay less attention to the fact that he's bashing Evil Urges and more attention to the fact that we have a TRACK LISTING FOR THE NEW MMJ ALBUM! And the descriptions make the songs sound amazing. Seriously, this thread is pretty negative when I was expecting to see overwhelming joy and excitement, which is what I feel after reading that article.   ;D


Quote from: Honest Man on Apr 22, 2011, 03:14 PM Friends Again?


Maybe it got renamed?

Loved that tune.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quote from: patrickbateman on Apr 22, 2011, 05:50 PM
You guys should probably pay less attention to the fact that he's bashing Evil Urges and more attention to the fact that we have a TRACK LISTING FOR THE NEW MMJ ALBUM! And the descriptions make the songs sound amazing. Seriously, this thread is pretty negative when I was expecting to see overwhelming joy and excitement, which is what I feel after reading that article.   ;D

you're right about the negativity, my apologies. and I understand your excitement about the tracklisting and positive reviews....the details provided are almost too detailed though for my liking! I like going into first-listens with no preconceptions, and this dude injected a lot of descriptive adjectives into his article.

I don't think the band would want this type of literature released before the album release. I respect your optimism and positivity though   :)
"As citizens of eternity we ought to be without anxiety."


I admit I read the article, mentioned in a different thread.  Aside from no Friends Again, I've pretty much forgotten everything I've read, though.  Thank goodness for short term memory loss.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: patrickbateman on Apr 22, 2011, 05:50 PM
You guys should probably pay less attention to the fact that he's bashing Evil Urges and more attention to the fact that we have a TRACK LISTING FOR THE NEW MMJ ALBUM! And the descriptions make the songs sound amazing. Seriously, this thread is pretty negative when I was expecting to see overwhelming joy and excitement, which is what I feel after reading that article.   ;D

Sorry for the negativity. But up to this point anything this band has done has been pretty much golden to me.  So to here someone refer to eu as a failure and a mess made me forget about the rest of the article. To get a track listing means nothing to me they could call them track 1 through 10 for all I care. The sign of a great album for me is when you don't need a track listing or song names.  Just put in and let it go. I know of 5 albums so far that I can do that with.  Thanks, you just gave me an idea for a discussion.

I am very excited but this article just left me with a bad taste.  I agree with th above about to many details.  That's what sparked my leak comment.  This is about as close to leak as you can get without actually hearing it for yourself.  Ahbhh sorry for the rant.
Y'all got any disco ball back there?


Quote from: EasyRyder on Apr 22, 2011, 06:46 PM
Quote from: patrickbateman on Apr 22, 2011, 05:50 PM
You guys should probably pay less attention to the fact that he's bashing Evil Urges and more attention to the fact that we have a TRACK LISTING FOR THE NEW MMJ ALBUM! And the descriptions make the songs sound amazing. Seriously, this thread is pretty negative when I was expecting to see overwhelming joy and excitement, which is what I feel after reading that article.   ;D

you're right about the negativity, my apologies. and I understand your excitement about the tracklisting and positive reviews....the details provided are almost too detailed though for my liking! I like going into first-listens with no preconceptions, and this dude injected a lot of descriptive adjectives into his article.

I don't think the band would want this type of literature released before the album release. I respect your optimism and positivity though   :)

This is why I won't read this. I want my mind to be open and as unexacting as possible
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


I'm sorry guys. I really do agree with all of you...I truly resent the negativity. I did not mean to single any of you out, for you are all passionate about the band and I know I too get offended by those stabs people take at Evil Urges. It was just some wishful thinking to assume I would be able to rise above those comments, but it fucking pisses me off too. The guy obviously has not let the brilliance that is EU sick in as much as we did...I admit it is a grower, but it is an amazing statement by what may be the greatest band of our time, and this article SHOULD leave a bad taste in the mouth of anyone that truly appreciates the work that the band puts into the profound art that they put out. I'm just so psyched about this new album, and I think that, for any true fan of the band, especially all of you, the way we truly feel about their albums transcends the negativity of those that are are not as well versed.

Anyway, CIRCUITAL!!!!!! ;D


i think patrickbateman is right.. i'm honestly not really that suprised that "friends again" didnt make the cut but what surprises me is how many people are bummed about that.. and even moreso bummed period when they should be pumped for such a great album and hopefully generous tour on the way..


Seriously?  That review isn't even all that negative.  He does say EU shows admirable creativity and works on stage.  Wouldn't be much of a critique if he was like OH MY GOD EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER DONE IS EQUALLY AMAZING!!!!!1! 

It's okay to like some things better than others....really.   ;D

Did you see "Friends Again" live, darkglow?  It was a really fun tune that had Jim  wailing like Sam Cooke. I'd love to hear a studio version of it.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quote from: ALady on Apr 23, 2011, 08:22 AM
Seriously?  That review isn't even all that negative.  He does say EU shows admirable creativity and works on stage.  Wouldn't be much of a critique if he was like OH MY GOD EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER DONE IS EQUALLY AMAZING!!!!!1! 

It's okay to like some things better than others....really.   ;D

Did you see "Friends Again" live, darkglow?  It was a really fun tune that had Jim  wailing like Sam Cooke. I'd love to hear a studio version of it.
Right on, Maggie.  Me, too.  And it very likely exists from the sessions at the ol' church gym.  Maybe we'll get a snipped of the recording on the DVD documentary. 
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I'm not surprised friends again didn't make the cut. However, more likely than not we are going to hear a studio version eventually.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Yeah, remember they have to save some stuff for RC members.  ;)
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


Hopefully we'll get it as a bonus track or on a single or something
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


At least this time, the buzzword for this album doesn't seem to be "divisive". I predict less negativity all around.  :beer:

Interesting that the 2 songs we hadn't heard about are described as spacey, because that's a side of them I love to see. Victory Dance and Outta My System sound awesome.  :thumbsup:
In another time, in another place, in another face


Also, does anyone else find it awesome that pianos and keyboards are mentioned for almost every song? Can't wait to really hear Bo stretch out.
In another time, in another place, in another face