The Dark Side of Circuital

Started by Ruckus, Apr 26, 2011, 01:15 AM

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Tracy 2112

Na shr guei ma?! Uo shiang ni de bau bau/ iang/ ji/ jia ren jan le uo de uei tz
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 16, 2011, 10:45 PM
Na shr guei ma?! Uo shiang ni de bau bau/ iang/ ji/ jia ren jan le uo de uei tz
Other useful phrases

Are you sure this is a different temple?   
Ni chiue ding je shr bu tung de sz miau ma?

I think your bags / goats / chickens / family are in my seat   
Uo shiang ni de bau bau/ iang/ ji/ jia ren jan le uo de uei tz

Does anyone know what happened in the football / cricket / hockey?   
Iou shei jr dau je chang tzu chiou sai/ ban chiou sai/ chiu guen chiou sai tzen mo le ma?

Is that a ghost?!   
Na shr guei ma?!

It says here in the newspaper that back in (Europe) it's minus five degrees and raining. Hahahahahahahahaha!   
Bau jr shang shou shian tsai ou jou shr ling shia u du er chie tsai shia iu.  Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: johnnYYac on May 16, 2011, 10:54 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 16, 2011, 10:45 PM
Na shr guei ma?! Uo shiang ni de bau bau/ iang/ ji/ jia ren jan le uo de uei tz
Other useful phrases

Are you sure this is a different temple?   
Ni chiue ding je shr bu tung de sz miau ma?

I think your bags / goats / chickens / family are in my seat   
Uo shiang ni de bau bau/ iang/ ji/ jia ren jan le uo de uei tz

Having lived and worked in Thailand, that looks more Cantonese to me, YYac!

As soon as Tracy said Thai Glow Sticks, I immediately thought of the full moon parties on Koh Phangan, and how much the locals enjoy 10,000 gurning, ecstasy fueled trustafarians ruining their beach...

Jaet bai, farang na' isaat
F*ck off, you western bastard
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Quote from: Ruckus on May 16, 2011, 07:05 PM
C'mon Mark! ;D. Gimme some credit
Course I knew you were playin'

Note to others:  That Thai Soul CD is indeed a great time!

Thank goodness.  I know what a sensitive flower you are, Ruckus, and didn't want to hurt your feelings.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Quote from: MarkW on May 17, 2011, 04:08 AM
I know what a sensitive flower you are, Ruckus, and didn't want to hurt your feelings.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: MarkW on May 17, 2011, 04:07 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 16, 2011, 10:54 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 16, 2011, 10:45 PM
Na shr guei ma?! Uo shiang ni de bau bau/ iang/ ji/ jia ren jan le uo de uei tz
Other useful phrases

Are you sure this is a different temple?   
Ni chiue ding je shr bu tung de sz miau ma?

I think your bags / goats / chickens / family are in my seat   
Uo shiang ni de bau bau/ iang/ ji/ jia ren jan le uo de uei tz

Having lived and worked in Thailand, that looks more Cantonese to me, YYac!
I was trying to translate Tracy's post (to no avail) but found a supposed Thai phrase site and thought they were somewhat odd and humorous.  What do I know? 
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

capt. scotty

Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Apr 26, 2011, 12:52 PM
I feel like they totally reggaed out Phone Went West at T5. I love me some Reggae  ;)
My Morning Jacket - Phone Went West - Terminal 5 - 10-19-10

Thanks for posting this! Ive watched my share of T5 vids every once in awhile, but Im pretty sure I never caught this one since that night...Man, if I can go back 7 months. They jammed out all their long diddies!

..and for the record, OBH should never ever ever be reggaed out
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Dark side of Circuital is that drugs will mess your day up so BE careful!
and don't let stuff bring you down too much.
Also on victory dance Jim is like singing to the heavens or whatever he believes in..that one point in the song right before it gets a bit chaotic jim sounds like he is monk or some crazy deep notes... so awesome
Also dark side of Circuital is that everything these days in connected to CIRCUITS!
MMJ is addressing the rapid pace of development we are in right now b.c the internet etc and this 21st century globalized world.
MMJ has put their time into Rock n Roll and this album basically cements them as great b/c they always deliver they still have no album that was a flop.....BAMF
They may not be selling out arena's but I saw em open for Tom Petty in Jersey and they played Circuital and KILLED IT.
MMJ loves playing their outdoor festivals.... I mean who doesn't wanna go play music to thousands of people that want to lose their faces?
I just wanna freak out... BUT I will play it cool for now until MTN JAM


Quote from: FiddleCastro on Apr 26, 2011, 01:44 PM
Black Metal makes no sense to me, and Circuital sounds like what would happen if Keyboard Cat and John Mellencamp collaborated.  I'm also upset they're probably adding some weird synth and drums to Wonderful. ;D
Black Metal (at first) was a big question mark to me. But I like the fact that it wasn't just so easily palatable and made to be loved. It's hot, sweaty and funky and has grown on me now. But I still haven't listened to the whole song. I want the "album experience".
       "Circuital" does indeed have some parts that sound similar to other songs. Most namely, the point of the song that really picks up and starts rolling sounds exactly like Bon Jovi's "Whole Lotta Leaving" riff off 2008's "Lost Highway" album. EXACTLY. But in truth, everything has been done and creating a completely original piece of music that doesn't sound a little like "this or that" is almost impossible and is unrealistic to expect. I think it's artistic and a beautiful song that makes me feel so warm and happy inside when I hear it.
        Unlike most here (it appears) I love Evil Urges and it's 70's am radio/soul/funk influences. Highly Suspicious is such a great Prince-type funk/rock jam, Thank You Too is one of my fave MMJ songs ever, and Sec Walkin, Two Halves, I'm amazed, Touch me 2 and Librarian make EU virtually a perfect album IMHO.
          But I think MMJ is like a ever evolving ride and I'm in for the long haul. I love when a band grows and evolves and I think this bands evolution has been nothing short of perfect. I'd ask for nothing different. well..... maybe to sit in the corner while Jim cuts some vocal tracks. Then I'll die a happy man.  :thumbsup:
Why does my mind blow to bits everytime they play that song?


This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but is it just me or does the new album sound more "indie"-ish than their past albums? They are considered indie-rock, but they never really had an indie sound (if you know what I mean, while indie is an extremely diverse genre, there seems, to me at least, to be a certain quality to the music that gives it distinct indie-ness). I can definitely feel an "indie" vibe with this album though. Like I said, thats not really a terrible thing, since I, generally speaking, like Indie music.


In the CD store I go to they are under Alternative... but then again that store doesn't have an Indie aisle
Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes


Quote from: passerby25 on May 24, 2011, 10:53 AM
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but is it just me or does the new album sound more "indie"-ish than their past albums? They are considered indie-rock, but they never really had an indie sound (if you know what I mean, while indie is an extremely diverse genre, there seems, to me at least, to be a certain quality to the music that gives it distinct indie-ness). I can definitely feel an "indie" vibe with this album though. Like I said, thats not really a terrible thing, since I, generally speaking, like Indie music.
I know there's an "indie sound", but I've never heard that in the jacket. I haven't listened to Circuital yet, but is it possible the new producer brought that vibe to the album? I think I read this was a first time collaboration with him. They're labelled as Rock in the stores here in VA. But most only know them from the brief period when country radio embraced "I'm Amazed" then tossed em aside when they refused to accept the "country" label. Good for them. They're like a diamond. So many facets. So many sounds.
Why does my mind blow to bits everytime they play that song?