Twas the Week Before X-Mas

Started by eleaf14, Dec 18, 2009, 10:24 AM

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'Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house,

Not a Jackateer was stirring, they were all in a rouse;

The message boards were quiet, not much posting in there,

In hopes that a big announcement soon wake The Bear;

The children were anxious for news on their threads,

While visions of capes and flying v's, danced in their heads;

We had worn out the Monsters, and the Yim Yames,

Its time for the real deal, enough of the games.

When out of the blue there grew such a clatter,

I hit the boards quickly, to research the matter!

Away to the interweb I flew like a flash,

Tore open safari and I opened my cache.

I headed quickly over to the,

hoping for news that would be "da bomb"!

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

It was the Jazzfest announcement, I popped me a beer!

With this great news, I shed a big smile,

They will be back in 2010, it sure felt like a while.

More rapid than wildfire, the boards were aflame,

They whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Yeah Patrick, Yeah Bo, and on to more names...

On Tommy, on Carl, and Mr. Jim James!

To the top of the moon! To the top of the world!

Everyone was excited, and I nearly hurled!

Rumors of new records, and more dates could be true...

and with each little murmur, my hopefulness grew.

We awaited the news, that all of us hoped,

plane tickets were bought and good friends were stoked.

And then, in a twinkling, I did my best...

to install this doorbell to ring Phone Went West.

As I hoped in my head, and was turning around,

Down the news feed came tourdates, out with a bound.

Man it was great, two shows possible and maybe 3,

The Jacket returns, to all bringing glee;

Hotels were booked, days off were planned,

The southeast got love, even a multiple night stand.

My eyes -- how they twinkled! My dimples how merry!

A new venue in Charlotte, NC, yay... pop its cherry!

My droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,

At the thought of house lights dropping to the tune of Lay Low;

More festivals to come and big city shows,

Face melting rock for all those who know;

Mahgeetahs, and Cobras, and The Way He Sings

Evelyns, Anytimes, and Just One Things .

Steam Engines, Goldens, and Old Sept. Blues,

Even Smokin from Shootins > Touch Me Part 2s;

War Beguns, Im Amazed and Aluminum Parks

Sooners, Low Downs, and maybe The Dark;

Lets speak not a word, and just wait for the news,

And maybe, just maybe, they'll lace up the shoes

And lay the special finger aside of the nose,

And giving a nod, our anticipation will go;

An announcement will come soon, so give them a whistle,

And away we will flock, like the down of a thistle.

As for the hiatus, the end is in sight,

"The X-Mas Curtain's been lifted, and to all a good-night."


just brilliant
pure awesomeness

thank you for that while I toil away at work


very cute !!

my christmas wish is .. hence forth with the MMJ !!

...From On High

Oh, I'll never say I knew you.  But my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side.




I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Very nice work eleaf!!!!   :)
Because we're all in this together...


That was great!  Thanks for sharing!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


This is too cute!  Love it.  You've captured the essence of "Jacket Eve"!   ;D ;D ;D
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


You are the poetry god. I tried to write a poem about MMJ once. It wasn't a millionth as good as that thing.


QuoteThis is too cute!  Love it.  You've captured the essence of "Jacket Eve"!   ;D ;D ;D

We need t-shirts.....
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


Two big thumbs up!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"




Thanks Yall. I just wanted to wish the forum a merry Xmas!

Thanks to Abita Xmas ale and the 01 WFPK Xmas broadcast for the inspiration.

Have a great holiday!


im from charlotte. the fillmore needs to be booked for two nights
sometimes you'll see a strange spot in the sky, A human being that was given to fly.


What strikes me about it, reading it again, is how true it is to the band at this moment in time.  And that there are so many dedicated fans out there all over the world.  They might not post here a lot, and they may not even know this place exists, but there is something about this band that makes people fall in love and become obsessed.  I'm working on a decade long obsession with this band and haven't let off the gas pedal yet. Unlike most obsessions, following this band has been rewarding in a number of ways.  Thanks again for the poem and for reminding me why I come here nearly every day.  :)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


that fucking rocked! Made me smile so much!
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


How loud can silence get?


At a loss of words.  It really was genius and hit the spot.  Besides the good health of my friends and family, there's nothing I want more than a 3 hours Jacket show for Christmas.

BRAVO eleaf!  BRAVO!
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Nice eleaf, that was a very cool read  :)

miss gradenko